
How Joyful We Are

【Weekends won't be updated in the following serial period due to being overbusy in real life. — 18/04/2024】 "We did not meet at the peak, we arrived there together." - The tradition at A's First High School's opening ceremony includes selecting a "mystery box", and the chosen student will speak as the representative of the senior class. This year's representative is Meng Yin, whom nobody knows. Clearing her throat, Yin looked at the crowd below and introduced herself, "Hi everyone, I am Meng Yin, a new transfer student from Class 2 of the senior year. My pledge for senior year is to work hard and catch up with Xu Zhiyi. I also hope he continues to strive for excellence and bring glory to our class." At the school, anyone familiar with Xu knows he has a cherished keychain, which mysteriously disappeared after Yin transferred. As Yin realized that "Xu Zhiyi was never her light, but a comrade walking by her side," she also caught a glimpse of his concealment towards her. Tears streamed down her chin, Yin gazed at Zhiyi and said, "Xu Zhiyi, you will die if you like me for a moment!" He knew she misunderstood. Zhiyi closed the distance between them, and pulled her in his arms, stroking her back. At seventeen, he embraced the weeping Yin in such a vulnerable manner and felt the entire world trembling around them. His chin lightly rested on the top of Yin's head as he softly spoke, "I have long been lying at the bottom of your pit." The keychain is you, Wushipai is you, and that wood still belongs to you. The mistake of that summer was without regret in this winter.

AgathaHU · วัยรุ่น
76 Chs

Chapter 20.2| Keychain

"I always keep it with me, afraid of losing it so I attached a keychain to it." 

Before Xu Zhiyi turned to the day school, a bike was parked in the shed. Occasionally, he rode his bike home on weekends after school. His student ID and bike key were attached together, forming Xuzhiyi's keychain. 

"When feeling thoughtful, I sometimes fiddle with it in my hand, and gradually it became a habit. Over time, everyone knew I had a keychain that never left my side." 

The porcelain spoon lightly rolled between Yin's fingertips, she felt a burning sensation in her throat, but the exhaled breath was like dispersing the mist, "Xi Mu—". 

With just a slight tremble of her lips, Xu Zhiyi took over, "Xi Mu Wei Yin." 

Indeed, she hadn't thought wrong, nor had she expected it.

Meng Yin was born at sunrise, which is why her name consists of the single character "Yin." During a period when horoscope predictions were particularly popular on campus, Yin not only studied his Western zodiac sign but also delved into the ancient Chinese Twenty-Eight Mansions, discovering that "Yin" refers to the "Xi Mu" among the twelve zodiac signs. Mu (wood), symbolizing sprouting and growing from the ground. Yin was fond of this interpretation and wrote repeatedly on a piece of paper. When Xu Zhiyi saw it and asked about its meaning, Yin enthusiastically explained the origin of these characters and expressed a desire to use "Xi Mu" as a pseudonym. 

Little did she know that these characters would later become a secret source of longing and joy for Xu Zhiyi.

Meng Yin felt the acceleration of her pulse at her wrist as she and Xu Zhi locked eyes. 

Xu Zhiyi seemed to unravel the haze in Yin's eyes that dispersed and then gathered again, before stating, "If it weren't for last night's incident, I planned to have a talk with you after the college entrance examination." 

Yin wanted to say, "I never thought you liked me," but recalling her words from last night, she decided not to deceive herself with clever arguments. She had indeed considered it. 

With a slight "Ah?" Meng Yin asked, "Why after the college entrance examination?" 

Her questioning seemed too natural, as if asking Xu Zhiyi why a certain physics formula was applied here. Not receiving an answer, Yin wished to bite her tongue off, her voice barely audible as she muttered, "in the future." 

Xu Zhiyi didn't miss the subtle expressions on her face, choosing not to respond directly. Their gazes remained locked onto each other, natural and open. "You have thought about experiencing a normal but ordinary high school life," he said, "that's also my reason." 

Yin was stunned, realizing that he knew what she had been contemplating. 

Attending the same high school was their agreement. Xu Zhiyi knew better than anyone the effort Meng Yin had put in to stand on the podium of their high school and exchange greetings. In the last year, she became a member of Class 2, not to hear him say "I like you," but to sincerely become comrades again in their final year, marching towards her own little peak. 

