
HP: Dark Lord Potter

Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts, Dumbledore expects a heroic Gryffindor, he get a Slytherin instead. Multi-Harry, harem, select Weasley bashing, Hermione bashing. OP Harry, dark Harry. I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine

0DarkWolf0 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
17 Chs

Chapter 15

"Harry?" Tonks asked.

"Yes." Harry nodded.

"What are you doing in my room?"

"I wanted to sleep with you."

"How did you get in my room? How did you get in my house? Does my mum know you're here?"

"No she doesn't and does it matter how I got in your house?"

"It does to me."

"So I have to answer?"


"Can we have sex first?"





"Fine." Tonks nodded before getting onto her knees and removing his belt buckle.

An hour later Harry left, and it was only two hours later that Tonks remembered that Harry didn't actually answer her questions.


"Harry!" Ginny cheered when she saw Harry arrive outside her house, she rushed out to greet him and leaped into a big hug which he gladly returned. "Oh, I'm so glad you came."

"Why wouldn't I?" Harry smiled back as the two let go, he looked at the house that Ginny lived in. It looked as if the rooms had been added one at a time and possessed a 'farm house' vibe, but Harry still liked it. "Your house looks interesting." Harry said, genuinely interested. "I've never seen a house built like this, I assume there are muggle wards to stop the muggles from noticing."

"I think so." Ginny nodded, glad that he didn't think her home was rubbish or anything like that. "Do you want to come in?"

"I'd love to." Harry smiled at her, causing her to turn her head so she couldn't see her blush. She walked towards the burrow as calmly as she could with Harry following right behind her.

"Mum, dad, Harry's here." Ginny said when they entered.

"Ah, good to see you Harry." Arthur smiled and shook Harry's hand.

"Thank you sir." Harry smiled. "I want to thank you both for allowing me to visit."

"It was our pleasure." Arthur replied.

"It is a pleasure to see you dear," Molly smiled at him. "how did you get here if you don't mind me asking?"

"Knight bus." Harry answered. "I thought it was quite fun if I'm being honest."

"Not many people do." Arthur replied just as the rest of the Weasley children came down stairs. "Ah, you know my boys."

"I believe so," Harry said as he looked towards them. "Percy Weasley, prefect, right?" He said pointing to the oldest.

"Correct." Percy nodded, puffing his chest out a little.

"Fred and George, twin pranksters, correct?"

"That is right." Both twins said at the same time.

"I'm Fred." The one on the left said.

"I'm George." The one on the right said.

"So you're Fred," Harry pointed to the one on the right, "and you're George." he said, pointing to the one on the left.

"How did you know?!" They blurted out in shock at him actually realising which twin is which.

"I'm smart like that," Harry grinned before looking toward Ron. "oh yeah, Ronald, I know you because you're in my year."

"I prefer if you call me Ron." Ron said.

"If that's what you want." Harry said to Ginny. "Perhaps you could escort me around your lovely house." He suggested.

"Sure, come on." She said pulling on his arm he smiled and walked off with her.

"Just imagine..." Fred started.

"The boy-who-lived as a brother-in-law." George finished.

"What?" Ron looked confused.

"They're saying that in the future Ginny might marry Harry." Percy explained.

"It's a bit too soon for that," Arthur frowned slightly. "they're just kids, let them grow first before any of us start planning weddings."

"Oh but Arthur, think of the possibility of it happening." Molly smiled widely. "Our young Ginevra becoming Mrs Potter."


"And these are Bill and Charlie's rooms." Ginny said, pointing at the rooms. "Those are my two other brothers, Bill's the oldest followed by Charlie, then Percy and the then the twins then Ron and finally there's me."

"Oh I get it, best for last eh?" Harry said with a playful nudge.

"Oh good, you get it." She smirked.

"Oi Harry," A voice called, the two turned to see Ron Weasley walk up to them with an old broomstick in his hand. "me and the rest are coming outside to play quidditch, do you want to come and play?" Ron said with a smile, he just knew that Harry would want to play, after all who doesn't love quidditch?

"Hmm," Harry's face took on a thoughtful look. "I'm not the biggest quidditch fan but I do love a game as much as the next person. Ginny, will you be playing as well?" Harry asked her.

"Ginny?" Ron blurted out before Ginny could say anything. "She can't play."

"Why not?" Harry asked calmly.

"She's too young." Ron answered.

"I'm a year younger than you and you've been playing quidditch since you were seven." Ginny argued, glaring at her brother.

"Yeah but you're a girl." Ron argued.

"And that affects skill and quidditch ability how?" Harry asked.

"Girls can't play quidditch as good as boys." Ron said like it was common knowledge and he didn't understand how Harry didn't know it.

"The Gryffindor team is mostly made up of girls." Harry pointed out. "The Holyhead Harpies, currently one of the top five quidditch teams of the year, is made up entirely of girls."

"The Holyhead Harpies are my favourite team!" Ginny smiled. "Didn't they thrash the Chudley Cannons in their last match together?" Ginny asked, knowing full well that her brother was probably the biggest Chudley Cannon supporter in his year. She glanced at Ron and saw his face turn red.

"I believe they did," Harry said before turning to Ron. "well seeing as Ginny won't be playing with us I will have to refuse." Harry said before walking off along with Ginny.

"Thank you," Ginny said to Harry "but you can go and play if you want."

"Like I said I'm not the biggest quidditch fan, besides I came here to spend time with you." Harry replied.

"Thank you Harry." Ginny said, sending Harry an incredibly bright smile.


"Well thanks you for allowing me to come, but it's time for me to leave now." Harry said to the Weasley family.

"Feel free to come back anytime." Arthur smiled at him.

"I might take you up on that." Harry smiled before waving goodbye to the rest of the family, the family waved back even though Ron was scowling and lacked enthusiasm with his own wave. Harry walked out and walked for about a minute before heard someone call for him.

"Harry!" Ginny called as she ran up to him.

"Yes?" Harry turned to her. "did I forget something?"

"No...it's...it's just I forgot something I wanted to do." Ginny said, in a nervous voice.

"Oh, you have my interest." Harry said stepping forwards and standing an inch away from her. "Well?" Harry asked after several seconds of quite.

"It's just...oh screw it!" Ginny quickly leaned up and kissed him on the lips before pulling back. "Oh god I'm sorry! I just..." Ginny found herself cut off by a kiss, this time initiated by Harry.

"Don't apologise, I liked it." He smiled at her. "I'll see you later." He said before walking off and leaving a stunned Ginny.


"How are we?" Harry asked when he arrived in Malfoy manner.

"Uh...my lord!" Draco stood up and bowed. "It's an honour to have you here."

"I'm sure," Harry drawled. "sit down Draco, I'm not expecting from you today."

"T...thank you my lord." Draco sat down.

"Where is your sister?" Harry asked.

"She's with father...in her room...I'm not entirely sure what they're doing." Draco confessed. "But I'm pretty sure it's painful judging by the way my father's crying."

"Hmm." Was all Harry said before he teleported and ended up outside Isabella's room, he did indeed hear the sound of cries and walked in to find Malfoy curled up into a ball while Isabella was laughing and striking him with a whip. "Isabella." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Harry?" Isabella stopped whipping and turned to him.

"What do you think you are doing wrong here?" Harry asked.

"Am...am I not whipping him hard enough?" Isabella asked.

"No, I don't think that's a problem," Harry said as he glanced at the shaking Malfoy. "first of all always remember to have a silencing and locking charm around your room when you torture person, no sense in disturbing others unless you have future victims tied up outside."

"Oh right." Isabella slapped her head, wondering how she forgot that.

"Also, your whip technique needs work. Pass it here," Harry said, Isabella handed him the whip. "watch how I do it." Harry said before whipping Malfoy, causing him to scream in pain. "Now you try." Harry said, handing the whip back. Isabella did it exactly like Harry did. "Excellent."

"Also remember, don't torture him too much. You don't want him to break. He's suffering needs to be spread out throughout his life."

"So...just one more minute?" Isabella asked. Harry looked at the shaking and fearful Malfoy.

"Yeah about a minute." Harry ruffled her hair before walking out. "I'm going to go see your mum and aunt."

"Have fun." He heard Isabella call before he detected a silencing spell come up once he left the room.

"That's my girl." Harry said proudly before walking towards the room where Bellatrix was staying.

He entered the room, to find Bellatrix and Narcissa inside and waiting for him. Bellatrix was wearing nothing apart from a red silk robe that went down to upper thigh while also emphasising her chest. Narcissa on the other hand had the exact same thing but in a black colour.

