
Who let the girls out!? Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Akeno and the girls were currently in the limousine the Family prepared for them to go to the party in, even if Masaru was not with them they had to go as his representative as a Noble although Masaru would be there as well but as a Bodyguard of a God.

When the limousine arrived at the spot, they climbed out were reporters all began to feverishly take photos of them since they were after all the peerage members of Masaru,

"Masaru? Where is Masaru?" One of the Reporters asked but the girls kept walking after saying that he was unfortunately not here, so they kept walking on the red carpet entering the building.

Inside they were guided by a staff member that led them into a hall prepared for the nobles, tables were placed all over with names marked for where each of them could take their seats.

At the far front is a stage with a large stone pillar with names written on and at the top, it stood "Peace Alliance" which was prepared by Sirzech who wants to create something monumental for the changes that were happening.

When the surrounding nobles saw Masaru was not with the girls they were once again tempted to have a talk but then they remembered the scene of how Masaru destroyed that previous noble, most of them simply waved their thoughts out of the window but even God himself can't stop a fool from approaching treasures.

The second son of the Dantalion family approached the girls, he knew it was best, not physical nor overbearing, his name was Ichijou Dantalion a half-devil and he believed being half devil like the girls he could understand them the best since half devils are always suppressed especially in pillar families with some exceptions. "Good evening Ladies, my name is Ichijou Dantalion, may I have the pleasure of knowing yours"

Akeno raised her brow wondering where this fool came from but she could not be impolite so she greeted back, "Akeno Himejima, a pleasure to meet you"

"Akeno, such a beautiful name" Ichijou said as he bowed forward to kiss Akeno's hand, but his lips touched his own hands since Akeno pulled it away instantly.

Akeno's face turned stoic, "I appreciate the compliment but why are you approaching us? Normally you would first ask where our master is?"

Ichijou was stumped as what she mentioned was the truth, there was a hidden rule of Kings not allowed to approach the other king's peerage unless their friends or greeting the king first. But he was smart he knew how to counter this.

"Could it be that your King does not allow you to converse with others?" Ichijou asked,

Hearing this the girl's attention was attracted, it was not the question but the kind of tone he used to ask the question since it sounded like he was questioning their king, their lover and master.

Ichijou has stumped once again as he was having a difficult time talking with these girls, but it was not Akeno and them being anti-social but because they knew this fool came to flirt with them while knowing they had a relationship with their master, do these people think they are cheap?

"Mister Dantalian, I am not sure if you have the right to question our master like that. However, the reason I asked you is that we all are fiancee's of Masaru Belial and if rumours were to spread about you trying to pick us up... Can your family handle it?" Hearing Akeno's question Ichijou's face became pale as if the blood got scared away.

It was at this time he knew he screwed up the big time he bowed, if it was simple peerage members then he could getaway. But trying to flirt with a fiance of a high ranked noble heir was something in an entirely different league "I apologize! It was a misunderstanding!" He turned and left.

"To think you would be so ruthless and even use Masaru in such a way" Sona spoke but she too felt it was appropriate, not too overbearing but contained facts.

"Sona---" Akeno was going to greet Sona but Sona pulled her away from the surroundings, her face was slightly flushed as she had been considering many things and she needs to confirm it.

"I need to talk to you about something..." Akeno saw the serious face of Sona did not resist and followed as she was certain it will most likely be about Masaru.

"Could it be about our Master?" Sona hearing Akeno's question blushed completely red while keeping her head low till they reached a room where only the two of them were inside.

"Evening Ingvild, where are Masaru and Akeno?" Rias who just arrived with her peerage first came to Masaru's table as she really wanted to talk with him, and thank him for what he did for Sona.

"Evening Rias, Masaru is currently doing a job at this moment and Akeno has been taken by Sona somewhere to talk" Ingvild answered with a smile.

Rias nodded thinking it will probably be about the same thing she thought although slightly different topics, "Well, please thank him for him, he really done something amazing back there"

Ingvild nodded feeling extremely proud of her master, who endured but now there was no more need to. "I think he was amazing as well"

Sara came over to Stephani to chat about something that was a secret from boys when they traded a suspicious book everything went back to normal when Rias took her peerage to their assigned table.

For some reason tonight the Sitri Peerage were sharing the same table as Masaru's peerage when the Sitri peerage girls arrived they all started to thank the girls and asked to thank Masaru for standing up for their master since they were prepared to endure however Saji had a difficult expression.