Meeting at the peak was the result, which was crucial, especially at that specific age, where the process was irreplaceable. "So you've noticed, you've been guiding me these past few months." 

It was a statement that seemed to lack a clear beginning or end, but Xu Zhiyi understood. Noticing referred to his realization of Meng Yin's unhappiness and abnormality in the first two years at the previous school. 

Though Yin did not have an IQ of 150, she was a normally intelligent primate with logical thinking. She was not only revisiting last night's events in her mind but also images from the past few months and even years. Without reflection, Meng Yin wouldn't have realized the noticeable transformation from the day she entered Class 2 until now. The barriers her being softened and shed, she developed new perspectives, reinterpreting the chaos of the world while still embracing her carefree self. Along this journey, Xu Zhiyi had softened his edges, becoming a companion leading her into another youthful battlefield filled with exuberance and passion.

Anatomy of memory always reveals many things that have been overlooked. Another discovery by Meng Yin was her trust in Xu Zhiyi. 

The ease and adaptability when with him, disappearing into the crowd as if non-existent, automatically triggering her self-defence mechanism, exposed the stiffness of her armour. 

Xu Zhiyi noticed it. It might have started as early as the first day of her confession in her senior year. With clear thoughts like water, after the first bloom of affection for him, came the understanding of words and looks that had previously been unclear.

"It's you." Zhiyi called out Yin's name and said, "Everyone and everything, even the environment, merely play a role. Without the determination to move forward, no one can help you break free." 

Yin is more emotional than rational, and emotional people tend to give up halfway, but when she makes up her mind, she puts all her effort into it, even if exhausted, she refuses to give up. Moving from Third High School to First High School is proof enough. All he did was tell her during her confident recovery period, "I've always been proud of you on this young battlefield."

"Xu Zhiyi, you truly understand me." A sigh of surrender, sounding somewhat coquettish.

Outside the window, the sky was clear, and inside the house, the spring light was just right. The question-and-answer pattern was filled with unexpected but understandable tacit understanding, unraveling the youthful secrets without embarrassment, just a knowing smile. They didn't need to say "I like you" again, nor did they need to ask why they liked each other. They had already seen the answers in each other's eyes. Trust in each other is the foundation, and in the daily interactions, joy is embedded in their eyes.

Upon returning home, Xu Zhiyi found it was lunchtime. 

Instead of heading to his own house, he pushed open the door to the neighbouring one. Mr Xing was away on a business trip, leaving only Xing Xiuze, his father, and the live-in aunt at home. "Oh, your date ended so early?" Xiuze remarked with a mouthful of sweet and sour spare ribs. 

Last night, after dropping Yin off and returning home, Xu Zhiyi silently locked himself in his room. He had restrained himself until this morning to continue to pry into him. As a result, he woke up early and was stretching lazily on the balcony when he saw Zhiyi leaving. 

Truly, those in love are as agitated as boiling water.

Xu Zhiyi changed into slippers and ignored Xiuze's teasing, asking, "What did you want to tell me last night?" 

Should he shed a tear at this moment? Xu Zhiyi had not forgotten that he had something to tell him last night when he was already pursuing someone. What was this? This was pure communist brotherly love! 

"My bro is indeed not someone who forgets his friends once he meets someone new." Xiuze pushed the spare rib bone to the side of his mouth and was about to make a move towards Zhiyi.

Of course, he was unsuccessful.

Zhiyi leaned to the side and asked, "Are you planning to come out?" 

"Huh?" Xiuze was taken aback by his direct question, unable to maintain his playful demeanour, and replied, "I may disappoint their expectations." 

Xiuze's father had never restricted hi's choice of romantic partners based on gender, but he simply did not want his son to go down a difficult path that they themselves had taken. If possible, they hoped Xing Xiuze would like a girl. 

"Uncles will understand." Xu Zhiyi, who was nearly ten centimetres taller than Xing Xiuze, showed little surprise, just greeted a man ten meters away, "Hello, Uncle Xing, I'm here to share a meal." 

Xing Xiuze: "..." Between me and Xu Zhiyi, there is no communist brotherly love, no, not even the little remaining brotherly love.