
Sacred gear undergoes a mutation

Several weeks went by Masaru and the girls carried on going to school, the everyday school life was the same as usual while Masaru made use of the perverts as experimental subjects for his latest prank devices which are actually very dangerous items that were diluted down to the point that even a child can handle the punch it gives.

The chess game score between Masaru and Sona has become 160 - 161 meaning that Masaru is still keeping their scores in Sona's favour since the two of them simply enjoy playing their chess against one another with no strings attached.

The number of fans for Akeno and the girls kept increasing yet the number of love letters decreases, it appears after the first term the boys knew that the girls of the Disciplinary Committee were something they can yearn for but never be able to touch.

The reason for that was because the last one who was bold to try and touch the innocent Ingvild is currently still in hospital. It was reported that the boy injured himself although it truth it was a mistake, yes a mistake made by Ingvild who was so tense that day for the test they were about to write so when the boy came and touch her shoulder the last thing he saw was the roof.

Rias and her team appear to show great growth ever since the vacation was over, Masaru even had taken a few days to visit to play chess with Rias and he was happy to see this girl finally found a road she can walk without needing to hope for someone to save her.

It's a shame since Masaru never realized that he just changed the difficulty mode of the girls for Issei to close to impossible but not impossible yet since there is still a golden finger that was working in the background that even the spellbook can't detect.

Even during the few weeks, the movements of the witch in the greater malling did not show anything, it was as if they have given up on their plans to open the gates once more but then again this is only from the outside perspective.

Masaru still kept his guard up but luckily there has been no call for any support so it could be said it was finally a bit peaceful.

As for Ulrika who had been busy behind the scene, she had many things to deal with but thanks to Masaru's command seals she mostly dealt with planning. The construction was going to take longer than planned since the upgrade in the technology department by Ajuka's team and Elizabeth's team they had to redraw the plans to accommodate the new hardware and software.

As for the spreading of their network, it was going smoothly since some families were already completely infiltrated and some of the bigger ones they were only able to get a few men at the bottom level.

The biggest problem would be the Bael Family since they had a strict order of positions so in order to reach a sufficient level of control over the information they had to kidnap a higher level slowly one at a time and release them which is a really long process.

The progress in regards to the Yakuza's in Japan went much smoother, since they were mostly humans and only some bigger families had devils next to them, it went faster than both Masaru and Ulrika planned which is good. So taking control over the Yakuza came faster than expected.

Currently, it was the night before the school sports festival, Masaru was currently sitting cross legs on Tokyo Skytree, one of the tallest building in Tokyo while having his sacred gear equipped.

This was also his daily training to get used to his heightened senses, ever since he experienced that increase in his senses he could not easily equip the sacred gear because of the sensitivity in his hearing, smell, sight, taste and touch heightened to the point he was not used to.

He first started in less populated places listening to the surroundings and slowly began moving to the more populated ones, the louder it became the longer it took for him to get used to controlling his hearing sensitivity. As for the rest, he challenged himself in further improving his cooking for his smell and taste, as for his sight and touch he practised them during his combat sparring with Sairaorg.

"To think there can be so many things happening in this city" Masaru spoke as if he was a Daredevil listening to people's secrets, but he had no interest in playing the her. While he was learning to control his hearing sensitivity, he also make effort to improving his Worthless attribute power to the next level.

From his understanding of this power has grown to the point he began to believe that the Lucifer old man he once read about who was rumoured to have a sacred gear canceller was simply a degraded version of Worthless that can't be trained since it was an ability that can't be controlled that easily.

However Worthless can grow along with the user and the applications were quite versatile like how he managed to shut down Sakura's sacred gear for an instant just to test something, what he did that day was simply "nullify" the energy connection deeming it "Worthless", with the energy which came from Sakura being cut off temporary from the sacred gear she could not call it out at all.

"I always wondered about this power that was not thoroughly investigated. Is Worthless truly a nullifying ability like everyone claimed or could it be even more? Or something else like creating a subspecies power form it. In order to use its full potential and it's only usage restriction when using Worthless, is that it requires me to understand the things I am deeming worthless..."

Masaru spoke while covering his hand with a transparent aura which was the worthless demonic energy he was testing to see if he could manipulate it into a bullet form and shoot it at his targets. "Then again I should be glad I did not grow a tail with my sacred gear"

Masaru unconsciously looked behind him to make sure there wasn't a moving tail behind him, the fun fact was that Masaru learnt he could train his control faster close to perfection when he was in his sacred gear mode but then again he did not want to become over-reliant on it in case he faces that grandpa lucifer in the future.