Ichika was interested in this so she went over to Reya, "What is wrong with Saji?"

Reya had a look of pity at this boy, "It is because of what the family requested because of someone you know very well... And that he will have no chance of gaining Sona's affection..."

Ichika had a serious expression, she wanted to know for certain "I will ask you, do you think she loves our him?" She whispered (Our Master)

Reya nodded, "She only became aware of it that night but Master did like Masaru for a long time but we were not certain why the two of them did not notice or perhaps they did not want to since Master wanted to start her dream and I am not sure about Masaru's side"

Ichika thought for a moment, she explained what she knew "I remember Master said he always kept the score in Sona's favour as he did not want to force her to marry him, he knew she loved playing chess but because of her declaration of only marrying someone smarter than her in chess she could not easily find opponents to play against... Because losing means marriage"

Reya nodded thinking it was reasonable, "Your master is oddly kind in strange ways"

Ichika only smiled, "That he is"

"Shirone grab some of those" Everest and Shirone were packing up plates with food and mostly desert for the rest of the girls since the two of them did not like difficult talks and would rather sample the foods instead.

"Yes!" Shirone was quite excited because there were a few new dishes not available to the public placed here so she could not wait to sample a bit of them, while the two of them were busy serving themselves Sairaorg approached Yui.

"Cousin" Yui stood up giving Sairaorg a gentle hug,

"Where is Masaru?" This was something Sairaorg would always do during a gathering, regardless of who was present, Masaru is someone he would normally greet first but he did not spot him.

"Master is currently doing a job so we came in his place" Yui answered with a smile, she was really happy to see the friendship between Masaru and Sairaorg was as strong as brothers.

Sairaorg nodded, "Did any fools come to bother you?"

Yui giggled when she remembered the pale face of the playboy, "There was but Akeno already chased him away since Master told us there is no longer need to endure and that he will handle everything for us, so I doubt any of us will endure any unneeded flirting from weirdos"

Sairaorg laughed heartily thinking his friend could come out as fierce as a tiger, "That's good, I knew it was hard for him to endure things till his Family was stable and strong... Also tell him he has my full approval for the ideas he gave me"

Yui was surprised as she naturally knew of most plans Masaru created like any other girl, since they were going to marry him and share the burden to manage the Belial and Leviathan Territory they were told of all his plans. "You will support Sona by being a guest teacher?"

Sairaorg nodded as he glanced at his rough hands clenching it into a fist, "He gave me the best path I can walk other than becoming a Devil King, I will visit schools with children and motivate them to never give up on their dreams, even if they have nothing they can still dream and walk towards it" 'For the sake of my dreams'

Yui clasped her hands together smiling, Sairaorg waved before returning to his own peerage.

Tsubaki took her seat next to Ingvild since the two of them are queens and they normally shared information with one another since the two of them are close friends as well, "Masaru not here tonight?"

Ingvild nodded at Tsubaki's question, "Master is currently doing a Job, did something happened at the Sitri?"

Tsubaki smiled wryly nodding, "What is Master's chances of being accepted by Masaru?"

Ingvild was a bit surprised but then again she was not really that much surprise, although Masaru did not spend much time with Sona other than playing chess with her every day during school. However, during the declaration of dreams, he had done something incredibly special, and this gave some noble families the wrong impression of the relationship between them. Although she knew that Masaru liked Sona and the latter liked him too.

"It depends on Sona herself if she is willing to share him with us because Masaru will not reject her nor us," Ingvild answered honestly, she knew everything since the girls already spoke with him about this.

Tsubaki thought for a moment that sharing was possible but Sona's personality, it might take a while for her to get used to it since Sona was quite, possessive.

Shortly afterwards, Sona and Akeno came together smiling quite happily before the two of them took their seats. What was discussed was not shared with the others since the one who will have to hear it first will be Masaru himself.

Sirzech together with Falbium appeared on the stage wearing their respective devil king outfits however Serafall was wearing her formal business attire with a questionable bracelet, Azazel and Michael came tonight as well since this was an event that concerned the Alliance.

Sirzech stood in the front and began his speech, "First I would like to thank everyone for joining us here tonight where we the Alliance will sign another peace treaty with the Asgardian Norse Gods!"

Everyone began applauding, soon Odin came out with Baraqiel but the next person to come out wearing tight black armour over his body revealing the surface figure of his lean muscles shocked the Sitri, Gremories and Bael peerages who thought Masaru did not come.

