
How to be a Vampire

Jade was orphaned at 16 years of age, and with no living relatives to take her in, she lived alone, surviving with her inheritance. Among the things her parents left behind, she found a journal, and on the cover it read "How to be a Vampire."

TheAnaeph · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

How to be a Vampire

Jade was orphaned at 16 years of age, and with no living relatives to take her in, she lived alone, surviving with her inheritance. Among the things her parents left behind, she found a journal, and on the cover it read "How to be a Vampire."


She looked around, overwhelmed with emotion. there was blood on the walls and ceiling. blood leading from the kitchen to the living room, and it looked as if some large mass had been drug through it. She couldn't hold it in. the metallic smell and gruesome scene left her sick. She couldn't help but throw up. Scared and alone she walked through the house, looking for an answer. common sense told her to run away and call police, but her body was drawn to the living room as if some invisible force was pulling her. There, in a puddle of blood, layed her parents. They were folded up and mangled.

Jade fell to the floor. "Oh my god.. Oh my god!" she screamed. She fell to her knees, crying tears upon tears. On the news there had been reports of random attacks just like this one; but she never thought something like this would happen to her, to her parents.

Suddenly, she could hear crashing in the master bedroom. fearful that the culprit was still there and had heard her cries, she bolted for the fireplace, crawling inside and placing her feet and back against opposite walls so that she could climb up and not be seen.

The sounds echoed through the house, and a monstrous roar could be heard from the living room. Although her hiding place seemed safe to her, the beast seemed to know exactly where she was. Something reached up and grabbed her leg with incredible force.

She screamed as she came tumbling down. The beast, which now looked human as she laid eyes on it for the first time, sank its teeth into her leg, spilling her blood everywhere. She felt paralyzed, unable to move or think. She could feel the blood rushing to the site. She used all the willpower she had to beat the thing with the iron poker besides the fireplace. she hit and hit, and finally the thing went into the body of the monster. It screamed in pain, unlatching itself from her leg.

"You bitch!" it howled. It started again after her, but this time she was ready. When he lunged toward her, she aimed the poker at his chest. hoping to injure him so she could run away; But the monster ran straight into it. It went limp for a moment, and then began to disintegrate as if burnt in a crematorium.

"You think you can get away with this?" he screamed. with the last of his strength he ripped open his wrist, forcing it against her mouth. Although severely injured, he still had awesome strength. Without meaning to, she had been forced to drink his blood.

She suddenly felt dizzy and the room spun. Everything went black and she passed out.