[Boy are you serious about what you said?!]

Masaru nodded while he took the sword that was placed next to him, he gripped the hilt with his right hand, he was focusing on his sacred gear who felt reluctant to allow this sword into one of its sockets. Shortly afterwards the sword itself began to transform its form into that of liquid metal

[GOD I'm dying!!!!]

It did not take long for the entire sword to be absorbed similar in a way like water gets sucked into a sponge, into the glove. Masaru could still sense Deadheart his sword and Drago the spirit of the sword.

[OH!!! This place sure is nice]

Masaru tilts his head as he was not expecting this old dragon to actually find it acceptable.

[I am sharing a room with the little cub, he looks so cute- IYAA!!! Injustice! Why the hell did you scratch me!? huh? You're a girl!?]

Masaru ignored the commotion going on in the sacred gear but instead called out his claws to see if he could coat the claws with dragon and beast slaying aura which to his surprise succeeded.

The next best thing was the fact he could control where the claws come out from around the sacred gear meaning it could become like a hedgehog, think about shaking hands and stick em with a needle.

'If I can use my spellbook to coat the needles with poison and I can easily poison someone while shaking hands' Masaru thought, he felt a cold sweat run down his spine at how ridiculous his sacred gear and divine grimoire was such a synergy partner.

But before Masaru could continue having his thoughts and playing around with his abilities a magic circle materialized next to his ear

"M-Ma-Master?" The voice of the slightly shy Ingvild could be heard, it had been three days since they had their date and Masaru performed the kissing prayer during their date after he got a determined answer from Ingvild herself.

Well, most long live species are already in the mindset since we live for ten thousand what is different making it longer.

"Yes Vildie" Masaru spoke with a smile on his face, tonight the sky was clear and the moon could be seen and the dim stars here and there.

"You have received a summons..." Hearing this Masaru was surprised, he knows the requirement for a client to summon the king of the peerage is not something that can be scoffed at.

It meant the trading between the client and "ruler" of the territory will most likely be a big trade that could possibly even lead to the trading of souls. Although the current devils avoid this kind of trade mostly, this shows how big of a desire the client has.

"I will be there now" Masaru stood up recalling his sacred gear, he felt better this way he could carry his sword with him everywhere instead of leaving it in the house.

Taking one last look at the active city of Tokyo Masaru teleported back to the Disciplinary Committee office where the girls were all wondering why this summon occurred, Masaru smiled wryly as this was something never explained because he never expected to happen with him.

He was not a narcissistic person but he knew to summon someone of his level even if he was a newcomer, meant this person who could summon him was truly something to take note of. Due to the fact that the girls did not understand this situation he explained it them patiently.

"Ingvild, you will be in charge while I am gone. Be sure to make that everyone's schedule does not collide with tomorrow" Masaru said while giving some orders for them to complete before the end of the day, with everything set he starts to walk towards the large teleportation formation they set up for visiting clients.

The place Masaru arrived inside was a rented apartment with rented furniture, sitting in front of him was a man he already knew of since Ulrika's team that infiltrated the devil community had information about this man, Azazel, He is a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee.

"Oh? To think you already know of me. Not only that, but you also seem quite calm despite facing someone who is supposed to be your enemy" Azazel spoke, he was already using several magic circles to scan Masaru's body especially that spellbook which he was curious about.

Masaru naturally already sensed and scanned each of the magic circles to know what each of them was for but the main reason for his calmness was "Because my mother would already be here to trash you the moment she does not sense me since I can already tell the barriers here isolate people from being detected outside. Not to mention I have a few tricks to aid me in getting away"

"hoh oh? I see that spellbook really makes me curious although I am unfortunately not here for that" Azazel spoke with a real regretful face as he finally met the boy he wanted to meet especially that spellbook in his body which is really something he just wants to experiment and research about.

"I take it you gained permission from Sirzech and my parents to approach me secretly for something?" Masaru muttered as he was truly curious why Diana did not appear already since it was within Kobe town and it was not hard to determine his location. Which was why he could deduce to this point.

Azazel smirked as he appreciated to speak with intelligent people, although he enjoys the slower ones in his own way as well. "Correct, Although I want to ask you about the spellbook I am more in dire need to sample your blood"

"You wish to make copies of my sacred gear?" Masaru said with a stern expression, although he knew of this man form his information of the book. However, he was not certain if this man was the same as he was mentioned in the book. Because the peace talks did not happen yet.

