
HP: Dark Lord Potter

Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts, Dumbledore expects a heroic Gryffindor, he get a Slytherin instead. Multi-Harry, harem, select Weasley bashing, Hermione bashing. OP Harry, dark Harry. I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine

0DarkWolf0 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
17 Chs

Chapter 14

"Mummy, daddy," Ginny said when she got home along with the rest of the Harry. "can I invite Harry to come over please?"

"I'm fine with it." Arthur Weasley replied.

"Of course dear." Molly said, while making a mental note to tell Dumbledore everything.

"Why would Harry come if you invite him?" Ron said while sending Ginny a small glare, still not over the fact that Ginny was Harry's friend even though he wasn't.

"Because I'm his friend." Ginny said in a smug voice before skipping away and up the stairs to her room where she was greeted by Mercury who flew onto her shoulder. "Hello Mercury," She smiled as she walked over to get a parchment and quill.

"Ginny," Ron said as he came into her room. "I need to..."

"Don't you knock?!" Ginny demanded.

"Well sorry," Ron rolled his eyes, and therefore missed the short smile that Ginny had on her face when she saw that Ron also couldn't see Mercury and now knew without any doubt that only she could see it, and perhaps Harry. "but I need to talk to you about Harry. What have you two been talking about in your letters?"

"Stuff." Ginny shrugged.

"Yeah but what stuff?" Ron asked.

"What's it matter to you?" Ginny narrowed his eyes.

"Because I've been trying to be his friend for the last year, it's not fair for you to just be his friend."

"It's not my fault if you can't make friends."

"I can make friends!" Ron said, turning a little Red. "But those Slytherin's were keeping him away from me all year. If I had a few minutes alone with then I bet we'd become best mates."

"I doubt it," Ginny said under her breath as she and Harry had actually spent quite a bit of their time discussing things they didn't like about Ron. She cleared her throat and spoke to her brother. "look Ron, all we ever talked about was regular stuff, he told me about school and lessons and I told him about what it was like staying at the burrow."

"But how did you get him to write back to you?" Ron persisted.

"I didn't, he wrote me first." Ginny said with a small smile.

"He what?!" Ron demanded with disbelief.

"He wrote me first." Ginny repeated. "He asked if I wanted to write to him and I said yes then we wrote all year. "

"But why did he..."

"You can ask him next time you see him." Ginny cut Ron off. "Now if you're done can you get out of my room?"

"Fine." Ron glared at her before leaving her room.

"Prat." Ginny rolled her eyes before sitting down and turning to Mercury. "He's a big prat isn't he?" She asked Mercury who nodded and trilled in agreement.


"Did you both enjoy your year at school?" Narcissa Malfoy asked when the Malfoy family arrived back in their manner.

"Yes mother." Draco said in a quiet voice.

"It was the best time of my life," Isabella smiled widely. "I can't wait to go next year."

"You're not the only one who can't wait for you to leave." Lucius Malfoy sniffed.

"Oh I'm sorry dad, did you say something?" Isabella asked in a sweet voice. "I just could hear you over the sound of you sounding like an absolute cunt." The entire family stopped and turned to her.

Draco wasn't surprised, his sister had been a heck of a lot more confident since meeting their new lord and was completely different from how she used to act a year ago. Draco was tempted to say something but he knew better, if he upset his sister then he would upset his lord.

Narcissa looked shock at the sudden insult that came out of Isabella's mouth, she had definitely not expected this from the girl that used to just do her best to stay out of the way. Her shock was soon overcome by a sudden worry of what her husband would do.

Lucius Malfoy at that moment had worked himself into a very quick rage, he couldn't believe that this girl had dared to talk to him like that. There were very few people he would tolerate such disrespect from and even fewer that he wouldn't retaliate against. This girl was not one of them.

"You...dare...to speak to me like that?!" He raged, gripping his cane tightly.

"I do." Isabella smiled. "After all, I don't care about you anymore."

"You filth..." Malfoy raised his hand to slap her but was cut off by the sound of clapping. He and Narcissa quickly pulled out their wands and looked around for the source of the clapping.

"He's here." Draco and Isabella said at the same time but with different reactions. Draco seemed resigned, as if he was about to watch a horrible car crash that he couldn't stop. Isabella on the other hand smiled before clapping happily and jumping up and down on the spot.

"Who?!" Lucius demanded.

"My new lord." Isabella smiled. The adult Malfoy was about to respond when suddenly the room changed and they found themselves sitting in the room of the manor used to greet guests. All the Malfoy's found themselves sat in the chairs that they would usually sit the guests in. Apart from Isabella who ended up at in the chair that was usually reserved for the wife of the house.

