
How To Be The Empress Of Arrow's?

DaoistsLWnnQ · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter 16

( Catalina Island )

" No one's here " I said as I looked around the place.

" It woud seem so " Sofia said as she looked around.

" There are barely monster's here " I said as I felt a little sad.

" Were not here for mana stone's anyway " I said and walked to a tree.

" This place has alot of wood type monster's that grow Flower Peach " I said as I grabed a flower that grew from a tree.

" There harmless " I said as the both of them picked up some Flower Peach.

" Ok " Gwen said as she went near the tree and helped me. Sofia followed after and helped out.

We finished taking up some Flower Peach and I put them on my gem and started to walk to a tree and accidentally kicked a pebble.

" * Bang * " The rock hit the floor right after.

" Huh? " I said as the pebble droped down from the ground.

I was a little bit shoked as a pebble went through the ground and landed on a ground underneath.

" Can you two come here " I said and I looked at the ground.

" What is it? " Gwen said and looked at me.

" I think there is a secret place here " I said and the both of them looked at the ground.

" Is that supose to be a jo... " Gwen was going to say something, But I jumped down the hole.

I landed on the floor and the two of them followed right after me. They all landed safely and the place was dark. There was no light inside the cave.

" Gwen, Use light magic " I said and light bubble's started to apear.

" What is this place? " Gwen said and looked around.

" A cave " I said and sofia hid her presence for an emergency.

" Let's explore it then " I said as I walked strait.

We walked strait to the underground cave and there were some trap's here and there, But nothing major that we coud not handle.

" What do you think is inside of this cave? " I asked the both of them as we all moved. ( I did not put walk, Since Sofia is a serpant )

" This cave must have something to hide " Gwen said and stoped some bunch of poison arrow using her right hand.

" You're are probably right " I said and walked around more.

Gwen disstroyed a wall that was blocking our way using her feather's. She retracted her feather's using mana and did the same thing over and over again.

" Why are there so many wall's? " I said as Gwen broke more wall's.

" Huh what this? " I said and saw that there were writings on the wall.

The wall's had letter's on it and was written in blood. I looked at it more and it was a Dragon's language.

" Can you read it? " I asked as I looked around.

" No " The both of them said at the exact time.

" Yeah me too " I said as the both of the tried to read the letter's.

( It will not let me update the chapter with the word's writen on it. It say's that if I post with other languages I will not be able to recieve any gift's )

I started to learn the language little by little as I tried to comprehend it little by little. I looked at the letter's written on the wall's over and over again and focused more on the word's that I understand.

' What does that even mean? ' I thought as I scanned it more and more.

" Th- The... Day... Of the apocalypse " I said as I started to understand the language little by little.

" How can you read this? " Gwen asked as she looked at the letter's.

" I made a blood contract with a dragon, I u derstand a little bit of it " I said as i screabled with the letter's more.

" The.... One..... Who sh- shall rul-destroy.... everything? " I said as I felt a little confused.

" Can't you just tell the dragon to come here? " Gwen asked with a confused face.

" It's still an egg " I said to her.

" Oh " She said as the word's I just said was much more understandable.

" I cant understand this part " I said as I walked more.

" This one say's, The..... God's... Shall.... Desend as there aposole... will reunite.... once more " I said as I walked around more and read the letter's on the wall.

" The... begining..... of... t...he apo..... calypse.... shall..... start... at the end " I said as I started to think that this might he a prophecy.

I walked more and saw that the writhing's was gone. The righting's on our back was gone and the writing's on the front was also gone. They disappeared in a blink of a second.

" What just happened? " I thought as I looked confused.

[ Event : The begining of a new era

Time till the event : 30 day's ]

" Huh? What is going on? " I said and the cave started to shake rapedly and debri's started to fall on us.

" Run " I said and the three of us started to run to the exit.

I started to dodge every single dibri that was falling and Gwen desstroyed as much dibri and running rapidly. Trap's started to activate and poison arrow's, giant rock's, axes etc started to fall on us as we treid to escape the cave. Sofia was already ahead of us as she can twist her body and dodge.

" [ Water Net ] " Gwen said and water net's came out of her wing's and held the dibri's on the wall.

I fired an arrow at a wall that was near the exit and held Gwen. I teleported to the arrow and we managed to get out of the cave just a second before it completely colapsed.

" That was fun! " Gwen said as she streched her wing's.

" Yeah. I woud like to do that again " I said as I smiled.

" That was really fun if I do say so my self " Sofia said as she cleaned her self using water magic.

We actualy did not feel tired at all. We are not A-rank for nothing that's for sure. To us this was just an exercise as we only used so little mana.

" But, I think we activated a world event! " I said as I clinged my teeeth.

" If no one know's then no one will know " Sofia said as she chuckeled a little bit.

" Did you see a person here? " I said and jumped on top of Gwen.

" No and you? " Gwen said and she started to flap ger wing's.

" Oh ok then " I said as we flew to the sky.

Sofia went into my soul realm. This space was specialy created once I made a contract with the both of them. I had a soul dimention before, But only Qiqi was there and I only had Qiqi with me so my soul dimention was always small untill I made a new blood contract.