
How to Make Money in a Fantasy World

Sam is a Guild master, or he was six years ago As civilisation progressed the need for adventure and quests stopped. Guild mates and friends betrayed him leaving him pennyless and with nothing to do, moving to the city he got a job and an apartment ready to live the rest of his life without adventure bitter and alone. but it never ends like that. Given the goal of £100,000,000 and a time frame of 3 months he needs to make money Fast! How far would you go for your Brother? Would you kill?

Alex_N67 · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Chapter 12

I hunted him down, my breath expanding my mask as I chased him through the streets. My body expanded and contracted with each silent breath, my feet ricocheting off the tiled roofs as I ran.

He turned left, his body swiveling with each movement his breathing was erratic and unstable. Tears flowed from his eyes as he ran.

Through streets and alleyways.

Right left right left left right. I dropped down to the floor as he ran sarong back at my shadowed figure, he ran right. His body shuddering in shock as he realised, he looked back at me as I turned the corner,

My shadow expanding to meet his, the light behind stretching and contouring my image in the blackness, my body a mere outline. Only one feature visible. That unchanging terrifying smile that was painted over the bandages covering my face. He backed up to the wall dropping to the floor. The terror in his eyes illuminating the street. My mind was in shock at the sight.

I stepped forward taking my hands out of my pockets. Slowly I reached for the knife, his face sweating. He opened his mouth screaming for help, but no sound came, his body cloaked in a cold wreath. My knife slid through his neck like second nature. The invisible blood covering my hands, staining my conscience.

Adding one more to the list.

One week left.

Just one more week and I can go back to my life of mediocrity.

I can go back to my boring job in the convenience store

I can forget about the secret word of assassins, of the spider web of death I got trapped in.

Back to my small apartment and back to reminiscing about what I used to have.

That will and always has been my fate. My final despite. My final form. A hollow bitter man covered in regret.

My total is around ninety million. Just one more big job and I can save him. There isn't much longer. There isn't much longer my dear dear brother.

I picked up the dead man, stuffing him into my pocket, devouring his deceased corpse.

I dropped him at the location, the white card dropping to my feet.

My body felt numb.

I can't do this.

I have to

I can't

I have to

I clenched my hand, the pale skin going yellow from the pressure.

It's the only way.

Jack passed me a new card and a name. The routine was simple, familiar. Easy.

I walked off into the broken darkness. My body moving into the sharp and cold emptiness.

I hate this.

I followed her down a street, they always make the same mistake. They always run away. She stepped onto a small crack, her heel digging into the stone, she fell. her head smacking into the stone floor, her knees skimming as she fell forward tumbling down the street. The orange glow from the street lamps shining off her blood.

I walked over to her, she was trembling. My dagger grew, the cold creeping out from my blade.

My hands were red now.

I doubt I'll ever be able to look at myself again.

I don't know how I'll look my brother in the eye.

I remember when people used to smile at the sight of me. My mere presence giving ease. I remember when I spread joy and safety.

Now all that I bring is death and sorrow. The guild is true to its name.

Grim reaper

"Ple… please. Let me go. Please, I'm begging you! I have a family. You demonic son of a bitch stay back."

Tears dripped from her face, mixing with the blood. I closed my eyes and stabbed the dagger down into her skin, the soft insides wrapping around the blade and then freezing.

I dragged her back and dumped her my body breaking as I pulled her onto the growing pile of bodies and added her life, her blood to my hands.

"You're getting better at this."

"Shut up"

"You still hate it? Its been almost three months. You should get more accustomed to it."

"Just shut up Jack"

I walked back behind a house and held my hand over my mouth, bending over and trying not to throw up, trying not to hurl. I grabbed my stomach, twisting at the skin and coat. I stared down at my hands, the blood dripping from them.

My entire body convulsed at the sight of myself.

In puddles


Anything with a reflection

I was filled with hate at the sight.

But what can I do?

There's no other way

"There's no other way!"

What I keep telling myself

What I keep saying

This is my only option

My only way

My only choice

I have no other answer.

I walked home and the sun started to rise. The holy rays touching my skin and burning my eyes. I used to love the sunrise. Now it fills me with disgust.

How dare I?

How dare I stare at such a beautiful sight

How dare a putrid filthy villain like me stare at something so magnificent.

I walked in the door and dropped my coat on the floor. I walked to my shower and turned the water on. The beads of cold liquid trailing down my chest. Covering my body.

The water flew at my body, it smacked into my red hands. The water battered the palms. They stayed red. Permanently stained, tainted, cursed.

Everything I ever touch will now and forever be stained by my hands.

I sat down. The water heavy on my shoulders falling by my feet. The water crashing into the floor clattering and splashing over the tiles. The shining drops bouncing across the floor. I stared down at my feet. My entire body filled with desperation.

I stared up the warm water falling into my eyes. Falling down my cheec=ks and flowing down to my neck wrapping round the thin skin. The water traveled down to my chest falling down the sides, riding around my ribs and dropping off my back.

I stood up and walked away, the water was already off.

I walked over to my kitchen and pulled a half eaten sandwich from my fridge pulling the bread into my mouth. I swallowed but the taste was gone. Everything was bland and empty now, everything seemed blank.

I gripped my phone and dropped onto the bed the water still running as I stared at the timer, the seconds clicking down with my heart beat, the clicking pounding into my brain.

'6 Days 19 Hours 28 Minutes 55 seconds'

The screen changes with every click of the counter.

I closed my eyes sinking into my pillow and mattress but I was more awake than ever. I pulled the phone into my pocket and pulled a shirt over my head. I opened the door and the light plunged into my dark cave.

I walked up the street staring down at the alley ways. Into the darkness. The bodies of my victims standing there. Covered in blood. Staring at me with hatred.

I deserve it

I deserve it all

I pulled my headphones over my head and the music blasted out.

I walked into the hospital, the sliding door opening for me. Responding to my movements.

I walked up the stairs and into my brother's room.

His breathing was heavy and droned loudly. The whining from the tubes was deafening to me. His face wasn't recognisable through the equipment.

"Ah mister..."


"Sam, I think we need to discuss the current situation, as I explained we require £100,000,000 for your brother's treatment and we need it soon. Can you pay such a bill? You listed your current form of employment as a store clerk and I don't know if that will supply you with the income so I think it might be time to consider talking about it.


Rage bubbled up inside me, my blood boiling. I stared down at her, my eyes filled with rage and anger.

"You want to kill him?!?!?!?!"

"No but he is in a tremendous amount of pain and it might be better if we wer..."

"I'll get your fucking money so dont kill him just yet."

I walked out of the room, the door slamming behind me.