With this reason, he pulled back slightly feeling vigilant towards Azazel. Masaru naturally knew that to make copies of Longinus tier sacred gear, it is necessary to have some of the current host's DNA or any piece of their body even if it was hair or blood.

Azazel was not the least bothered at how Masaru became vigilant, instead, he was more amused at how this boy knew of certain information that is not supposed to be known. The secret of copying sacred gear especially high-levelled ones, is top class classified information after all.

'How interesting' He thought with a smirk, he felt he could talk about his knowledge about sacred gear with this boy compared to those useless Angel and Siscon Devil, especially artificial sacred gears.

"Unfortunately no, as you may know, the Devils are using the Evil Pieces to recoup their losses from the last war and the Angels I guess their searching for something similar. As for us Fallen Angels, we have no desire to increase our populations since we simply can wait for angels to fall and we will welcome them. However"

Masaru went over to take his seat on the couch, from what he just heard he realized the point this sly man wanted to get to. His guard relaxed a bit as he glanced at Azazel. "Just like Devils, we have old crows that are too into purebloods that some of our fallen angel hybrid children are being discriminated against

"Changing their views is simply going to take a long time, and honestly if I can find an easier solution to deal with this situation I will take it. This is why I summoned you, I made a deal with Sirzech if I can get some of your blood for us to research on. That way we can investigate just how that experiment you went through managed to change you who was originally a hybrid into a pureblood. With that information we could at least do something for the hybrids and make them pureblood if they wish for it, this will naturally include the devils as well"

"What will I get out of it?" In that instant, Masaru spoke with Drago.

'Will they are able to copy the spellbook?'

[No, not even your sacred gear can be copied. As for the book, it is really obsessed with you*cough* protective over your so even if they take your blood they will not be able to trace the book. But that sacred gear, to be honest, I am not sure how to explain it but, they can't copy something that is incomplete itself. Besides with the book that is purifying your blood so it appears as if you never had a book or sacred gear at all]

Masaru felt relieved, Azazel then answered. "I can give you research data about sacred gears I have but on the premise, you will keep it to yourself"

Azazel was confident in his compensation since he knew Masaru was researching about Sacred gears, the reason for his confidence was the fact he noticed this boy had two sacred gears within him which was a rare case. Although he felt that one of the sacred gears were incomplete which was bizarre, although he wants to investigate it will improper due to their statuses.

'Since I got nothing to lose and I am simply getting information for a bit of blood will not be too bad of a deal' Masaru nodded since he did not have many reasons to refuse, at least that Siscon knew of this trade so he could leave it in Sirzech's hands if something happens. "Very well"

Azazel smirked feeling quite a bit relieved that he could finally deal with some problems from his faction side, he looked at the boy who could interest him this much, "My friend has been asking me to inquire how his wife and daughter is, ever since he knew they were saved and after meeting them. He had been more lively like it was in the past... I can only thank you for that"

Masaru smiled feeling a bit proud he did the right thing, that man was his father-in-law after all "Well they're doing fine and your welcome... However I think you need to start looking into your own place, that mixed-race army is quite talented in hiding"

"You mean that Mixed Race army? Right now it feels like they are gathering faster than expected. I fear that a true leader within that group appeared" Azazel muttered, hearing this made Masaru feel alarmed since he knew the real name of this terrorist group that will make themselves appear in the future.

"Yes, up until recently we have been weeding them out but the number of them is simply more than expected, I am certain that the Heaven and Fallen Angels are sure to have traitors as well" Azazel laughed as he already knew of this ages ago, he simply could not harden his resolve to kill his comrade who fought at his side for so many years.

"I already knew of them, I am only waiting for them to show themselves instead, it's hard to make moves without evidence after all... Like Kokkabiel" Hearing this Masaru knew Barakiel told Azazel about it.

Azazel's face suddenly became excited like a teenager who found a toy he wants no matter what, "However, what would it cost you to give me information about that book of yours?"

Masaru laughed as he could naturally not allow Azazel to get to know of his book, it was his true trump card since many knew of it but they could not understand the limits or potential fully "Would you believe me if I were to say it's simply a grimoire loaded with millions of spells and techniques, and only acts as a medium especially when I cast light-based spells?"