"How are we?" Harry asked as he sat in the seat where Lucius Malfoy would usually sit.

"What?! Who are you?! I...wait...Potter!" Malfoy shouted. "What are you doing in my house?!" Malfoy Sr tried to get up when suddenly he lot the ability to move along with all the other Malfoy's apart from Draco and Isabella, the latter had squealed and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and kissed him on the cheek.

"I missed you!" She said as she smiled at him.

"We've been apart for a few minutes." Harry pointed out with an amused smile.

"I still missed you." Isabella shrugged.

"What is going on here?!" Lucius Malfoy demanded.

"Oh, Harry Potter meet my mother." Isabella pointed at Narcissa, she then pointed at Lucius. "And that's Draco's biological dad."

"And yours." Harry said.

"What?!" Isabella and Draco blurted out in shock.

"Your magic, it knows more than you do." Harry said softly. "Mrs Malfoy is not your mother but Mr Malfoy is definitely your father."

"You lied to me!" Isabella glared at Lucius Malfoy. "Who is my mother?!"

"I do not have to answer you girl!" Malfoy sneered at her. "And you do not get to..."

"He cheated on Mrs Malfoy with a muggle." Harry cut him off. "Your mental shields are shit by the way." Harry said to a shocked Lucius Malfoy before turning to Isabella. "Your father got drunk one day and ended up sleeping with a muggle. After you were born he took you away and your mother was killed in a raid that Voldemort had ordered, funnily enough your father was in charge of that raid. Mrs Malfoy stopped him from killing you but to him you were always a reminder that he had intercourse with a muggle."

"You bastard!" Isabella tried to lunge at Malfoy but was held back by Harry grabbing her by the waist. "Let me kill him!" She shouted.

"Not yet." Harry said as he pulled her back into her seat. "I'm giving you a choice my dear, you can kill your father now or make him suffer all his life." Isabella paused in her attempts to attack Malfoy.

"I'm listening." She said to Harry. Harry leaned closer and whispered into her ear, a few moment later he pulled back and looked at her. "That works for me." She said with a small smile.

"I'm glad, now be a dear and leave me alone with your parents for a while. Draco you leave as well." Harry ordered, Draco nodded and got up before leaving. Isabella kissed Harry on the lips before happily skipping away. As soon as she left the doors and windows of the room closed by themselves. "So...would you like to say anything in your defence Malfoy?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't answer to you Potter! You filthy little half-blooded..." Malfoy found himself cut off as he felt a wand pressed against his neck.

"Now, now..." The person behind him cooed, he paled as he instantly recognised the voice. "...you should be more careful how you talk to your superiors." She said in a warning tone.

"Bellatrix?!" Narcissa gasped in shock.

"Oh hello Cissy," Bellatrix smiled at her sister, as if she wasn't holding a wand to her brother-in-laws neck. "you're looking brilliant."

"What are you doing here?" Narcissa asked, still in complete shock. "I heard of your escape from Azkaban." She said, looking at her sister who looked absolutely nothing like a person who had been in Azkaban, instead of being thin and unhealthily like expected, Bellatrix instead possessed a body shape that would be expected from a super model or actress, her skin while pale did not look unhealthy.

"Not so much escape as being rescued." Bellatrix shrugged.

"Rescued by who?"

"My lord and master." Bellatrix laughed loudly.

"The dark lord has returned?!" Lucius gasped, only for Bellatrix to push her wand further into his neck.

"That half-blood liar is not my master!" Bellatrix growled.

"Half-blood?" Narcissa blurted out in disbelief.

"But...but if he's not your master than who?!" Malfoy said, not liking how her wand dug into his skin.

"He's sitting in front of you." Bellatrix grinned and gestured to Harry.

"Him?! He's a child!"

"He was the one who got me out of Azkaban and he was the one killed my husband and his fugly brother!" Bellatrix said, causing both Malfoy adults to widen their eyes and look at Harry who simply gave them a small wave.

"That was fun." Harry smiled.

"It was." Bellatrix said with a wistful and reminiscent expression. "I remember it like it was yesterday, I wake up...go to the bathroom...come out and find my husband and his brother tied up along with a note from you telling me how you freed me from the contract. And then after hours and hours of me torturing them I had you ravish me in front of them before you killed them. I almost want to bring them back just so we could do it again."

"Ravished you?" Narcissa blushed as she looked between Bellatrix and Harry.

"Yes, me and my master have spent quite a lot of time together, interested in having a go Cissy?" Bellatrix offered.

"There is no way that my wife will be having intercourse with this low blooded sun of a mud..." Lucius was cut off by Bellatrix.

