
Suit's Potential

With the now gained information I would like to talk to the heads of the Organization themselves. There are 10 of them. Let's start with the simplest man of the 10, Mr. Lords. A good man in my eyes but I want answers. As I travelled around with the suit in camo mode. I went to Mr. Lords House as I approach the door, the doorknob is damaged and I quickly entered the house and seeing how bullet ridden the inside was I saw Mr. Lords wife and son on the kitchen floor all gunned up.

Their dead bodies are still warm... I predict they died not long from now just around 30 minutes. I quickly headed upstairs to check to his room. And I saw him struggling bleeding to death.

"Who goes there?" As I hear Lords voice while suffering in pain.

"It's me Sir... Vaughn." As I quickly went to him and asked.

"Sir, what happened here? Who did this to you?" As I hold his dying body to try to get to him before he passes away.

"Vaughn... I order you to NOT to trust anyone in the Organization. Those people have become monsters. I'm sorry that I was on the wrong side of the coin, we didn't expect a full takeover of Null that happened in just the matter of minutes. Also that suit... Wasn't that a prototype? But hurry get out of here Vaughn the house has been planted with bombs."

As I hear this I heard the first bombs explode on the first floor I jumped out of the closest window as quickly possible to prevent me to be engulfed by the fire. I have to ask the other 9 now... I can't believe they would do this to a simple man. I mean he was already retired by the time I left he was a person I inspired too he saved my ass multiple times. Despite his kindness he was still in the war industry.

How could a Kind man like him would be in the war economy... He did tell me and it was to provide the forces that is doing what's right for them to support their beliefs through violence once violence takes contact with violence it cancels each other out or gets the better end to the winner of that clash. Whatever the case he did tell me he became an executive because of these beliefs he's not rooting for anyone nor that he's making one or the other enticed into violence.

He was nicknamed the St. Nick of War. Now he's dead in the hands of his own comrades. Next up in the list of potential assholes. Let's start with the closest man around here, Robert.

After a few minutes I arrived at Robert's place. It seems like its heavily guarded. As it should be, that bastard could have been behind all of this. Knowing he is a greedy bastard out of all 10 of them. This is a trial for my suit so I began my raid. Activating active camo, I pull out my rifle and began the infiltration.

Robert's house is quite being for an arms dealer living with the civilians.

"Hey over here." As I whispered to the guard taking him out with a knife across his neck. Seems like I'm in his pool area. I need to get inside his house, so I began to grab the dead guard's keycard. Next phase is to jam their communications. Speak no evil as they say.

I can deactivate active camo and activate passive camo for the cameras so they won't see me. See no evil, let's do this. The house is a huge maze if not a bit confusing since only 1 guy is living here. To be frankly honest its kind of sad that he has this much space and not a lot to fill it. I took out as many guards as quietly as possible. Spilling blood on this probably expensive wool carpet.

It should have been a nice house for the person who deserve it. But sadly a bastard took over it using money he gained via war. Now that I looked back as a Arms dealer myself I've only fueled my thirst for war. I took out the last of the guards in his home and quietly aligned them on the couch to make it look like they're hanging out.

I located where Robert is at and seems like he's in his theater room good thing that room is soundproof. I activated active camo and kicked down the door to surprise him of his door suddenly opening with no one behind it.

"Who goes there!" As Robert grabs a pistol from the table surprised that no one is at the door.

"Hello there asshole. Missed me?"

"Where are you? You bastard." As he starts shooting the doorway with his pistol none of which are hitting and all shots were missed.

"I have a question for you. You ass!" I pulled Robert from the place he was standing while camouflaged and I disabled it in front of him.

"Who the hell are you. You bastard, where are my guards how did you entered my armored house." I'm surprised he didn't recognized me well I'm still on my disguised face.

"Well Robert I'm surprised you forgot about me. Why do we have a good long chat between old comrades." As I threw him into the seat as I show him my face. "It's Vaughn you bastard." As I punch him just straight out of frustration.

"You're a dead man Vaughn the entire world wants you dead. You think you could get away from this?"

"Actually I can since there are no eye witnesses. Not even the cameras would see me. I've become the invisible man Robert but forget about that first. What did you do to Lords?" As I punched him again and he begins to bleed out from his nose.

"You son of a bitch. Lords was against us anyways and anyone who is against the Organization is immediately an enemy of ours. So we had to do, what we had to do. There's nothing you could stop us now Vaughn. Oh yeah, there's this guy disrupting your business world to be frank he's better than you." I looked back at him again and said.

"Well that person is me. You think someone can out pace me, if there is that person that would be me you dumbass. Dealer was just a façade that person was just for me to regain the fortune I lost from being exiled. But I guess we'll have a long talk here Robert because I have a lot of questions for you we'll have a bit of a heart to heart discussion so you better talk before I ripped your head off your shoulders." As I close the theater room's doors to begin my talk with Robert.

Vaughn learns that the Organization isn't hesitant to execute their own people and that made him pissed off even more so he made a friendly visit to Robert another important man of the Organization. Did you like the new chapter? A review or comment is appreciated.

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