Azazel nodded while what was going on his in head during that time no one knew about, "I can believe you because otherwise, you would have been reluctant to answer that question"

What Masaru said was the truth yet he did not reveal everything, 'Even if he knows the book has spells recorded on it or it acts as a medium... There is not much he could come up with unless he surprises me'

Masaru continued to chat Azazel while the two of them started playing video games together as it was his original request as Masaru's first client, Masaru was reminded of Ajuka whenever he spoke with Azazel. When it came to intelligence the two of them were similar, but this fallen angel sure was a professional pervert. He even learnt some "precious" information from this pervert Fallen angels.

When it was time to go Masaru stood up, "I want to ask, if you have any contacts that infiltrated this Mixed Race army. I want you to check with them how I can join the group"

Azazel looked at Masaru sternly, this was a habit of a leader to always suspect even the slightest possibility "Why would you want to join them?"

Masaru smirked, "I want to steal all their information, research data and everything they worked on because when they are destroyed is there no guarantee that we can have all that information? Not to mention sometimes our ethics and morals do not allow us to perform certain kind of experiments."

Azazel who heard this nodded his head thinking it was reasonable, "I will see if I can arrange that for you, the condition is that you share the information with me. but are you sure?"

"Done deal" Masaru nodded at Azazel's condition as he already planned to compensate the old fallen angels with that when he succeeds. "Sometimes the most dangerous place is the safest... Besides if we want to survive we will need to know everything we can about our enemies and I am the best choice since there are many devils who hate me I can act like I am not satisfied with the devils to treat me"

Azazel laughed out loud as he felt incredibly amused, this boy was straight forward and from the looks of it, he hated conflict too just like him. The two of them had different things they want to do but their status and position do not allow them to. "Bwahaha, your really interesting to the point I want to examine you and see how your head works"

Masaru simply smiles as he too felt a bit closer to this fallen angel, before saying his goodbyes teleporting away.

Azazel became suddenly stern, 'If he infiltrates the Khaos Brigade it will be risky but the rewards will be just as good... I will check with that guy if he can slip him in'

Azazel starts thinking about who to contact while also at the same time he contemplates about the answer Masaru gave him, a book with spells recorded and acts like a medium gave me a lot of ideas to work with. a Researcher should never be underestimated.

"Ah Barakiel, yeah your wife and daughter are doing great! Yeah Yeah, I will try to make some plans for peace talks but those bloody old coots are still against it so be patient!" Azazel could only laugh at his friend who called him through magic.


Masaru naturally did not tell the girls what happened since the knowledge of him meeting Azazel is a bit too sensitive so if anyone wrong picks it up it will naturally become a big problem even his family will not be able to protect him against so he kept it to himself.

The rest of the night was the same as always with the girls becoming more and more popular with their clients, so it could be said they were accumulating achievements nicely.

The night went by and the morning came, since it was the sports festival Masaru naturally was wearing his gym clothes with was a white shirt, blue short pants and blue running shoes.

After making sure his shoes were tied perfect he came to the sports field he could see his mother and sister were among the many parents shouting and cheering for their children.

"Can all those for the long jump please gather at the designated area!"

Masaru could hear his event was up so he lightly jogged towards the small crowd of 2nd-year seniors who were facing off against each other.

"Ah! The demon King has shown up!"

"Damn... I wanted to show off"

Masaru naturally did not care about the complaints around him as he started to stretch his legs while he was waiting for them to start, the instructor with a board which a long list of names were written on a paper attached came calling the first student.


a Boy called Apple took his place and when the indication was given he ran and ran and ran... then jumped and landed in the pit of sands. Masaru clapped when he heard the instructed said

"1.5 meters"

But everyone thought he was being sarcastic so the boy went back and tried again.

This time the boy was calming his breathing rhythm while staring at the pit in front of him, he moves forward and backward as if to accumulate a pushing force before he broke out in a sprint once more, the white line in front of him was getting closer and closer till finally he stepped hard on it with his right foot jumping in the skies while spreading his arms backwards and when he felt he was coming down he pushed his arms and legs forward landing in the pit, lucky for him his feet touched the ground first before his butt.

"2.3 meters!"

Thus the long jump carried on till it was Masaru's turn, the current highest score was 2.9 meters so Masaru was considering just how far he could break it within the common sense of humans however what he did not realize was the fact he was against amateurs because the pro was registered in a different event that is taking place as well.

So Masaru took his place breathing steadily, he could somehow feel every inch of his body, when the indication was given Masaru sprinted slightly faster than the boy who he saw in the 100 meter run.

Stepping on the whiteboard he leapt into the air but he realized he probably stepped too hard as he was quite high in the air so he silently cast wind magic to push him down landing perfectly at 4.29 meters.