"Crucio!" She roared, sending a high powered torture curse at Lucius. Lucius screamed in pain while Narcissa jumped in her seat. The curse lasted for several seconds before Bellatrix stopped, she was about to say something but then she changed her mind and put him under the curse for another ten seconds. "Never insult my master's mother!" Bellatrix glared at him once she had let go. "Shall I kill him my lord?" She asked Harry.

"As entertaining and tempting as that is, no, you will not kill him." Harry answered. "When he dies it will be by Isabella's hand or at the very least with her permission. But no, Lucius will suffer. However, he did come dangerously close to insulting my mother so I must punish him as well. But first, Mrs Malfoy..." Harry looked towards Narcissa who looked towards him upon hearing him address her. "...tell me, you knew that Isabella was not your daughter, correct?"

"That is correct." She answered, doing her best to keep the nervousness out of her voice.

"Yet you treated her better than her father and brother, why?" Harry asked.

"She did not deserve it," Narcissa said in a quiet voice as she looked down to the floor. "she didn't deserve to suffer, she had done nothing wrong besides exist."

"Hmm," Harry started at her for several seconds. "do you know what I think you are Mrs Malfoy?" He asked.

"No," Narcissa shook her head. "what do you think I am if you do not mind me asking?"

"Worthy," Harry grinned. "tell me, do you like being married to Malfoy?"

"You little..." Lucius started talking only to get silenced by Bellatrix putting him under the torture curse for three seconds before silencing him with a silencing spell.

"Do not interrupt my master." She hissed into Lucius's ear.

"Thank you dear," Harry smiled at Bellatrix before turning back to Narcissa. "well Mrs Malfoy? Do you like being married to Malfoy?"

"O...of course I do." Narcissa replied, a bit too quickly for Harry's liking and her small stutter didn't go unnoticed either.

"Come now Mrs Malfoy, there is no need to lie." Harry smiled at her. "You can tell me, tell me about your marriage." Harry said in a soft voice, his eyes flashed for a second.

"I..." Narcissa's eyes flashed green for a second before turning to her natural colour. "I hate it..." she confessed, for some reason feeling like she had to tell the truth. "...I...I hate it! I wish I had never gotten married to him! He...he doesn't care for me...he treats me like a trophy...he's poisoned my own son so he barely talks to me...I just want someone who cares."

"What if you had someone who did?" Bellatrix asked in a soft and surprisingly gentle tone. "Would that make you happy?"

"Y...yes." Narcissa nodded.

"Well today's your lucky day," Harry smiled at her before turning to Lucius. "you know what Malfoy, I've decided on your punishment for insulting my mother is to watch me take your wife right in front of you." Lucius's eyes widened in rage as Narcissa's jaw dropped in surprise, Lucius opened his mouth to speak as he had forgotten about there being a silencing spell but the second he did Bellatrix waved her wand and a gag appeared in his mouth. "Well done Bellatrix, you're doing brilliantly today. Remind to reward you later."

"Yes master." Bellatrix said with a small curtsy and a beaming smile.

Narcissa was about to speak when suddenly a wave of lust hit her, causing her to groan as she realised that she had regained the ability to move. She slid off the chair and onto her hands and knee, her breath became heavy as she focused on Harry. She crawled towards him and then began climbing up his chair. She kissed him passionately, with her hands going to the side of her face. After several seconds of aggressive kissing her lips began attacking his jaw before going down towards his neck. She licked and kissed his neck, attacking it with her tongue and lips like it owed her money.

"Bellatrix dear," Harry said as he grinned at the look of rage that came upon Lucius's face. "I want you to make sure Lucy boy over there keeps looking. If he looks away give him a torture curse to remind him where to keep his attention, if he looks away more than five times than feel free to remove an eyeball."

"Yes master." Bellatrix grinned evilly as she stepped behind Malfoy, she grabbed him roughly by his hair and forced him to look by aiming his head towards Harry's direction while waving her wand which caused tape to appear and keep his eyelids open.

"You're in for a show Malfoy." Harry said as Narcissa began stripping her clothes as she straddled him and began attacking his lips with her own, their tongues began battling for domination as Harry's hands went to her breast, he played with them, only stopping for a brief moment so she could remove her top layer of clothing. His hands slipped down and caressed her body before he grabbed her by the rear and squeezed several times.

"You're overdressed." Harry whispered to Narcissa.

"Yes, I am." She said in a husky voice as she began removing the rest of her clothes.

"Enjoying the show Lucy?" Bellatrix asked Malfoy who looked like he was close to breaking the silencing spell through sheer rage.


