
How They Fell for Each Other

A world where the demons and angels are in constant war. Society has fallen down, crumbling to the ground and burning to ashes. A strange mysterious forbidden forest and a cute guy..??? Asura is a 15 year old demon, angel, elf, demon hybrid who falls in love with a guy named Aryan from the forest. Where will this romance go?

Vaz_MentallyIll · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


When I arrived at the front gates of the school I gazed and observed how large and grand the college was. It shouldn't be in this small ordinary and bland town, I thought to myself, laughing internally. The school from the outside looked like something from a fairytale, not to mention that the inside of it was even more spectacular and fancy. The admission is hundreds of dollars each semester to fund for clubs, activities, classes, and remodeling. The only reason I managed to get in was because I was one of the lucky select few to get awarded a scholarship to this place. The school was made from pristine polished stone bricks that shone brightly from the sunlight hitting directly, the exterior was surrounded by neatly trimmed bushes and rows of pristinely planted flowers, varying from color and size, scent. The school itself was four stories tall, each floor having fifteen classrooms and five club rooms, adding up to twenty rooms total. The four floors were divided up into each year, first years on the first floor, second years on the second floor, third years on the third floor, and finally fourth years on the fourth floor. The staircase leading up to the entrance were covered in students sitting and talking with friends, some going into school and others waiting around for people.

"Hey, Asura! Over here!" Liv yelled out to me from the staircase. I quickly spotted them sitting down towards the edge of the right side, sitting next to Onyx. Nimbly dashing over to them, Liz ran up to me and gave me a big and tight hug. "Onyx and I have been waiting forever for you! Thank god classes don't actually start until eight fifty-five otherwise we wouldn't be able to talk at all until later in the day which would be so boringggggg," Liz continued to ramble on, "and honestly it wouldn't be very enjoyable because it's so lame and dull without you and Onyx doesn't like when I talk so much which is really really mean and he's a big jerk but anyway, you're my best friend and you're so cool and I real-"

"Okay we get it, you can shut up now," Onyx said, annoyed with all Liv's constant talking, "They've been like this for an entire hour and like thirty minutes, my ears are going to burst."

"Hey!" Liv exclaimed, clearly in shock and offended.

"Okay, but you do have to admit that it's pretty cute when they ramble," I chuckled lightly. "Hey what time is it currently?" I asked.

Onyx answered, "it's currently eight twenty two in the morning."

As we waited for the bell to ring we walked and talked to the coffee shop inside the college and got some.

"Do you guys want to go and walk around? We should still have ten or so minutes left before we have to be in our classes," I asked Onyx and Liv while scanning the area and swishing around the dark, burning hot brown liquid with a strong and sweet aroma.

"I mean sure, why not?" replied Onyx.

"YES, YES, YES!!!!" blurted out a little bit too loud. Everyone around us stopped whatever they were currently doing and stared. I darted glances back and forth between the two and they nodded. We hurriedly sped away and looked around. We had only been going here for two months now but the college was still just as glorious and prestigious as it was the first time around. The walls were a pretty bright porcelain white except for near the art rooms and certain clubs, those were decorated with bright splashes and splotches of colors and shades of the rainbow. The floors were a made from smooth black speckled freshly waxed white and gold tiles. The ceilings had large, grand, spectacular, gold chandeliers with thousands of glowing and sparkling bright turquoise crystals on it that shine brightly throughout the halls. Each classroom in the southeast wing was located on the right side of the halls while large, clean windows that lead out to a gorgeous view of the fields where picnics for lunch are typically held at. All of a sudden the bell rang throughout the hallway from a nearby wall.

"Well I better get going before I get in trouble, I'll see you guys later!" I quickly said, rushing away down the long, and now very busy and crowded hallway.