
How Women Want It! The How, What, Where, When and Why Behind Women Act

The other day I was in the car with one of my guy friends, having a great conversation. When suddenly, to our left was a beautiful woman getting into her car: Tall, long legs, short shorts, cowboy boots, curvy hair, and sunglasses. Both of us instantly stopped talking, looked at her, and then continued on our way. It was insane that a beautiful woman would have that much magnetic power over both of us.

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Eleven Things about Beautiful Women Every Man Must Know

Ah, beautiful women! They are pretty freaking amazing to look at aren't they?

Even I look at them.

It proved to me that everyone loves looking at beautiful women. However, not

everyone understands beautiful women. For most, beautiful women are what

they see in magazines, or from a social distance. They do not get to interact with

them on a personal level. Today we give you the tools to make things happen.

Here are 11 things every man must know about quality, beautiful women:

1 Beautiful Women Don't Have Secret Powers. Yes, they may look great in

tight spandex leggings, but contrary to popular belief, beautiful women do not

have super powers. The only power they have is their attractiveness, and that can

only get a person so far.

2 Beautiful Women Want to Be Approached. I am friends with a super-hot

Hollywood actress, (whose name I will not disclose), but trust me she's gorgeous

and you know her, and she told me that if she ever wants to be alone, she goes

out in public. No one looks at her, no one talks to her, and no one approaches

her. The funny thing is she would love to be approached. Most of my girlfriends

say exactly the same thing. Their main complaint is that they never are

approached. If they do, it's by arrogant, stuck up jerks. So next time you talk

yourself out of approaching a beautiful woman, remember, she wants to be

approached. You are not bothering her if you are a solid, amazing guy.

3 Beautiful Women Have Insecurities Too! Oh my God, do they have

insecurities. Yes, there have been areas in their life that may have been easier

because of their looks. However, when it comes down to it, beautiful women

have the exact same insecurities running through their head as the rest of the

world. Am I good enough? Am I a loser? Am I fat? Is my skin bad? My thighs

are horrible. Will they like me? Will they like me for more than my looks?

4 Beautiful Women Are Guarded and Have Baggage. Just like you, they

have been hurt, bruised, and wounded from past relationships. I hear many

beautiful women say that sometimes people forget that they have feelings and

that they are real people. "Some men want to date me so they look better and

they don't care about me. I have had this happen to me many times and it hurts.

It hurts to be used for your looks" - says my female friend who is a model.

5 Beautiful Women Want a Good Man. Do you know how often normal

women are approached by huge D-bags? Well, multiply that by 50, because

that's how many approach beautiful women. Why? Because most of the good

guys are too afraid to approach. Beautiful women want to be with a good man,

not an asshole.

6 Beautiful Women Are Not Necessarily Superficial. Some are, yes. Some

aren't. You do not have to have Einstein's brain, George Clooney's looks and

Bill Gate's money to attract, date and get a beautiful woman. You have to have

all those things if you want to date a superficial money grabber.

7 Beautiful Women Aren't a Bunch of "Stuck Up Bitches." At least not all

of them. Like everything else, you come across some good ones and you come

across some bad ones. I know it's easier to think all beautiful women, or people

for that matter, are stuck up, but they are not.

8 Beautiful Women Have Brains and Want to Have Interesting

Conversations. In fact, some of my most intelligent friends are ridiculously

beautiful women. Beautiful women can also have brains and personalities to

match their looks — just like all the fives, sixes and sevens of the world.

9 Beautiful Women Don't Want to Be Approached with Compliments on

their Looks. Beautiful women do not want to just be beautiful. Like all other

women, they want to be heard, seen, and understood. If you want to get a

beautiful woman, compliment her on her, rather than the way she looks. She

already knows she's hot. Now tell her something she doesn't know.

10 There Is No Right Thing to Say to a Beautiful Woman. I have said this

repeatedly, there is no magic panty dropping line that every man can say that

will make a woman want him instantly. Line up ten guys in front of me, all

saying the exact same pick up line and guaranteed I will feel a different reaction

to each of them. Some I will love some I will hate and some will creep me out.

It's not about what you say; it's about the man who says it. Character, character,

character. Like all other women, beautiful women are just people. Not unicorns

with breasts.

11 Do Looks Matter To Women? I wanted to share an interesting yet

common story about attracting women. I am sure many times in your life you

have been walking down the street, saw a beautiful woman with an unattractive

man and said to yourself, "Something is wrong here. Why is she with that guy?"

I am sure you could not understand it. It probably frustrated the hell out of you.

That is because you were using your male eyes instead of your female eyes to

evaluate the situation.

Let me explain.

Unlike men, women are not primarily driven by looks. Looks can be and most

often are overridden by personality to a point where a man's features can totally

transform in the eyes of a woman. Men make decisions based on facts and

women make their decisions based on feelings. Therefore when meeting a new

man, women will decide if they are attracted to them because of how that man

makes them feel. In man terms, this means looks are not as important to women

as they are to men.

