
New Life

„Hey Cedric" my friend called me from the distance. I was invited to a big party I don't know why though considering I am not really a social person. My Name is Cedric Sommerscave I am really happy about it, I am 13 years old my friend Brian Helt invited me to his Birthday Party for some reason unknown to me. I hope it isn't too make a fool out of me. Maybe he has something against me I always study together with the most beautiful girl in school after all.

Well not that hard considering we are neighbors. „Hey come on Cedric come the others are already eating the cake your late where you coming from?" my friend asked sounding obviously annoyed I am late for the party so I gathered up the courage to respond „Hey Brian I went to the supermarket and brought some snacks for everyone."

Now he already became very happy again „Hey come over bring the snacks to my mom she was already worried because she forgot to buy some for the party." I was really happy now as well though already something was off, his mother called me in secret after all.

She told me how she forgot to buy snacks and I am the only one able to go buy some for her. I hope she pays me back I had to dish out all my pocket money for this. Brian started introducing his other friends to me I tried to act polite and remember they're names but I wasn't able too.

I need to say I and Brian the popular kid are only friends for two reasons, after all, I know the school number 1. belle and we have the same favorite Novel/Manga/Anime Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a Dungeon? Really a good Novel.

I have to admit my first love was Ais, well it would be fun to get to know all the characters from the story but I really wanna know Ais, she seems like a very interesting person. This may be because I can identify myself really good with Bell Cranel the main character.

The reason for that is simple I wanna be a Hero. Suddenly I got light-headed, my breathing got harsh. I suddenly felt like someone is grabbing my heart and squeezing it very tight I almost blacked out from the pain. I only really understood what happened when I heard Brian's mom call the Ambulance because I collapsed.

I suddenly felt some strong pressure from where my ribs are. I even heard the sound of breaking bones. I wanted to scream at Brian's mom to stop but she didn't seem to hear me. I fell in panic because I couldn't do anything at all.

This feeling came to overpower me till I suddenly felt a sharp pain from my chest. I didn't know what it was but shortly after, I passed from this world. I suddenly felt really light and euphoric almost ecstatic. Then everything got bright light flooded my vision, I tried closing my eyes only to realize I can't. Then it hit me I am dead.

Really what else could I be when I look at my arms and the only thing I see is some sort of glowing haze that looks like them. When I looked around there was only light all around me. The ground, the sky even all the plains that surround me seemed to be made out of nothing but pure light. Which made me think is this heaven. <sadly no> came a deep male voice out of the bright sky.

<These are the plains of reincarnation> the voice started to explain. <This is the place where all souls come to before being either sent to heaven or hell upon Judgment or they receive the occasional gift of reincarnation.

You child receive a special gift, be happy and await your present in hope of successes.> the voice sounded all the more faint and distant when I began to ask in a loud voice „How long do I have to wait?"

After waiting for what seemed to be days I finally got a reaction it seems my ceaseless pestering got me an answer all thought one I didn't expect. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and a winged men stood in front of me. In a deep and caring voice, he told me.

<Child how can you pester the heavens for thousands upon thousands of years without ceasing? Well it seems you want an answers for your questions right?> The winged men honestly surprised me even I know what an Angel is but what surprised me the most was that he had like 30 wings in a deep glowing crimson.

Mind me if those wings wouldn't glow I would have assumed he was the devil.

<Child do you want Answers or are my wings so interesting you forgot what you wanted to ask?> The Angel sounded somewhat teasing even though his face didn't have any indication of emotion.

This was very perplexing, but I managed to gather my thoughts and asked aloud. „Angel, why do you have so many wings? I heard archangels have 10 so do seraphim then why do you have 30?"

