
How to love a werewolf

Believe_ · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


Ring!! Ring!! Ring!!!

The poor alarm clock has been ringing for thirty minutes. " Ugh, my head hurts, I need water." Finally, our main character turns off the alarm. She gets up from the floor,which she found herself sleeping on, and heads for the kitchen.

"Ouch!!" She bumps into someone who loudly yells, "Ahhh!! Why are you still at home August!!! Don't you have a job you should be at. Look at the time. It is already eight-thirty and you haven't yet had a shower. I feel ashamed to call you my sister!!"

" Bla,bla. Stop nagging at me Dylan. What do you mean by job?"The clumsy August says.

"You already forgot." The nagging brother replies. "You know, you should stop relying on a child to keep your schedules. Anyway,you went out yesterday with your friend Marla to celebrate your victory in getting a job.""Woah! Slow down. You mean, I have a job" August screams. Flashes of what happened yesterday enters her mind.