When a man first approaches a woman, she judges him entirely on his looks

and how he presents himself. What else does she have to judge from? It has only

been 5 seconds. However, something interesting happens to a woman when she

interacts with others. She starts to feel the other person and from that feeling, she

can interpret a person's character and value within a matter of seconds. Their

looks start to blur and their appearance changes depending on how they make

her feel. I call this energy but it is also known as character.

Regardless of whether you are rich or poor, good looking or plain, fat or thin,

bald or hairy, if you can master the art of projecting a quality energy that women

can feel, you can light up a woman's primal attraction circuitry like a Christmas


Trust me when I tell you this. All of my girlfriends are with men who are not

nearly as attractive as they are. Nor are they rolling in dough. What each of them

does have is a strong character that can be sniffed out by women from a mile



What Do Women Find Sexy?

I am about to shatter a lot of male fantasies right now by revealing that the

things women find sexiest are not at all related to sex. So set aside your hopes of

women being turned on by boxer briefs and waxes. In fact, for many women,

turn-ons come from simple everyday rituals, mannerisms, and idiosyncrasies.

That is because a woman's libido is triggered by her emotions and the way

something makes her feel, rather than what it makes her think!

I put out a survey to my circle of female friends, confidants, and Wing Girls

(over 200 women). I asked each of them, "What do you find sexy?"

Below are the top 11 responses:

1 Intelligence without Arrogance: Intelligence is sexy only when the guy's

not attempting to belittle you or be arrogant in the process. It's extremely sexy

when a man knows how to maintain his intelligence without riding a high horse

in the process.

2 Voice: "When I hear a man with a deep voice that comes from his diaphragm

it makes my tingle in area's that may not be appropriate to talk about" —

DAISY. A deep voice is the ultimate sign of masculinity.

3 Honesty, Loyalty & Integrity: Overall these three characteristics speak to a

man's character. "The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if

he knew he never would be found out." — Thomas Babington Macaulay. Being

an honest, loyal man with integrity will not only turn women on; it will keep

them coming back.

4 Good Credit: Probably the most seemingly superficial response from my

gaggle of women, but one of the most important. Poor credit can be a huge red

flag because it triggers the fear that a man is not reliable, lazy and is not

responsible. To save yourself from having your poor rating hold you back from

attracting women, it is important to show that you are proactively working on

erasing the bad credit and committed to wiping that slate clean.

5 Great Smile: Even though recent studies have found that pictures of men

smiling can decrease feelings of attraction from women, my survey proved

otherwise. A nice, warm smile from a man can melt a woman's heart and

instantly turn her on. "What's important about the smile is not the actual smile

itself, but the underlying intention behind the smile. I love it when a man smirks

at me in a way that says, I'm thinking something but I'll never tell you"—JEN

6 A True Gentleman: "In all my dating years, I have only had two men open

doors for men. One of those men was my first and only one night stand. The

other is now my husband" —MONICA

Men! Do not let chivalry die. Open doors, pull out chairs, be polite to everyone.

However, do it because you want to, not because you think, it will get you

something. That's the true definition of a gentleman.

7 Taking Out The Garbage Without Being Asked: "Want to know how to

get my panties off in 30 seconds flat. Take out the trash without me having to

ask you." —JUSTINE.

Caring gestures make women feel good. Guys do not realize how important

they are for women when it comes to being turned on in the bedroom. To

connect physically, they really need that emotional and mental connection.

8 A Sense of Self: "So many men are like Velcro. They just latch onto you.

Especially when they are older or divorced, this is not sexy at all. " —MICA

Have a purpose, have an opinion, have a life, and you will always be the sexiest

man in the room.

9 Sense of Humor: "If a man can make me laugh, I'm his forever. Sexy, sexy,

sexy." —EMILY.

Before you start signing up for comedy classes, I want to be clear about what "I

want a guy that makes me laugh" actually means. What a woman is really saying

is, I want a guy that is light, fun and does not take himself too seriously.

Enjoying life always equals sexy.

10 Good Communication: They say communication is the essential

foundation to all relationships, but is it sexy? "If I am talking to a man about

something and he gets emotional and defensive I am instantly turned off.

Seriously. I find it especially sexy if a man can hear me and remain grounded"


11 Confidence: When asked, women often respond that the number one thing

they want in a man is confidence! Confidence is nature's signal that "I am not

weak." No woman wants to be with a weak man. "A bald man is just as sexy as a

man with thick wavy hair if he loves his head." —JENNIE

Confidence tells a woman, "I'm proud of who I am, I respect myself and you

will always be safe with me."

will always be safe with me."

You can see the real turns on for women do not include crazy, unachievable

sexual fantasies. In fact, what women actually find the sexiest is you being the

best you.