
How to survive as a SYSTEM

In the realm of Eternal Light, Aiden, a young noble marked by misfortune encounters a self-aware faulty system, eager to find a host. Together, they will face challenges that transcend the boundaries of destiny and time, in a world where power and will intertwine in an eternal dance.

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10 Chs

Destiny (Prologue)

In a world where the essence of power intertwined with the will of beings,

and where destiny was both a tangible force and an implacable law, two souls destined to converge were preparing for an encounter that would change the course of their lives forever.

In the vast domains of the realm of Eternal Light, where sects and political intrigues wove a web of power, the young heir of the Baron's House, known as Aiden,

found himself immersed in the darkness of his own existence. Eldest son of a noble family,

he was considered an average being, with nothing to set him apart from the crowd and an endless streak of misfortune that seemed to pursue him like a shadow.

For Aiden, each day was a struggle against the expectations of his lineage and the disdainful looks of those who expected him to fail.

No matter how hard he tried, nothing seemed to go his way.

In a world where the cultivation of spiritual energy and mastery of martial arts determined an individual's worth,

he was constantly lagging behind, unable to reach the heights that others easily achieved.

However, what Aiden did not know was that his destiny was about to take an unexpected turn.

Deep within himself, lurking in the shadows of his own misfortune, resided an ancient and powerful force:

a faulty system eagerly awaiting its chance to find a suitable host.

This system, a self-aware consciousness, had wandered the cosmos for eons, desperately seeking a refuge where it could cling and survive.

It needed a host to feed on, to absorb the energy of all the negativity it could find and transform it into power for itself.

Yet, the system's history was marked by a series of failures.

A succession of unfortunate hosts had quickly succumbed to its influence,

Unable to bear the burden of evil it brought with it.

But now, with Aiden, the system saw a different opportunity.

A spark of rebellion burned in the heart of the young noble, a will to defy his destiny and change the course of his life.

Meanwhile, in the darkest corners of the universe, the consciousness of the system began to awaken, sensing the presence of its future host.

It was preparing for the inevitable encounter, eager to merge with Aiden and unleash all its latent potential.

In a world where politics and power struggles defined the fate of nations,

and where the cultivation of inner strength was the path to greatness, two souls rose toward an intertwined destiny.

A young nobleman seeking redemption and a faulty system seeking survival, destined to face together the challenges that the uncertain future held for them.