"Ah, is this for me?" Harry asked as they walked up to him, Bellatrix stood on his right with Narcissa on his left and Harry suddenly found his face stuck between two marvelous chests.

"Who else?" Bellatrix grinned. "I hope you're ready master."

"Because we certainly are." Narcissa whispered into his ear with a hot voice.


"Harry!" Harry heard Ginny call him when he arrived on the platform to go back to Hogwarts, He turned to see her walking up towards him.

"Hello Ginny, you're looking as lovely as ever." Harry said.

"Thanks," To Ginny's credit her blush was a minor one. "did you just get here?"

"Yes," Harry nodded. "I'm going to go and get a compartment before everyone else. Do you want to share one with me and my friends?"

"Uh...I don't know if they'll like me." Ginny said in a nervous voice.

"Trust me, they'll like you." Harry said with a reassuring smile.

"Uh...okay then." She nodded.

"Great, do you want me to take your trunk for you while you go and say goodbye to your family?" Harry offered.

"Thank you, that'd be lovely." She said. "I have to warn you though, it is a bit heavy and..." Ginny's voice died out when she saw Harry easily lift her trunk, he gave her a small smile before walking onto the train.


"Ginny," Harry said when Ginny arrived at his compartment. "come in and I'll introduce you to everyone."

Ginny gave a small nod and came in before sitting next to Harry in the spot that he gestured to. She kept a brave face despite her nervousness at being in a compartment filled with beautiful girls that were all Slytherin's apart from the one Hufflepuff. While Ginny wasn't totally in Ron's 'all Slytherin's are evil' group, she was still a girl who grew up hearing her brothers complain about them.

"Guys, this is Ginny Weasley." Harry introduced Ginny to the girls. "Now this lovely Hufflepuff here is Crystal Peters..." Harry paused for Crystal to greet Ginny.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Crystal smiled as she shook Ginny's hand.

"Now onto the Slytherin girls, this is Daphne Greengrass, Tracy Davis and Isabella Malfoy." Harry said, Daphne and Tracy greeted Ginny first before Isabella greeted her.

"Hi," Isabella said while shaking Ginny's hand. "I'm sorry by the way."

"What for?" Ginny asked with a confused expression.

"About my dad being a dick to yours." Isabella said bluntly. "Just do us a favour and don't judge me on what that idiots done."

"Um...okay." Ginny nodded.

"So...you want to play exploding snap?" Tracy asked.


A short while after getting off the train the group found themselves sitting in the great hall at the Slytherin table while Ginny had joined the other first years and was currently waiting to be sorted. A few went to Slytherin, one of the more noticeable ones was a petite girl with dirty blond hair and radishes for earrings along with a necklace made out of blue beards and a big cork. The girl happily skipped to the Slytherin table but instead of sitting with the other first years she skipped over to where Harry was sitting and sat directly opposite him and in-between Tracy and Daphne.

"Hello." She said to Harry in a dreamy voice. "You have a lot of different creatures on your head." She said. The other Slytherin's paused, all looked towards Harry who currently had an emotionless face and was looking at her. They all waited for Harry's reaction.

"What...is your name?" Harry asked.

"Luna, Luna Lovegood." She said with a dreamy smile.

"I like you." Harry said, his face breaking into a smile.

"That's nice." She smiled.

"I'm going to keep you." Harry declared.

"Okay...will I get pudding?" She asked with a frown.

"Of course you'll get pudding...I'm not a total monster."

"That's fine then." She smiled before she began looking around the hall with a dreamy expression just as Harry returned to watching the sorting. All the other Slytherin's seemed to have non-verbally agreed to just ignore what happened.

Soon it was Ginny's turn to be sorted, she nervously walked up to the stool and sat down. The sorting hat was placed on her head as she gripped the edge of her seat. Five minutes later the hat had made its choice.

"Slytherin!" It shouted, surprising many as they all believed that she would join Gryffindor along with the rest of her family. None were more surprised than Dumbledore and the Weasley brothers, the latter all had their jaws dropped as Ginny walked towards the Slytherin table and towards the only group of Slytherin's she knew.

"Hi Ginny," Harry have her a bright smile as she sat next to him. "I'm glad you're here." He said, sending a small bit of magic towards her to help her feel better.

"Thank you Harry," She smiled back at him, wondering how his simple smile was enough to get her to forget about her nervousness. "I'm glad that I'm here."

"I promise you," Harry grinned. "you'll love it here."