
hp: black dairy

does it really matter if someone says that you are evil

RYUU_JIN · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs

page 6

1991 April 27

today it was not dream like always but it was a nightmare I think it came out of the mind of some perverted harry potter Japanese fan because I saw fat snape running after me with some wired smile that will hunt me to the last day of my life

anyway finally someone tried to speak with me you don't know how important this is, you see am the weird kid who give them nightmare about cats and some inappropriate thoughts for older girls am sad about the former but happy about the latter

I think you would not believe who is it at this point if you thought Hermione then you are wrong my dear reader but the person who gets shaped with her for what I don't know why yes it looks like middle age love story but it's over used

back to the topic my conversation with draco was rather formal but meaningful in a way and I have been told by him that the sanchez family is wizard family and aperantly the heir is fishermen because he is mad about the sea at this point my legs kind gone numb if you thought about it and if am right there is for the greater good going on because he also told me that this so called fishermen in fact is one of Dumbledore best friends

you see when you are the solo serviver from some acsidant and the person who rescued you are the friend of the greatest "good" wizard I got goosebumps because anyone who saw the movies will know how of manipulator he is and how cruel he can get so he can do his for greater good you have the troll as example he just sends the slytherin into our beautiful dungeon with the possibility of troll attack or Lockhart or Sirius black or his sister but before I black out complete in this suspicious vibe I mentally bonked myself out of and thought people do to stop being horny but me I did to stop thinking about Dumbledore

anyway after this each one went his way to have breakfast while other have there breakfast I made a sandwich and took it and went over the school rooftop some time it's really grate to have wings of your own am just sad about the fact witch I don't have any song while watching the sunrise

my first class today was herblology nice class with sweet professor nothing happened in particular but I know she has magic chille pepper and I have it in some way

next was our first flying class and let me say I prefer using my wings than some brom anytime of the day and this wizarding game I think most people know what game am talking is totally stupid

and if you ask what did I changed I will answer proudly I took nevel ball before draeco or anyone seeing me why you ask will if potter didn't have his race with malfoy then no team for him atlest for this year why I did this it's just because I don't like him I don't like his type of protagonist

but anyway I was right so we did have normal flying class with no unexpected events after ms.hootch came back and no seeker for harry

Finley Quirrell/voldy class witch I couldn't stand so I shapeshifted in fly and went out to the library but took Quirrell appearance before entering and started to imitate his way of speak and sadly his smell too after cursing him for some time I entered the library and went straight to the forbidden section like anyother good kid would do and after reading here for sometime I felt in love with those "dark books " it's brilliant like this curse "ꎇꋪꏂꀍꍏꈤ" the great thing about it is when you cast this spill on someone you will take there heart out of there body with out killing or leaving single scar on that someone chest just imagine useing this curse in heart operator but from the same book I got to know that this is forbidden curse because the same wizard who made it went on rampage giveing him the nickname of heartless Jack or jack the reaper yah beautiful history for one of the best wizard doctors who ended up in azkaban because he learned from practicing on people, fifteen person thirteen from them were mugle no one did anything to him at the time but when he started to use wizards they catch him before the end of his last operation

or the "ꀎꏳꍏꎇ" curse that if it used on someone he will lose the feeling pain in all nerves for some time about unhour after the effect end you will have feeling again this one is made by nameless wizard and the list goes on with spills have similar effects that can be used in medical field or engineering or even farming but like I said all of them labelled as "dark forbidden knowledge " all I have to say about this is total crap but all I can do is learn to honor there lagacy

after finishing the first book I went to slytherin room to laz around but wild daphne welcomed me aperantly voldy saw me leaving his class and slytherin lost point now this angry viper is hissing at me but for some reason she looked like angry little cat ,I had to use every bit of my well to not head pat her but with one cute attack she got defeated and run to her bed in speed that leave flash in the dust