
How To Make A God

All my life I always knew I was born into the wrong world. I was more violent than other kids. Hell, even some adults. Video games and reading helped but they couldn't quench my thirst for violence. It was always growing more and more rampant. Then one day it got out of control, and I might have killed a guy. Got the death penalty because apparently, the guy was someone important or something. So there I was floating in the empty void that is death. When something happened, that put a huge, creepy smile on my face. [ Welcome to the GAME!!! Would you like to play?] [Y/N] --- The cover was not made by me, all the credit goes to the wonderful artist who made it.

THEPUMPKINL0RD · วิดีโอเกม
3 Chs

Chapter: 2


As I say this the screen disappears and I feel tiredness grasp my mind. I slowly start to blackout.


I feel a harsh heat hit my body causing me to wake up and open my eyes. When I open my eyes I found out where the heat was coming from, it was coming from the sun. The sun I am now staring directly at….

"AH! My eyes! They burn!!"

I turn away from the sun and start to rub my eyes. Once they stop hurting I Look around and see… sand. A lot of sand. To much sand. I look at myself and see I have what I was wearing before I was executed. An orange jacket that is unzipped and wrapped around my waist, a plain white short sleeve shirt, and orange pants. I do notice something different about my body though, and it's that I now have a black tattoo going from where my heart would be on my chest to my left arm.

It looks like four tentacles coming from my heart and slithering over and down my arm, ending right before my wrist. I put the orange jacket on to hide the tattoo. Even if people won't think that it means I'm a siren, I just don't want to leave it up to chance.

'Hey system, Is there a map function?'

[Yes, I can turn it on if you like?]

'Please do.'

As I give my confirmation the same type of map from the borderlands games appears in the top right of my vision.

'Ok good, now I just need to find out where in the story I am. That way-'

My thoughts are cut off though as in the distance I see a truck driving towards me. The truck looks like it was made with a bunch of pieces of scrap that were put together surprisingly well, the things that stood out were the big machine gun attached to the top of the truck and the group of people in the back of the truck, all with guns, yelling out loud.

'Oh, a bandit technical.' A slight smile manages to find its way to my face.

'And from the looks of it, there are four bandits in it, including the one diving. They will be perfect to test my powers on.'

So I just stand there waiting for them to drive to me.

As they get closer they stop a little bit away from me and all hop out of the vehicle. It appears to be two bandit thugs, a bandit raider, and a psycho. The bandit raider yells something along the lines of "Get him!" before they pull out their weapons. The psycho and one of the thugs only have a buzz axe. While the raider and other thug have some bandit pistols.

"Well, time test out how this will work." As they get closer I lift my left arm towards them and use phaseleech. I see purple light shine from out of my sleeve and four tentacles made from some type of purple energy slither out of it lunching towards the bandits.

The tentacles pick up each bandit by their neck, and as I commanded them to drain the bandits, reddish energy seems to come out from the bandits and flow to me through the tentacles.

"Hmmmm~" As the energy touches me I let out an involuntary moan of pleasure as pure euphoria hits every cell in my body.

'This feels amazing! I might get addicted to this feeling!'

While I was having a good time, the bandits were not. They were having their life drain from them bit by bit, it was causing excruciating pain, sadly they couldn't even yell about the pain because the grip of the tentacles was choking them as well. After a little bit, their lives were gone. Their bodies look like stone, but when they dropped to the ground they crumbled like dust. Nothing but their items and truck to show they were even here.

[Four enemies killed]

[Life force drained]

'System what does draining life force do? And why did it feel so good when I did it?'

[Draining people of their life force heals you, gives you more EXP than just killing them normally, and with a higher skill level it can even empower you. As for why it felt good, that was your body's natural response to feeling extra life force enter it, the life force will help you and your body knows that, so it made you feel extreme pleasure so you would do it more often.]

'Oh ok, Thank you.'

I start to look through the shit that was on them and in their truck. There was only the two shity pistols and like forty-five bucks. I would've liked new clothes but I am not wearing anything that these bandits wore. Even from here, I can smell the blood and feces, so I just get into the truck and start driving to find somewhere that will tell me where I am at. I already know I'm not in the first game, as I am currently in a bandit technical which wasn't in the first game. So for now I'm going to be driving around.

Words: 874

A/n: Hope you liked the chapter. And I think I got what my posting schedule will be like. I will try to post at least one chapter on the weekends, and if I am in a good mood and got time maybe one or two during the weekdays. But it mostly depends on if I'm in the mood or got time to do them. Anyways thanks for reading and any tips you can give me about writing will be welcomed as this is my first time getting into writing. See ya next time.