
How To End Your World

What happens when you give someone who hates everything power? You think he’ll help others who are in similar situations like him? HELL NO! You get a protagonist who stays 3 steps ahead and aims for absolute domination! “A meditation technique allowing me to be on par with a god? I was just lucky I had such a great affinity for this shit!” His laughter boomed across the galaxy! The trillions of beings that existed feared him, the women desired him, and the strong continued stalking him. They thought they had killed him, but he had actually transmigrated, what type of luck did he have?! But they have no idea.. When you blend luck, determination and hatred together, you get what you want! And that’s what happened with Amihan, all the way back in earth. … “This is it.. The Garden of Eden” In front of the man stood a swirling purple portal deep within the amazon rainforest. He dropped the gun that was strapped to his back and his backpack and began to form a light layer of energy around his body to brace himself for what awaited him on the other side of the portal. How and why did this man search for the Garden of Eden? To destroy the Tree of Life and gain a second chance at life in another world! Even if it meant his world would be destroyed a lot sooner then attended.. But was it really that simple?

KuberaEvo · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


As both parties were at each others throats, with the wolves literally aiming to gouge the angels throats with their mandibles and exoskeleton claws, the ship was halfway through the portal!

The size of it so large it was covering a majority of the sky. The whole realm descended into darkness with the only source of light being the spotlights from the ship and smaller vessels that were currently flying out the ship!


The vessels were flying by flew at speeds faster then the jets on earth and sped towards the direction of the portal to earth! It was complete chaos in the realm for earth's deity.

"Yahweh, surrender yourself to my glorious Alvolla kingdom and I might let you reincarnate within royalty." A booming yet hoarse voice began sounding from the massive ship that was still emerging out the portal.

This caught Yahweh off guard, but a moment after enraged him, "YOU DARE RESORT TO SUCH UNDERMINING TRICKS?! I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD!!"

The deity of earth known as Yahweh flew into the sky and began to glow a scarlet gold that brought back light into the realm.

All beings that were fighting stopped and stared into the now blazing sun that was Yahweh.

He was no longer a naked man but now armed with white and gold knight armor that was covered in flames of red and gold, he had manifested essence around himself that left Amihan in shock!

He knew he was fighting a deity the whole time, but he didn't know the deity held back so much against him. This cause him to grit his teeth in rage at the realization he was truly treated as a play toy by such a being!

Yahweh began forming symbols midair before clapping his hands together.


The clap was heard by all, silencing everyone and grabbing their attention if it wasn't already to him earlier. After the clap, he kept his hands together for a second before slowly pulling his hands back, revealing a nebula between the two!

After which, he began to rotate his hands around the nebula that began to transform into a red giant star which after a few seconds grew bright red before exploding!

What appeared afterwards was a supernova that Yahweh pulled into the palm of his right hand. Gathering all of it before closing his hand into a fist. He then threw it into the air!


The compressed supernova was tossed hundred of feet into the air before exploding into a black hole!

The beings that served Yahweh all bowed down and began singing songs of praise at the top of their lungs.

Yahweh pointed the black hole and boomed, "KNEEL BEFORE ME!!!!"

He then pointed at the massive ship and the black hole shot to the sky while growing in size!


An alarm from the ship shook the realm and the sides of the ship began to open, with turret like devices appearing and bigger vessels coming out of the ship.


The ship began to unload thousands of laser beams into the oncoming black hole within seconds!

The black hole however seemed unphased as it absorbed it all and continued to speed forward.

While all of this was happening, a being all of a sudden appeared next to Amihan, "We have it taken care of, come with me now."

Before he could even react, everything went black.

When Amihan awoke, he was laying on a metallic like ground in a dimly light room.

The room was small, so small it reminded Amihan of his closet at home!

There was no door or window, just metal everywhere. When Amihan stood up, he heard a voice from the roof, "You've done good, human. We didn't expect much from you but you actually exceeded our expectations!"