Even the noble boys were all relieved they did not make a move on the girls but Ichijou fainted out of fright when he saw Masaru come out, just the fact he was following Odin a Chief God as a bodyguard was to say his status within the Devils were exceedingly high.

"To think he would be there" Sona spoke feeling quite surprised while Akeno licked her lips when she looked at Masaru's body, even Masaru could feel her gaze when he locked eyes with her he smiled.

"Yes, and I think we have to get Masaru to wear something like this at home from now on" The girls all nodded thinking Masaru was looking quite attractive in his current outfit.

"As the representative of the Alliance and of the Devils, I would like to welcome you to the Underworld, Chief God Odin" Sirzech gave Odin a firm handshake.

The two of them gave a heartful speech about their desire for peace before Odin signed the Monument together with the Three Devil Kings, Azazel and Michael. Serafall transformed into a Magical girl satisfying this old pervert to stare at her breast and butt until the Valkyrie stepped in only to land on a mine and exploded with tears, Masaru only shook his head thinking this girl will be a headache someday for someone.

It was agreed that Baraqiel and Masaru will follow Odin when he comes again to open trades with the Shinto Gods and other Japanese gods.

"You can go to your girls you know?" Odin spoke while eating together with the higher-ups.

"I'm fine here, the girls know I am on a job and I intend to complete it. We have a long life, we should enjoy it slowly" Masaru said with a smile.

Baraqiel nodded, he could not help but admit that he felt glad that his son-in-law was a professional when it came to working. Although, he would have approved it more if he went to the girls instead.

'I want the nobles to understand even if I am not around my girls are not cheap nor are they easily fooled... Each of them is smart, beautiful, strong and not the kind that needs me to be around to protect them all the time, well except for extreme times' Masaru thought.

"Ma-kun, can you make time to our home tonight?" Serafall spoke friendly but her eyes had a complicated glint, she had a very strong impression of him but she had to ensure something herself first.

Masaru nodded since he was already told about it by Sirzech he was already mentally prepared but the outcome will be determined by Sona herself. He honestly wanted to be closer to her like the other girls, but he would not want to force her to accept something she could not, that was to share him with others.


Later that night Masaru was heading towards the Sitri Family together with Sona and her peerage, they have not spoken at all since Sona was blushing while looking out the window.

And Saji looked like he ate a bag of bugs but he could say nothing about it since Tsubaki already explained to him in order to understand it was simply impossible in hopes he would move on earlier so it will not disrupt their teamwork as Sona hates it when there are problems in the team and if it is related to her.

She would hate herself which was something Tsubaki did not want since she really cared for her closest friend's happiness the most.

It was awfully awkward even Masaru did not know what to do nor what to say,

"Are you the bodyguard for Chief God Odin?" Momo could not handle the awkward atmosphere anymore decided to talk,

Masaru smiled at her appreciating her assistance "Yes, I will be watching over that old pervert while he is here but please be on your guard around him especially when you wear skirts"

Momo was taken aback, "Is it okay to talk about that?"

Masaru simply laughed, "The entire Asgard knows he is a pervert, what more would happen to him. Not to mention the pervert himself is so open about it that you can't miss it"

"I never expected that" Momo spoke as she looked quite shocked that a God turned out to be a pervert, she felt that Gods had no desires like Humans, devils, angels and fallen angels does.

"Well he is not the only one, I mean there was a Shinto God I met during my trip to Mt Fuji who turned out to be a man lover" Masaru said with a sly smile, hearing this Saji felt a bit repulsed at the subject but he was no longer appearing gloomy since he chose to think of something else.

"Eh!? You met Shinto Gods?" Masaru shook his head at Reya's question.

"Not face to face, I was there for a job similar to how I went to Bergen near Norway where I first met Odin"

Reya felt a bit interested "How is it in Bergen?"

Masaru looked upwards to think before answering, "It's a different atmosphere than in Japan, and the harbour was amazing so if you visit there be sure to visit the harbours, they have some nice Curio Shops there"

"Could we plan our vacation at your Travel Agency for the Human and Devil World tours?" Tomoe asked quite curious about the business Masaru's family started as she was certain that other families would have the same companies.

However, due to Masaru's fame and their low prices most of the Devils use the Belial Travel & Security Agency since they could even hire security guards to protect them during their vacations.