The angel answered perplexed <Child is this all you want to know?> I gave court nod upon which the angel told me. <Child I have 30 Wings because my father gave me a great task. This task is to watch and take care of all the souls that pass into the afterlife and bring the gift of reincarnation to a chosen few. My work today is to bring you, my child, a special gift.>

„So you are the archangel that guard the gates of Eden and of the heavens?!" I interrupted out of astonishment. <Yes I am the guardian of the gate to Eden as well as of the gates of the heavens.>

The angel replied calmly with a small and caring smile. <So now let's get to your present.> the angel explained. When I interrupted again „You don't have to tell me what it is, my mother told me if you are given something by the heavens you have to accept.

She told me that the heavens would never mean you harm unless you were blasphemous to god." The Angel smiled from ear to ear while laughing pleasurably. <Child you really are pure-hearted. To not even reject a gift you don't know about. Only because your mother taught you that the heavens wouldn't want you harm.>

The angel now began to laugh heartily. After a while, the angel took two fruits out of nowhere and handed him to me. <Eat> He said before vanishing. So now I am sitting here with an apple in my left hand and a banana in my right. Really when I saw that banana I had visions of the minions from the minion's movie screaming banana banana banana all the time.

Well, whatever done with them fruits and nothing no fancy system like notifications, not even the angel popping up out of nowhere. So I decided to go of meditating it's not like I want to pester the heavens for another thousand or more years.

At some point, I felt my spirit growing out of my body. I was able to feel all my surroundings. At this point, the angel suddenly appeared again. <Child you are one step away from enlightenment. You really surprised me here 1 year after I left I felt someone reaching the state of acceptance within my domain, so I came over and here you are. Normally it's always silent in this space so I forgot about you till now. Why didn't you pester the heavens again boy?>

The angel asked seemingly intrigued about my actions. I gave my answer. „I thought it wouldn't bring about any changes if I just pester the heavens again so I thought about meditating to pass the time till your return." I realized while answering that my voice became deeper and more powerful so I asked. „Angel, can you please explain to me why my voice suddenly sounds so much deeper and also feels way more powerful?"

<My child this are changes the fruits brought you it takes an extreme amount of time till they should be evident. Look at your body and you will see.> The angel said with his deep and powerful voice. I looked at myself and realized that my body went through some massive changes.

My skin looks like it's made for a doll perfect without any pickles nor a spot of rough skin. Even my tool grew in size it looks rather extreme in contrast to my body's size. When I felt my crimson hair it didn't feel fat and somewhat sticky like normal now it felt smooth and tender to the touch and it looked rather nice and glossy.

My eyes also changed in color they were no longer brown in color now they are a vibrant scarlet in color. I also got a rather manly build now that is just perfect in any way my face also looks perfect with a pinch of manly charm.

Now that I knew of the changes in my body the angel began to speak again. <That not the only change you should have grown more intelligent as well as having gained an increase in overall talent. Also, it's time that I give you, your present and let you go or I will get in trouble.>

Suddenly the angel disappeared again at the exact same moment I felt something bound with my soul a rather strange feeling. {Host bound to System registered to administration. Welcome to the Heavenly System host please stat your Name.}

I was extremely surprised suddenly here was a nice and smooth feminine voice sounding in my head.

„My Name is Cedric Sommerscave." the voice replied to my words with {Welcome Cedric Sommerscave you were chosen as the one and only holder of the heavenly system. Please choose the world and time you want to reincarnate into please note that you will remain in the body you see now. Please note as well that considering whichever world you choose you will be given a special gift that will make your life in said world easier.}

Instantly I said, „Danmachi I want to live in the world of Danmachi, 3 years before all began!" {Recognizing the host Cedric Sommerscave's desire to live in the world of Danmachi please specify a location to reincarnate to.}

„I want to reincarnate in front of the guild's main hall!" {Recognized host will reincarnate in front of the guild's main hall informing host he will be reincarnated in a back alley that leads directly to the guild} „Yeah" I was so happy I just let out all my desires. {Host please look at your Status.} „Status!"

Name: Cedric Sommerscave Age: 13 Years old

Race: Origin Human1/4Origin Devil1/4Origin God2/4

Familia: none

Level 1

STR: 100 H

END: 100 H

AGI: 100 H

DEX: 100 H

MAG: 100 H

Total: 500


Origin of all Magic SSS

No chant magic enables the user to use all and any magic as long as the chant or activation words are known. Knowledge of the magic effect is necessary also enables the user to be able to create his own magic. Knowing the name and effect of magic can be enough to even cast high-ranking spells.


True Origin Blood SSS

passive: enhances the user's vessel to hold 1000 more stats. It gives an extreme passive boost in growth rate. gives the user a vessel which uses Origin Energy to cast magic has overall greater capabilities than mana. Origin Energy can strongly improve of goods the user creates. Increases overall body capabilities as well as mental capabilities including an extreme increase in beauty and looks. Increases all types of recovery increases by 10000 times in effect. This effect can be stacked with other skills.

active: the skill allows the user to create a domain within this domain the user has a grasp of everything that happens also makes him stand above anyone who is weaker other skills as well as magic can be infused into the domain with various effects.

Will of the heart SSS

passive: enhances the user's vessel to hold 2000 more stats. Gives a massive boost in growth rate the more the user wants to become stronger the effect. The effect is permanent.

active: great conviction and extreme feelings can cause a rapid growth burst to happen. Also gives an overall increase in status for a short period of time.

Gift of the Body SSS

passive: makes growth in STR, END, and AGI easier by a lot increases overall beauty and looks enormously. Stamina recovery and self-healing will be 1000 times faster in all cases. Gives complete immunity to all debuffs. Increases races body capabilities.

active: increases stamina recovery and self-healing ability by another 1000 times.

Gift of the Mind SSS

passive: makes growth in DEX and MAG easier by a lot increases overall intelligence and mental capabilities enormously makes mana recovery faster by a 1000 times increases mental fortitude to an extreme level.

active: increases mana recovery by another 1000 times.

True Warrior's Soul SSS

Skill only works if faced with a stronger enemy.

passive: A true Warrior fights till Death so he may be able to overcome death and return home gives a 10 times boost in self-healing. For the duration of the fight.

active: 100% boost in END to ensure survival if the attack is successfully withstood will switch and give a 100% boost in AGI to ensure that the user can escape to safety.

Realis Phrase S

passive: To grow quickly. As long as the user's feelings remain it stays in effect. And the stronger the user's feelings, the more it's effects grow.

Argonaut A

active: If faced with overwhelming power this one small attack shall be able to wipe out your enemy. Scream out your desired hero.

„This is too much!" {Host I am to inform you quests may restrict some of the skills in the future so don't get ahead of yourself.} I was rather surprised at the sudden words of the system so I asked „Hey System can you show me all the options I have." {Affirmative!}

[ Status - Shop - Quests - Gacha - Relations - Familiars - Storage - Familiar Space - Training Room - Personal Space] {Report this are all of the systems capabilities. Some of them have to be unlocked through the shop or by quest rewards maybe even a specific action I am not allowed to go into detail I am allowed only to tell you that Status, Relations, Storage and Quests are available from the beginning.}

Now that the system has explained everything to me I was ready to start my adventure. „System let's go" {Commencing transportation} Suddenly my vision went completely dark. After this, my body started feeling very light and suddenly I felt like an extremely strong force pulled me down. When I finally opened my eyes after the whole ordeal I saw my New Life right in front of me.

Alternative Titles

„A thousand years went by a blink?!"

„What is my race honestly!?!"

Hello Sommerscave here I am thinking about letting the Mc have parameters from 11000-12000 possible stat points each level.

Please be lenient with me this is my first work I may be having some difficulties. Also, my grammar isn’t the best.

This is more a hobby of mine also for passing time so chapters will come out fairly slow sometimes it takes 1 week or more so please don’t expect too much from me I am still trying to improve my writing ✍️.

Sommerscavecreators' thoughts