After praising Amihan, the speaker's tone became more serious, "Although you've done all of this, we're really not obligated to give you anything. So how about this, survive for our entertainment and we might give you what you desire."

Amihan was shocked beyond belief at these words! He dedicated himself severely to this shit only to be ripped off?!

Right when he was about to protest, light entered his vision from the side of his vision.

He redirected his focus to his right and realized the metallic wall was lowering itself into the ground!

After the wall lowered completely, what Amihan saw made his heart drop.

A room with a locker like storage box in the center, a bench to the right, and to the left..

A metallic gate that led to a Colosseum like arena!

Amihan looked for an exit but couldn't find one. He also checked and remembered he still has no energy in his reserves besides the one in his soul that he isn't able to use!

'This is some FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!' he just wanted to crawl into a hole and die then go through this shit.

Because of his strong soul however he quickly calmed down and decided to play along for now.

He opened the locker that stood in the center and found weapons of shapes and sizes.

The room was about 8 meter tall, with the locker reaching the roof and having multiple doors at different heights. Amihan was currently looking at the weapons he assumed were for his height.

He saw: a 2 meter long broadsword, a meter long sword, a pair of daggers, a pistol like weapon, a rifle like weapon, a staff, and a… A dildo?

'What the fuck..' he didn't know what sort of sick joke he got himself into, but he had no choice but to go along with it or risk death..

He decided to grab the pistol and the 2 daggers.

He looked around the locker and found on the left side some clothing and metallic armor.

Looking at himself, he noticed his clothes were torn beyond repair, so he gladly wore what could fit him.

He currently wore: a rashguard compression shirt and pants, metallic boots, strapped metallic around important parts such as his groin, knees, elbows, and head, and he wore a strap around his body to hold his daggers.

He looked at the back of the locker and found nothing, then looked at the right side and found a bunch of cartridges and vials.

He didn't know what sort of shit these vials did so he only took the cartridges that could fit his pistol.

When he put one in, he tested the pistol and found it shot laser beams!

He used up the cartridge and counted 30 shots in total per cartridge.

He strapped himself with 3 cartridges and kept one in his pistol, then sat down and awaited what would happen next.

After 10 minutes, a voice from the ceiling began speaking, "Put on a good show for us, human. The gate will open now"

Amihan sat in silence until now, so he was confused if there was even a audience or not.

When the gate opened and he walked through the hallway and into the arena with gun in hand, he felt as if he walked through a barrier!

After walking through some sort of barrier, he saw that the arena was actually packed, with loud cheers and voices booming the entire area!

The seats where everyone was seated was most likely protected by the barrier Amihan had walked through, 'this place has some crazy technology..'

The area he stood in was huge, with sand below his feet, a bunch of rocks that protruded through the grounds, and in the center stood a grey metallic platform.

He had an eerie feeling looking upon that platform, as if it was a place where people are sent to be hung at..

He breathed and calmed himself, awaiting for whatever came.

"Greetings deitys and creatures of all kinds, welcome to the Andromeda Galaxy's Stadium!"

Loud cheers and roars could be heard throughout the arena/stadium after the announcer spoke, 'I'm in a whole new galaxy? How long did I sleep for?!'

"Today's show is hosted by Alvolla! They have brought with them a human from the milkway which was ruled by Yahweh but is now ruled by the great Alvolla empire!"

"Enough with the chatter, you came here for a show, and we're going to give you one! Thank you Alvolla empire, and get ready for a bloodbath!!"

The crowd roared and stomped in excitement. Some of the beings in the crowd were waiting here for weeks! The crowd numbered in the millions, with recording devices broadcasting to numerous galaxies and deities who were open to the public.

An example of a deity not being open and keep his people in the dark about how the universe worked was Yahweh.

Many deitys and beings worked in secret with their own goals and paths in life, some will have alliances with other deitys and others will go fully solo.

"And now the bloodthirsty vewians will be testing out the human sacrifice!"


With that, an alarm rang throughout the arena and 3 pale skinny humanoid figures walked into the arena.