"There should be no problem when the Fallen Angels finish their preparation we can even book you a tour around the Fallen Angel Lands!" Masaru spoke happily, he was truly proud of how big the company became and thanks to his connections he could expand choices faster than other companies, although he was only part around the decision making and drawing up a few plans here and there, he was still a part of it.

Soon they arrived in front fo the Sitri Manor where Masaru and Sona climbed off and the peerage went further on to the next Manor that was arranged for them to stay at, the servant that was waiting for the two of them led them inside the manor.

It looks just as extravagant as any other nobles filled with decorations that leans more on the uniqueness and flashy style than the normal which Masaru was quite used to.

Even his own Manor became more extravagant but only in the Guest room, the rest of the Manor had expensive furniture and such but the looks still closely resembled a simple style since his family too was not that much into extravagance things.

Soon they were led into a room where Lord Sitri, Lady Sitri and Serafall was sitting inside.

"Good Evening Lord Oraman Sitri, Lady Sonia Sitri and Devil King Serafall Leviathan" Masaru greeted politely,

"Good Evening Father, Mother and Elder Sister" Sona greeted next to him before the two of them took their seats opposite of them.

Oraman Sitri looked at his daughter then at Masaru. "You know I have no idea what I should say because after witnessing that event even I am in favour of it you know? Masaru, do you realize what your actions caused in our Elder Court?"

Masaru nodded with a wry smile, thanks to his girls he could already prepare himself by asking questions to his grandfather and great-grandfather who knew more about such customs "I understand my actions could incite them indirectly because Sona previously used the game of chess to defeat her opponent but... Honestly, at that time I just had enough."

Oraman did not interrupt him, Sonia was quite favourable of this boy who stood up for her daughter in front of that line up of nobles. "I knew the day will come when people hear her dreams they will ridicule her because they fear giving power to the lower rank devils they fear losing their power to rule in the future."

Masaru shook his head with a disappointed look, "Just for their selfish desire, they would push down a dream that could change the devil world, so naturally, I would have stood up for her. Although I will admit I would have stood up regardless of what her dream maybe unless it was something like that lunatic Diodora"

Sona who heard Masaru would stand up for her regardless could not help but blush a little looking at the side, Serafall who saw this was a bit jealous but... She rather let her sister marry someone who will be good to her than a perverted old man.

"You don't have any objections to the rumours you heard?" Oraman was referring to the people talking about a possible romance, the story of Masaru standing up for Sona in front of all the nobles was not much impact like the Romance of Sirzech and Grayfia but it was still an impact.

"The one who should make the choice is Sona, it's not that I am passing off the bucket to her but she understands why I am saying she should choose because no matter how much anyone looks at it she will have to share me with the girls of my peerage" Masaru said

Oraman nodded, Sonia approved of his choice of words allowing her Daughter to make a decision on her own because sharing is easy to say but difficult to do for girls, it takes strong love and trust after all.

"I have spoken with Akeno tonight about this" Sona muttered causing Masaru to feel surprised, he will have to punish that naughty little angel for playing with him but not that he needed to know what they do or say since he only wants excuses to be more intimate with his girls.

"She too told me Masaru would probably say something like that and it's cheating you know" Sona began to wipe her tears at the side of her eyes, she was not angry but happy, this boy could have just taken her hand but he wanted to know how she felt about his situation first which meant he was serious about taking responsibility.

"You know I already fell the moment I saw your back facing me that night shielding me from the nobles, I was prepared to be humiliated and insulted for my dreams and did not expect anyone to stand up for me but you did" Masaru could feel her pain and he slowly pulls her into his embrace, he quietly listened to her complaints, her feelings.

"So take responsibility for it... you stupid fool" Masaru chuckled softly caressing her back gently, Oraman and Sonia looked at each other nodding, there was not much to say as everything was shown to them in the open.

'Respecting his women and treating them this preciously... Seems Sona really did finally find something she deserved for a long time' Sonia thought while looking at her new son-in-law who was calming the crying Sona,

"You have been awfully quiet Serafall, normally you would complain" Oraman spoke,

"Masaru is my archnemesis on Anime but he is now family here" Serafall spoke in her usual tone but there was a trace of something left unnoticed, she did not even realize it herself.

'You better take care of her or I will throw my magical bomb at you... Okay?' She thought while looking at her Sister who fell asleep after all her worries were gone, it seems all the stress and worries she was enduring for a few days exhausted her.

16/08/2020 - Changes made

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts