
HP: A New Life

[A Harry Potter Fanfiction] Decades after the war Harry Potter has everything in life wealth, fame, power, etc but nothing to live for. Just when Harry thinks that he will lead a lonely existence for the rest of his life, he his approached by an old friend Death. Death offers Harry a chance to go back to live a life he was always meant to, but can he fix the past while Harry himself is a little broken. I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreon. Check it out if you want to support me. https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon

Lucifer101 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
95 Chs

Chapter 67 Animagus

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



Harry pov.

Harry watched as they entered the castle and only after they closed the gates, Harry transformed back into his human form.

Just as he went from standing on all fours back to only two he felt a light flicker on his face as Hedwig flashed on a branch of a tree in front of him.

Hedwig is giving him a disappointed look as soon as she appeared.

"Don't look at me like that. I am not coddling them, I am just looking after them just like a big brother should do." Harry explained to his phoenix.

Hedwig gave him a mock nod while still looking at him with disappointment.

"I am sorry if we don't push our young out of the nest as soon as their wings develop enough." Harry retorted.

Hearing this Hedwig gave an angry cry. Knowing that was uncalled for Harry quickly apologised.

"I am sorry. Yes I know that's not what you meant. I know I overreacted. But when it comes to my siblings I just can't help it."

Hedwig accepted Harry's apology and then flashed back to his room.

Harry knows that Hedwig is right. There was no need for him to follow his brother around in the forest. Nothing in the forest is stupid enough to actually attack a student and with Hagrid around nothing could have happened to the students.

Everyone inside the forest knows not to mess with the half-giant and that was before Harry repaired Hagrid's wand. So the students were perfectly safe and this detention is only meant to scare the students so they can improve their behaviour and not break any more rules.

That's why Harry didn't interfere even when Charlie and Draco were being chased by werewolves. He knew that the wolves won't hurt the boys. He only acted when Draco tried to attack the wolves, while the wolves wouldn't have harmed the boys but they don't have any qualms about scaring the hell out of them.

Harry didn't want their first experience of werewolves and the forest to be a particularly traumatizing one. Charlie has a sense of wonder and is always looking for adventure even in most mundane things, Harry doesn't want his brother to lose that, at least not so soon anyway.

Harry turned back towards the Forbidden Forest, he had more than his share of traumatising experiences inside this forest but he was never afraid to go back. There are all kinds of wonderful creatures and things inside the forest just waiting for people to get over their fears and walk in.

Harry turned towards the school and transformed into his animagus form, but this time instead of transforming into an enormous white tiger he transformed into a fluffy snow-white cat with bright green eyes.

Harry could easily use the disillusionment charm and walk right in but tonight he is feeling adventurous so he decided to sneak inside the castle in his cat form all the way to his room.

As for why Harry has two animagus forms instead of one, he is not exactly sure. But he has done a lot of research on the matter and the most reasonable theory for his two forms is that his core personality is far more complicated than an average wizard or witch.

According to transfiguration masters who are experts in Animagus Transformation, it is possible for a wizard or a witch to have more than one animagus form if a single form can't fully display all aspects of their inner animal spirit. While this is theorized by multiple experts but it has never been proven. While Harry's animagus forms does confirm this theory but unfortunately for them Harry is not going to publish the fact that he is an animagus or that he has more than one form.

Thinking about the Animagus Transformation always makes Harry laugh, he still can't believe that people in that world believe that you can become an animagus just by brewing and drinking a completed potion.

If that was the case that being an animagus would have been a subspecialty of the Potions major and not Transfiguration.

Drinking the animagus revealing potion is just the first step of becoming an animagus, drinking the potion only shows a hazy and hollow outline shape of your inner animal spirit.

After figuring out what your inner animal spirit you have to study all of the species of that animal and select the one you want to transform into. A wizard or witch trying to become an animagus has to completely study the animal they are trying to transform into and have to perfectly know everything about that animal. How their body functions, How the various system inside their body works and interact with each other, how their brain differs from human brains, etc.

Some Transfiguration masters even go a step beyond this and incorporate all types of parts from every species of their inner animal spirit into a single animagus form. Professor's McGonagall cat form might look like a normal cat but she has actually incorporated advantages from all cat species into her cat form. That's why even in her cat form the transfiguration professor can give a lion a run for its money.

Since Harry was not in a hurry to become a animagus he also did the same thing, he thoroughly studied all the species of cats and tigers that he could find to incorporate all kinds of evolutionary advantages in his tiger and cat forms. It took years to incorporate everything into a single tiger and cat form but the results speak for themselves.

Just my only using his cat form Harry was able to sneak into Hogwarts avoiding detection all the way to his room. Harry transformed back when he reached the door.

Harry entered and closed the door behind him before once again transforming into his enormous tiger form before jumping onto the bed. Harry inspected the bed just like a cat would before lying down. As he was about to sleep Hedwig came to him and adjusted her feathers before sleeping on top of his tiger body.