They stood at a massive 20 feet tall and each held a scythe the same size as them with each of them having their own color scheme on their own scythe.

They wore little clothing, with skulls and bones protecting their vitals like their crotch and shoulders.

The crowd began stomping their feet in unison as the vewians walked towards the Platform that stood in the center.

Amihan heart sped as he saw these creatures, they had long, slender legs and arms that made them look terrifying. And those scythes.. How was he supposed to dodge those without his energy boost?!

All of a sudden, they moved.


They began dashing across the arena at great speed!

Craters formed everywhere around the arena within seconds until the 3 vewians landed on the arena.


The crowd went wild! They knew they were in for a good show and that they didn't wait for nothing.

Amihan however was terrible after that display.. Not only did he see the speed and power these creatures possessed despite being so tall and frail, they had actually left deep trenches around him which he didn't notice at all until now!

That's right, the 3 vewians had actually dashed and formed a triangle around him with their scythes! It was not only a warning, it was a test from them to see how this human would react.. He failed miserably.

"Let the bloodbath, BEGIN!!"


A bell rang after the announcer commenced the fight to start, which the vewians immediately reacted to.


They dashed off the platform and moved around the human before beginning.


Amihan began shooting at one of the creatures who jumped in front of him.

The first shot actually landed on the creature's body before it dodged the rest.


It then grabbed Amihan and threw him to the ground.

'How the fuck am I supposed to fight back-' Amihan was trying to think of a way to fight back as he shot at them before he was thrown onto a rock that was on the ground!

"AHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKK!!!!!!" he felt the armor push against his back and distort from the force from the creature and the rock below him, causing the armor to stab into his back!

The vewian then picked up the human and jumped all the way to the platform before slamming him into the platform!


The platform remained in tack, but the force caused Amihan to nearly pass out! The armor was shoved deeper into his back, causing blood to pool onto the platform around his body.

"Hufff… Hufff… What am I supposed to do…"

Another vewian dashed over and grabbed the right arm of Amihan with its left fingers and his hand with its right fingers and began pulling!


*Crack- BFLEEEE!"

The vewian pulled and pulled until the arm began ripping, eventually being ripped off in half! Leaving half of Amihan's right arm gone, with only his biceps and above being in tact and his forearm completely gone.

"Ooooh they took the arm!"


The crowd went crazy! The audience were a bunch of beings who loved violence and gore, to the point it was straight perverted!

The universe has over hundreds of trillions of beings within it, so the millions of beings watching this don't even come close to 1% of the population within the universe.

This is the dark side of life, lots of deities and creatures of all shapes and sizes are able to get away with this sort of stuff because of how big the universe is.

There are forces that try to combat these sort of deranged beings, but no one has so much power and time to monitor every crevice of each galaxy in the universe.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" Amihan began flailing his broken arm, with blood flying everywhere and staining his entire being.

He had believed earlier that his lightweight build would be useful as he wasn't the strongest physically without his energy, so having a gun and daggers would be useful.

But he had no idea it was all a facade. No matter what he chose, his death was set in stone..

The other 2 vewians began taking a peice of the human as well.

The vewian who had thrown him earlier grabbed a nearby rock and crushed it onto the platform, grabbing a sharp peice of the rock with its fingers and using it to saw off Amihan's left ear!

"Aaaaahhh… Aaaahhhh… Whyyyy- Aaaahhhh.." his screams and voice became more hoarse and loss volume as he began losing energy. The pain was just so unbearable he was beginnng to hope they'd just end him.

The final Vewian pulled the human's body to the edge of the platform so his legs were dangling off, it then grabbed his left leg and sliced off where the knee was with its scythe!


"That's all for the vewians everyone! Up next is the negantus!"


The vewians walked away while holding their prizes in their hands high in the air.

Amihan laid there in his pool of blood, losing consciousness. He believed he was about to die which he was grateful for until his whole body was basked in a green glow!

"AAAAHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKK!!!!" Amihan felt his wounds tingle and saw his arm begun to regrow, but the pain from the growth was worst then the pain earlier!