
HP: Dark Lord Potter

Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts, Dumbledore expects a heroic Gryffindor, he get a Slytherin instead. Multi-Harry, harem, select Weasley bashing, Hermione bashing. OP Harry, dark Harry. I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine

0DarkWolf0 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
17 Chs

Chapter 12

"Uh...hi." Fay said as she stood up along with Harry, she held the books close to her chest with her left arm while she used her right hand to push her hair out of her face and tuck some of it behind her ear. She struggled coming up with something to say as she felt the gaze of Harry Potter on her. "Uh...it's...it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise." He smiled at her and she had felt a shiver run up her spine, a pleasurable one as well. "So, do all the Gryffindor's look as brilliant as you?"

"T...thanks" She blushed heavily, partially because of his flirty smile and partly because of his words no matter how unoriginal they were. "Uh...no, I mean I think they probably look better."

"We'll see but let's not pretend you aren't good looking." Harry said as he stepped closer, his hand slowly rose and gently tucked one lose strand behind her ear like she had done before. She froze and looked at him, her eye briefly flashing green as she did so. "I have to go now but perhaps we can get together and talk sometime." He said, his eyes flashed briefly.

"Uh...yeah." She found herself agreeing before she could even process what happened. She blinked and shook her head, she looked forwards and jumped back in surprise when she found that he had disappeared.


Cho Chang, the beautiful black haired second year Ravenclaw was currently sat in the Library, working on her homework. At least that's what it looked like to anyone that would walk by, in reality the girl was thinking, thinking about something specific. Someone specific actually.

Harry Potter.

Cho like any other girl or boy in the wizarding world had heard of Harry Potter, all that was really known about him was that he had survived the killing curse and defeated you-know-who, the worst dark lord of all time. Cho remembered when she had first saw him, he looked incredibly handsome, he walked with an effortless grace. She was surprised when he got entered into Slytherin, most assumed he would be in Gryffindor. Some because of his parents and others because he was the boy-who-lived and Gryffindor was the home of the brave and noble.

But then he ended up in Slytherin, it didn't bother Cho so much seeing as they are just houses but a lot of other people were. Some were even trying to work out if he was an evil and dark wizard. But personally Cho didn't think he was evil, he saved her after all. Using a first year charm as well, but she knew he was smart, rumours of how impressive he was in class had circled the school twice already. Though many weren't surprised, he was the boy-who-lived after all.

This brought Cho to another thought, Harry Potter had kissed her. He took her first kiss, on one hand she should be mad at him for doing that but on the other hand she liked it. It was a nice kiss after all, plus he did save her from a troll so it was the least she could do. Though the problem with that kiss was the desire to have more, she wanted another she wanted to kiss Harry Potter again.


"Be quiet you brats!" Snape snapped as he entered the classroom and the children immediately became quiet as they could see Snape was in an angry mood, more so than usual.

And he was, Snape was tired and angry, he had always hated teaching these brats and now everything was worse seeing as he had to relearn everything he needed to teach before each lesson. But that didn't seem to do any good as he kept forgetting everything after a few hours. He still blamed Potter for this, who else's fault could it be? It was clearly Potter's fault, the problem was trying to fix it and prove that it was him.

He walked towards the front of the board and picked up a piece of chalk and began writing down the potion for the class to make, this irritated him even more as he had to actually physically write it down and try not to forget it midway.

"There, get to work brats." He said before he made his way to his desk, he sat behind it and took out a book and began reading.

Harry could have of course left him alone, but then again Harry could have of course decided not to be evil. Harry got to work on his potion while sending subtle glances at Snape, he waited for the exact moment when everybody stopped looking and made a very subtle change to the cover of the book that Snape was reading. Later during the class many people would glance at Professor Snape and see that he was reading a book where the cover was one of a half naked girl in a very suggestive pose.

Many people changed colours, some red because of the cover and some green when they imagined what Snape was thinking as he read the book. Snape of course didn't notice, which didn't really help the situation. Needless to say everyone was going to hear about this by the end of the day.

Near the end of the lesson Snape got up and finally put his book down, he walked around the classroom, after spending about five minutes insulting everyone's potions and ignoring the fact that he could no longer make them himself. After a great many insults he stopped at the front of the class.

"Potter!" Snape suddenly shouted.

"Yes sir" Harry spoke in a calm and polite voice, he was tempted to just rip out Snape's throat but for now he would settle with just acting normal, that had the effect of making Snape looking crazier since he was obviously targeting Harry who in the eyes of the rest of the class was just acting normally and had made a good potion. It saddened Harry that the head of the house of 'cunning and ambition' couldn't at least be subtle in his attempts to antagonise him and did even realise that he was causing himself to become less liked within his own house.

After all, Slytherin's stuck together outside of the common room. That was a big and important rule that they had to stick with, so to have the head of house target the best Slytherin publicly was not something they approved of.

"Your potion is perfect." Snape glared, as if the potion was a personal insult to him. The fact that Potter could make a perfect potion while he couldn't remember one angered him beyond belief.

"Thank you sir."

"Five points from Slytherin for interrupting, as I was saying, your potion is perfect. You must've cheated." Snape claimed and all of the class looked at him with disbelief, especially the Slytherin's who had seen Harry make the potion. Even the Gryffindor's, the rivals of Slytherin, could see that Potter had not cheated.

"I did not sir," Harry calmly denied what Snape said. "if you do not believe me then you can ask Isabella, Daphne, Tracy or any of the others around me."

"Ten points for lying! You are not as smart as me Potter." Snape sneered.

"Hey!" Isabella said ready to come to Harry's defense, she could only listen to so much after all. She was about to say more when Harry placed his hand on her, signalling her to calm down. She did so, highly reluctantly and then Harry removed his hand and looked at Professor Snape.

"I like to think that I am Professor," Harry said to him. "perhaps we can have a pop quiz in potions, let's take a day and tomorrow we can have a quiz on potions and see who's smarter."

Snape thought about it, as far as he was concerned Potter had just pretty much admitted he knows and is responsible for him not being able to use magic or remember potion. He was highly tempted to accept the brats challenge but knew that he couldn't, he couldn't even remember the basics of a single potion and he was not going to be embarrassed by him.

"Leave Potter."

"I beg your pardon sir?"

"Leave this class before I give you a detention!" Snape snarled.

"Very well sir." Harry slowly stood up and walked out.

"Hmm," Snape huffed once Harry was gone. "now that Potter is gone we can..." He found himself being interrupted as Harry walked back in. "...what are you doing here Potter?! I told you to get out!"

"I forgot something sir." Harry replied.


"Instruments that record, analyse, summarise, organise, debate and explain information that can be illustrated, non-illustrated, hard-bound, paperback, jacketed, non-jacketed with foreword, introduction, table-of-contents, index, that are intended for the enlightenment, understanding, enrichment, enhancement and the education of the human brain through sensory route of vision and sometimes touch." Harry explained quickly as he went back to his desk, ignoring the confusion from the rest of the class.

"What?!" Snape said, echoing the last thing he said.

"My books sir, I forgot my books." Harry explained as he held up his books to show them to class.

"Well why didn't you just say that?! Snape demanded when Harry began walking to the door.

"Well sir," Harry said as he stopped in the doorway "I thought that someone as smart as you could have figured it out." He walked out, leaving the class to try and hold back their laughter.

"Shut it!" Snape snapped when he heard giggles. "I said shut up!" He demanded, frothing at the mouth.


"My lord?" Bellatrix blinked when Harry entered the room. "I thought you still had class." She said as she stood up and walked towards him. "Is something wrong my lord? I..." Bellatrix was suddenly cut off by her body freezing, she let out a small scream as her body flew towards the bed. She stopped just before she reached it, her arm were brought behind her back as she was made to bend over and lean against the bed. "My lord?" She gasped.

"I do apologise Bella." Harry said as he walked towards her and placed a hand on her backside. "But I am quite angry now," he said as his hands trailed to her hips and continued upwards. "and I have to deal with that one way or another. Now I could jut destroy something, or I could deal with my frustrations using you." Harry grabbed her hair and gave a slight pull on her hair. "You don't mind do you?" He asked in a small whisper.

"N...no my lord." Bellatrix said with a small smile tugging on her lips, she rather enjoyed how rough her lord was being right now. "I am...I am yours. You can use me for whatever you want whenever you want."

"Well that is lovely to know," Harry grinned. "don't worry my loyal servant, I shall make it pleasurable for you too."


"I assure you headmaster, the rumour has been spread throughout the school." McGonagall said as she Dumbledore, Flitwick and Sprout were waiting for Snape to arrive for their meeting.

"I have also heard the rumour." Sprout frowned.

"Me too," Flitwick nodded. "it's all anybody is talking about. Everywhere I go I either here about how Snape was looking at inappropriate books or about how he was behaving against Mr Potter or both. Mostly both."

"This is quite serious, something will have to be done." Dumbledore frowned as he wondered what the hell was wrong with his spy, he could understand if Snape wanted to read such books in private but what on Earth would make him want to read them in public. As for his actions against Mr Potter, Dumbledore thought that being a little biased against the boy was fine but he needed Snape around so he couldn't have the professor acting so extreme and dramatic.

It would take a little effort but Dumbledore was positive he could deal with this without it being too much of a problem, he would have to talk to Severus though. This was not something that he would like to constantly deal with, plus if he kept dealing with incidents like this then they would build up and that could cause problems. He had dealt with many complaints about Severus over the years from a variety of students but he has always been able to sweep those under the rug but when Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, was the student in question then that made things much more difficult.

Harry Potter was the 'saviour of the wizarding world', if people knew that Snape who was an ex-death eater was targeting him in such an extreme manner then that could cause problems not only for Hogwarts but himself personally. Dumbledore had also heard about Harry's response to Snape, the book thing was absolutely genius. He felt slightly relieved to have such a smart saviour under his control but on the other hand this made things more difficult as the boy could possibly work out things he shouldn't.

Dumbledore was brought out of his thoughts as that moment Snape chose to enter the room.

"Ah Severus," Dumbledore said once Snape closed the door. "please come and take a seat, I do believe we need to have a discussion about you and your behaviour."

"My behaviour?!" Snape blurted out with disbelief. "Is this because of Potter?! Of course it is! Let me guess, the brat complained and cried and naturally the whole world jumped to make it right for the arrogant little sh..."

"Severus!" Dumbledore interrupted with a stern expression which caused Snape to shut up. "I can see why it's necessary to have this conversation," he added in a disappointed voice. "now sit down, be quiet and listen."

"Very well headmaster." Snape said with a sour look as he plopped into the seat and crossed his arms. He was still positive that this was Potter's fault.


"That's enough for today," Bellatrix said after another training session with the girls in Harry's room. "you've all improved at a brilliant pace. Once I'm done you'll be excellent witches worthy of standing in battle alongside our lord."

"Really?!" Isabella asked with an excited expression.

"I'd say so." Harry said from his position as he sat on a chair so he could watch the girls. "It has been impressive, I knew I was right in picking you three." Harry added, causing the girls to blush.

"Thank you," Daphne spoke as she was the most composed girl at the moment. "by the way, we were wondering..."

"'Wandering'" Isabella snickered as she held up her wand.

"Anyway," Tracy continued, ignoring Isabella and her aunt who both thought that that was hilarious. "do you now what's in the third floor corridor that Dumbledore forbid us from going to?"

"Isn't the term 'forbade'?" Isabella asked curiously.

"Well," Harry said, ignoring Isabella for the moment. "I do know what it is, especially since I stole it already."

"What?!" Everyone turned to him.

"Well if he wanted it safe then he shouldn't brought so much attention to it," Harry shrugged. "besides I couldn't ignore it's magical signature for too long, I've left a fake and replicated the magical signature so I doubt anyone's noticed."

"What is it?" Daphne asked.

"Oh, just the philosopher's stone." Harry said in a casual voice.

"The philosopher's stone?!" Bellatrix blurted out in shock. "The famous stone with the ability to produce gold and the elixir of life?!"

"The very same." Harry nodded. "Sadly not very appealing to me."

"What?!" Tracy blurted out with disbelief. "How is it not?"

"Because I don't need help to make gold." Harry said as he waved his hand and a block of gold appeared for each of them.

"Yeah but wizards can't make permanent gold." Daphne pointed out.

"Take the gold and you can tell me when it disappears." Harry said with a grin. "As for the elixir of life I don't fear death, either way I am going to keep it for now. I have other things to do."

"Like what?" Isabella asked.

"Well for one I think I've found one girl who could be more devoted to me than any of you." Harry said.

"What?!" Bellatrix and Isabella blurted out in a combination of anger and disbelief. They were their lord's most loyal followers, who could possibly be more loyal than them?

"Who?" Daphne asked since the Isabella and Bellatrix seemed uncapable of speaking and Tracy was busy trying not to laugh at their reaction.

"A first year Hufflepuff." Harry answered.


She stood as she tried not to shake, she had him on her mind nearly every moment. She couldn't help how she looked at him though, she imagined that she looked like a crazy stalker. She hoped that she didn't scare him off, but she couldn't stop how she was acting. Her magic was wild, giddy even, his mere presence affected her so much.

Harry gave a soft smile as he looked at her, this was a golden opportunity that he would not waste. He would not have to worry about his mask in front of her, he was positive that he could slaughter all of the school and she'd still treat him like royalty, heck she'd probably defend his actions if anything. He could feel her magic reacting to him and Merlin he liked it. She was beautiful, not just her magic but also her actual body.

She had bright, shoulder length, honey brown hair with a thin and beautiful face along with an amazing and brilliant pair of golden eyes.

"Hi," Harry delicately took her hand in his own, choosing not to mention how she shivered when he told her and looked, he also chose not to mention how she looked like she was about to faint when he kissed her knuckles. "I am Harry, Harry..."

"Harry Potter, I know!" She said in an excited voice. "I...I know who you are! I...it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Crystal, Crystal Peter's."