
Bargaining Chips & Grudges

I gave Robert a good beating before I tied him to the chair again.

"You're making a big mistake here Vaughn. We know you've been wanting to kill us all off right? You know the risks of fighting against the Organization. Do you think you have the capability of taking down all of us now that we have an associate Null."

"Actually Robert... I can because do you know what suit I'm wearing?" As I activate its active camo in front of him.

"No way... No fucking way you made the Prototype that quick."

"Let's just say 7 days was enough for me to finish this also you know this one right?" I Pulled out Inferno right in front of him knowing his place.

"Bullshit you finished a Hypertana that quick too." I was wavering the sword in front of him.

"It wouldn't be bullshit Robert if I have this in my own two hands. And it works I haven't tested it out on human targets just yet I'll delay its debut for now also I don't wanna surprise anyone of course since this is a secret project of mine."

"What are you planning Vaughn? You know we still have your students at a gun point. Plus they have a new professor replacing you."

"My plans? Robert, I don't have to tell you that. Plus, I know that man who is currently teaching them. I'm not worried that they will be in any form of trouble. My eye is always on them and they will be protected from all of your plans." I push him back to the sound-dented walls.

"Vaughn you're sick just like us you know this. Remember all the wars you've joined and caused just to fulfill your joy. Weren't you built like that Vaughn, like all the Children of Warfare you were once part off. Manufactured for war, but you were one of the special kids there. Who actually loved violence so much he became top of the class and was deployed at the age of 8."

"THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT ROBERT." I was pissed, so I punch through the wall near his head.

"Face it Vaughn. The Organization wouldn't survive without Null. This is for the best of everyone here Vaughn!" I punched him one more time to put my sense into him.

"You wouldn't understand you asshole. None of you will, my plans would bigger and better than what you and those fuckers at Null are making out of." As I sat down again on the couch to give it some thought.

The plans of warfare far worst than our controlled wars. Despite of me wanting this, I've grown far and mature enough to know which one I would like and the ones I don't. I'm an arms dealer I control the war from an equipment's stand point. I control the wars I would like to enjoy myself I haven't forgotten that I'm responsible for the millions of lives killed in the field. What can I do I was hardwired like this from the very beginning.

"Just what thoughts are running in your head Vaughn. Just what kind of man is running your head there Vaughn." As I had enough of his nonsense banter I shot him at the head with my pistol ending it.

"You just wouldn't understand. I'm doing this to prevent a bigger war that I fear is what is happening. Yes, I'm that child who enjoys violence, I get joy from killing. Not really why I got the name Killjoy from but it can be played like that when one of my handlers saw me smiling after a mission. Where even other kids feared me in that class."

2 Hours later...

After I burnt the house of Robert I disabled the jammer so the death signal would be sent as per usual. Seems like all of them has that now, standard issue to keep track of every Organization member. To engrave the message of I'm coming for them I began tracking down the other two nearest Organization execs. Joel and Kipp. Not the best two targets I can come up with but they are worst in their own ways.

The Organization isn't as clean as everyone thinks off. Of course being a PMC it has its fair share of kindness by being hired by Government militaries to support them. And fair share of war crimes in our wake with Kipp being a man as he was. He liked his soldiers all women the sick bastard wanted a harem who would die for him in battle.

From the looks of it Kipp is the easiest one to access. At this point infiltrating his home is easier than Roberts despite being higher in the ranks. I haven't killed his guards since I'm just here to quickly do my bidding and sending a message as quick as possible. Also no time for cleaning bodies of course.

"Hey there Kipp. I came here to do some business." I blasted him full of lead with a suppressed Uzi and shot the camera on his room to prevent triggering the alarm. I'm surprised how the active camo has been very useful in these kinds of missions.

After that is Joel... He's a bit better on the spectrum of fucked up people. Since he prefers scamming his clients with shitty rifles to take care of them. It's a weird way to do justice but I'd say he's creative to say the least. From the looks of it after the Null takeover, he's mostly been busy dealing with Human trafficking let's say he brought himself to my personal hitlist because of that.

He's currently in a hotel dealing with a child trafficker talk about messed up shit right there. So my operation to take him down is that I knocked at his room disguised as a room service attendant.

"Room service for Mr. Joel?"

"Yes, I did call up room service pleased to be in your presence." I entered his room and closed the door with the push cart.

"So anyways what is today's dinn-" He didn't finish his sentence since I wasn't patient of hearing his bullshit anyways. It was a quick job so I left and headed back since I've sent my message now time to go back to teach kids chemistry.

Vaughn faced a major loss to him. Losing a friend, Mr. Lords he considered him as a uncle he never had. Now he had sent a message to the Organization that he's serious with his business by taking down three of the execs of the Organization. Did you love the new chapter? A Comment or review is appreciated!

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