The instructor and the schoolboys felt their jaw drop on the ground, they did not question the fact Masaru was originally supposed to land in the 5 meters but he pushed it back with magic otherwise a student that between the two long jump pits would have had his head smashed by Masaru's foot.

"Are we up against a professional athlete!?"

"Just how talented is this Demon King!?"

Discussion over Masaru's long jump broke out in a fever but the man in the topic was not bothered at all because he was currently looking for the next event.

"You got the shots?"

Julia asked Diana who disappeared to take photo's of Masaru's long shot event, She flashed a thumb up "Every angle"

The parent who heard this wondered if these two beautiful women were perverts from their discussion or are they simply too excited because how can one take an every angle photo from this distance!?

Meanwhile, fierce competition in the girls 100 meters broke out between Sona, Rias and Jeanne. As her king's order Jeanne made sure to give it her all in a human common-sense way.

"Ready! Get Set! Go!" Rias and Sona sprinted towards the goal but they were too focused they did not realized their real opponent till she overtook them.

"That's cheating!" Rias screamed

Sona sensed Jeanne as she suspected at first that Jeanne was using magic, but she soon noticed this is pure physical ability while still being restricted which shocked her out of her mind.

But due to the attitude of not wanting to lose, these two stubborn heiresses looked around them before they internally boosted their physical abilities but still came out short when Jeanne was the one to win.

"That was cheating Jeanne!" Rias pouted.

"I did not use Demonic energy like you two" Jeanne muttered without care that she was exposing the two of them, causing the two girls to blush.

They both thought 'We don't train to become gorillas like you'

Masaru already completed his events looking at the girls running, it was at this time he could understand why the boys were all fighting for front row seats.

But the moment some of his girls started running he silently took out a small container labelled [Tears of heaven}, it was another new product created by him and Elizabeth. This product released some transparent mists made out of the same effects as Vicks rubbed under the eyes causing the guys to cry their eyes out.

"I can't stop crying!! The heavens have forsaken me!"

"My eyes!! Why can't I see their moving bodies!?"

"It burns! The boobs are too hot!"

Hearing these comments naturally grossed out the girls, the culprit who caused this. Masaru was laughing his butt off at this scene as the effects of the product was simply too good. The boys who were crying tears out of pain, noticed nothing was wrong with him and it dawned them that he might be the culprit who caused this.

"The demon king has attacked us!"

"Despicable! You ruined our reputation!"

"No! He framed us! We came to support the girls!"

"Yes, we are here to "Support" them girls"

Masaru looked at them with a smile as he did not care one bit about their complained, He muttered loud enough for them to hear. "As if you guys had a reputation to begin with!"

When the boys heard this, they all began to curse him while standing up ready to take this battle to a physical level. However, Masaru already vanished from their sighs after he went between some students. The boys who were searching for him to come empty handed.

Never would they expect their target went to where the parents were sitting, Masaru was currently taking his seat next to Diana. "You already finished with your events?"

Masaru nodded with a big smile feeling quite good today, "Yes mom"

Diana smiled feeling happy whenever Masaru calls her mom, "I wanted to ask you but when you met him last night he did not make it difficult for you did he?"

Masaru shook his head, he was reminded of his discussion with Azazel. "He didn't, in fact, he is quite helpful so it will be fine,"

Diana said nothing else other than giving Masaru a hug before returning her attention to the rest of her daughters-in-law taking part in their events.

Seeing Ichika was wearing casual clothes at occasions like this was also quite nice, she was teamed up together with Akeno, Everest and Yui for the sprint rally. Their opponents were several other teams which even included the boys, some of the girls who were teamed up with the boys who were staring at the four girls could only sigh in defeat as these fools would probably give up.

But they did not, the gun fired and the first group took off running while some of the guys, in fact, they pushed their limits beyond their limits trying to win against the girls while they pass on the baton and the second group took off.

Akeno who was in the second group felt a bit disgusted at the sight of the boys who looked at her with such lustful eyes she stealthily cast a little water spell to cause the boys to slip face-first into the hard ground and the water vaporized, the casualty rate of the boys were large but the girls all came out unscathed like a miracle.

It was unfortunate that none of Masaru's peerage took part in any jumping events which was grave news to the fellow fan clubs who were hoping for some fan service only to be left out dry...

09/08/2020 - changes made

Today, I found a mosquito,

I sat right next to it and kept on buzzing so he would see what it’s like,

not being able to sleep!

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts