

Hearing a lot of loud voices, Will opened his eyes. The world was so much clearer now, compared to the previous hazy look. He looked at the direction of the voice. He saw a middle-aged man kneeling next to him, looking at him very closely. After a while, the man reached his hand out to Will. Will tried to dodge as a reflex, but he felt that he was not able to move as quick as he was supposed to. Then, he felt something was wrong. The man lifted Will with his hands. Will looked down with horror, looking at his baby feet.

"What the hell is this? Why are my feet so small. Wait a minute, am I a baby now?", Will came into a sudden realization. Of course, to the people in the room, all of this felt like a baby's tantrums, as Will's vocal cords were not nearly developed enough to speak yet. Will calmed himself.

"Yes, this must be a dream. Even if I was reincarnated, I won't have memories of my previous life. This must all be some dream. I must have snorted too much coke last night. This is just the side effect.". Again, he tried reassuring himself about this predicament that he was in. But deep down inside, he knew that something was truly wrong about what was going on here.

"Hello gucci goo. How are you? You must be feeling very tired. Look at me. I am your father.", the man said playfully and slowly, as if speaking to an old man who was unable to hear clearly. Will felt offended, that he was treated like a baby.

"But he thinks you are.", he corrected himself. The man put down Will onto the cri that he was taken from, and he looked at the woman in the bed next to Will.

"You must be very tired, Daphne. Rest for now. Tomorrow, we will be leaving for the family manor. I am truly sorry, but you have borne a son. We have to keep our word."

The woman looked at the man very seriously. "Are you serious Raphael? Going back to the Monroe house? Why do we have to keep the word you made to your deranged father ten years ago?"

"Because he allowed me to for go all of my duties as family head for these ten years, only under the condition that if I have a son, the son becomes the next head. I can't change that. You must respect his wishes as well. He allowed me to be with you under this one condition.", the man's voice raised.

"Hmph. There is no need for him to know about the boy at all. Imagine how he would turn out of he grew up in a house like that.", the woman said.

"I turned out fine.", the man protested.

"And your two brothers fought you to the death for the stupid family head position. Do you really think that such a place is right for a young boy to grow up? Come on. He needs a place of nurturing, not a place like that."

"I can't do anything about it. This is the sad life that we are all entailed to, just because I was born to David Monroe.", the man sighed.

The man looked back at Will once more, and turned back to leave. Will was silent. He listened to everything that his 'parents' had said, and he was truly fascinated about what he was supposed to face.

The woman looked at Will and sighed. "I am sorry, child. I really wanted to protect you from the world, but your father insists that he leave you in the most damned part of it. I hope that at least he makes sure that nothing bad happens to you."

Now, Will was starting to feel a little worried. Both of the people here were insistent that the place that he was supposed to go to was a horrible place, and it was going to be very harmful to him. But, he calmed himself.

"When I sleep today, I will wake up back in my normal world, and all of this will just be the dream that it is. I should just sleep. All of this will go away."

Spoiler Alert: It didn't

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