An hour later Narcissa was on the floor, panting and out of breath without a single bit of clothing while Lucius was fully clothed and panting for a different reason, his reason was because Bellatrix had crucioed him three times while forcing him to look at his wife getting fucked by Potter. He had been forced to watch his wife be used by Potter who had taken in her various positions. He had her on her knees, on her hands and knees, on her back, on him and he even had her in positions that Lucius didn't even think were possible.

"She was pretty good," Harry said as he put his own clothes. "though I noticed that everything after the first two inches felt brand new. I wonder Lucy, was that a size problem or are you incapable of lasting past the first few seconds? What do you think Bellatrix?"

"I'd say both my lord." Bellatrix answered.

"Probably," Harry agreed as he waved his hand and Narcissa disappeared, having been sent to her bedroom. "now Lucius, I humiliated you. Now...now I'm going to hurt you." Harry said as he walked towards Malfoy.

Lucius, who was angry beyond what he thought was possible, suddenly felt his anger die out when Harry began walking to him. Lucius saw a subtle shift in the boy's body language and face, suddenly the air got heavy and Lucius found it very difficult to breath. He had experienced feeling the dark lord's magical power and feeling Dumbledore's, right now Lucius could easily say they had nothing on Potter. In just an instant Lucius Malfoy's anger was replaced with fear.

Bellatrix, who didn't suffer from Harry's magic as it wasn't her it was targeting, just sat back and enjoyed the show. All the while thinking about how it was probably a good idea that the room had been silenced so nobody could hear what was happening inside, because if they could then all they would probably hear was a lot of screaming.


"Harry, this is our house elf and my friend Dobby." Isabella said as she and her mother, and Draco came to say goodbye to him when he wanted to leave after spending a couple of hours in Malfoy manner.

"It is an honour to meet you Dobby." Harry said, shaking the elf's hand as he looked at Harry with awe.

"Dobby cannot believe he is meeting the great Harry Potter sir," Dobby said. "and the great Harry Potter sir say's it is an honour to meet Dobby! No sir, Dobby is honoured sir! Dobby is glad that Mistress Isabella is great Harry Potter's friend."

"More than friend," Harry smiled before frowning at the state of Dobby, it was clear that he was not treated well and abused. Harry tapped his finger on Dobby's head, seconds later all of Dobby's body was healed. "that's better." He said.

"Great Harry Potter healed Dobby?!" Dobby whispered in shock, looking at Harry like he was a god.

"You will not be harmed from now on," Harry said, glancing at Draco who quickly nodded to show he understood. "if you are then inform mistress Isabella."

"Thank you so much Harry." Isabella smiled before kissing Harry. "I'm so glad that you're in my life." She said, also looking at him like he was a god.

"Call me anytime you need me," Harry smiled at her before turning towards Narcissa. "I'm glad you're fine with Bellatrix staying here. I'll be sure to visit if that's fine with you."

"She's my sister, I will always try to help her. Besides, she refused to stay away when 'her favourite niece' still needs to be trained. In fact, would you like to come along and say goodbye before you leave?"

"That depends on if you're willing to accompany me." Harry grinned.

"Of course." Narcissa smirked and walked away with Harry following her. Harry placed his around her hips before his hand slid down to her back. "My, my, that's quite forward of you." She said in a teasing manner.

"After all we've done in one hour alone, I think we're far past forward." Harry said, slapping her backside, causing her to squeal and blush. When they arrived at the room, they entered to find nobody inside. "Perhaps we have the wrong room." Harry said just before Narcissa closed the door, she waved her wand and cast some locking and privacy spells. She leaned her back against he door as she turned to Harry.

"Perhaps, but maybe we an take advantage of that..." She said as she walked forward and placed her hands on Harry's shoulders. "...perhaps I can say goodbye to you before you say your goodbyes to my sister? Surely you can waste another hour?"

"I'm sure you could convince me." Harry grinned.


"What do you think our lord did to father?" Draco asked his sister as they sat down, each with a book in their hand.

"Who cares?" Isabella said. "Lucy!" She called out, a second later Lucius Malfoy crawled towards her on his hand and knees with a collar around his neck as his whole body shook and he looked like he was scared out of his mind thanks to his eyes that constantly looked around as if expecting the devil to come for him. "Foot stool now you prick." Isabella said, spitting on his face.

"Y...yes mistress." Lucius Malfoy said in a shaking voice before he placed himself in position to be her footstool.

"You do realise that you're my bitch now?" Isabella asked as she rested her feet on Malfoy's back.

"Y...yes m...mistress." Malfoy stuttered.

"Sister, I hope I don't sound offensive...but you and our lord are made for each other." Draco said, looking at his sister with more than a little fear.

"Thank you!" Isabella smiled brightly.