
I'll be the light

I found Miran lighting scented candles at the temple's garden. The garden was a chaos of dark green and white made of marble pillars and tall trees. There were thick white candles on the candle holders hanging from the wires drawn between the trees.

The white candles were brushing off the darkness and helping relieve the pressure the temple put on me. ''Aren't the candles sacred?'' I mumbled.

''Apparently, these ones are not,'' the voice of the fox in my mind answered.

I approached Miran and touched her shoulder. The semi-transparent veil was preventing me from seeing her expression, covering her whole face except for her eyes, but I felt that her surprise, then happiness. Miran has never been difficult to read.

Taking advantage of the partial privacy provided by the tall trees, I bowed slightly and kissed Miran's lips. My lips touched the veil's soft fabric. Knowing that if I had lifted her veil, I'll see her face flushed and her lips parted with expectation, I smiled.

''Did you miss me?'' I said.

Turning her gaze down, ''Yes! Ah, umm...''

''You can call me by name,'' I said. I found it cute that she couldn't look into my eyes.

''Yes, I understand. Are you here for the wedding?''

''No,'' I said. ''I came to see you. Is Cleric Roen around?''

''Yes, I mean no. Ah, he supposed to be here but there was an invitation that he couldn't refuse. I don't know the details,'' Miran said in a rush.

''An invitation huh.'' I'm pretty sure it was the dinner Hermes headed. Roen had a deep relationship with the light just like me. If they were inviting those with close ties to the elements, it could be expected to invite him.

''Maybe they don't know you existed? Or they sent the invitation to the hostel room where you no longer live?'' The fox said.

''Please, I've been making potions to the guild and the rest of the town for weeks. Of course they know I existed. Also, I did not tell anyone where I was staying. The first place they'd look if anyone wants to find me is the guild.'' I said to the fox and I added out loud, ''Are you done with the candles?''

''Sorry, no. I need to find the little candles so that the guests give their wishes for the couple.''

Her voice was really sad. I felt the mental link between the two of us getting stronger again. ''Hear me, girl, physical proximity is everything. Keep her close if you don't want to lose her like me,'' the fox said with a difference in the usual voice I used to hear.

Not being sure if I'm mistaken about the different voice, ''What was that?'' I asked.

''I am a combination of many who share the core before you. Sometimes memories of older, powerful succubus overwhelm the last one,'' the fox said whit the usual voice.

I didn't quite understand what it was saying, but it didn't seem like something I could do something about anyway. Also, Miran's suppressed desires were distracting me. I felt she was hiding something that she was both ashamed of and enjoyed, but I wasn't sure what.

''When will you finish the work?'' I asked.

''After seeing the newly married couple off to their new home.''

Nodding, I hoped it wouldn't take too long. The traditions of the town weren't familiar to me and I didn't know when Roen would be back. I was hoping to spend some alone time with Miran before he came back. Candles were inspiring.

Since there was no one I knew, I watched as guests gave their good wishes to the couple. Shivering, ''I guess those candles are the sacred ones,'' I said. I enveloped my body with the qi energy I took from the soft candlelight that filled the garden to ease the discomfort all the temple and sacred things gave me.

If someone looked at me now, not with their eyes, but with the vision we use to feel the energy, they could see the soft halos of light surrounding my body. It was a shield for protection and healing, not something aggressive, and even it's not exactly suitable for a wedding, it wasn't unusual for daily life either.

When I saw the newlywed couple leaving the temple with the crowd and Miran approaching me with a little awkward walk, I smiled. I had a good guess of what it was that she was both ashamed of and having fun. However, when I heard the things he was about to say, my smile froze on my face.

''Sora, Cleric Roen wishes to talk to you.''

When did he arrive? Since I was technically at the man's house, I couldn't say no. Why would I say no anyway? Even if he uses inspect skill somehow, I now had a conceal.

I wrapped myself in light qi to hide any demonic aura I might have caused. Even though my connection with the light was not as strong as when I was human, it was still there. Since there is nothing else I can do, I followed Miran.

''This must be destiny. I was wondering how to find you, and you are here already,'' Roen said.

''Why were you looking for me?'' I asked.

''I have been nominated to represent light to help break a seal that requires element users to break. I suggested you instead of me.''

Frowning, ''Not that I object, but why don't you represent the light?'' I asked.

''Well,'' Roen chuckled, ''It's not something I like to show but...'' He held up his palm facing up. It started with black dots, then the dots joined in his palm to form a larger orb. ''I'll be the one representing the darkness.''

I stared at the black orb blankly. I was completely speechless. Roen was bound by two elements. One was the light and the other was the darkness. I mean, isn't it supposed to be impossible?

Wax play? Anyone?

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