
How Joyful We Are

【Weekends won't be updated in the following serial period due to being overbusy in real life. — 18/04/2024】 "We did not meet at the peak, we arrived there together." - The tradition at A's First High School's opening ceremony includes selecting a "mystery box", and the chosen student will speak as the representative of the senior class. This year's representative is Meng Yin, whom nobody knows. Clearing her throat, Yin looked at the crowd below and introduced herself, "Hi everyone, I am Meng Yin, a new transfer student from Class 2 of the senior year. My pledge for senior year is to work hard and catch up with Xu Zhiyi. I also hope he continues to strive for excellence and bring glory to our class." At the school, anyone familiar with Xu knows he has a cherished keychain, which mysteriously disappeared after Yin transferred. As Yin realized that "Xu Zhiyi was never her light, but a comrade walking by her side," she also caught a glimpse of his concealment towards her. Tears streamed down her chin, Yin gazed at Zhiyi and said, "Xu Zhiyi, you will die if you like me for a moment!" He knew she misunderstood. Zhiyi closed the distance between them, and pulled her in his arms, stroking her back. At seventeen, he embraced the weeping Yin in such a vulnerable manner and felt the entire world trembling around them. His chin lightly rested on the top of Yin's head as he softly spoke, "I have long been lying at the bottom of your pit." The keychain is you, Wushipai is you, and that wood still belongs to you. The mistake of that summer was without regret in this winter.

AgathaHU · วัยรุ่น
77 Chs

Chapter 12.1| DSOTRC

Yin immersed herself in watching a sports event for the first time, where the shared smiles, laughter, cheers, and applause seemed to transport her back to a bygone era. 

Standing at a corner of the playground, Yin fixed her gaze on the audience stand, where a colourful flag fluttered in the wind. 

"Honestly, aside from his talkative nature, Xing Xiuze is quite admirable," Xipei remarked, recalling the recent live stream of her ZhiYin CP in the forum. Following Yin's gaze, Xipei noticed the colourful flag proudly displayed by Class 12. 

Pondering Class 12's entrance, Yin chuckled, "I can't find a reason to refute it after all."

When it comes to the impressive entrance performances of the senior classes, Classes 2 and 12 are undoubtedly among the top three. 

Unlike the fresh theme of Class 2, Class 12's theme this year is "All the Same," which signifies the elevation and deepening of last year's theme of "Love Above All." 

As entering the performing field, the last two in line dashed ahead, carrying a rainbow flag that surged over the queue, creating waves in the wind. As they halted, the rainbow flag transformed into a rainbow runway, stretching a full 150 meters. Simultaneously, a rainbow flag rose in the stands of Class 12. Emerging from the rainbow runway, the students had transformed their uniforms. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple - six coloured t-shirts lined up in three groups, reflecting the colours of the rainbow flag representing life, healing, sunshine, nature, harmony, and spirit. Each person held a corner of the rainbow, engaging in a synchronized group dance that artistically interpreted the essence of "All the Same." It was not merely about seeking equality under "Love is Love," but rather narrating the significance of "embracing diversity under differentiation, bravely shining as oneself, where everyone is the same." 

When bodies become language, they possess an equal emotional intensity as words.

At 6:30 in the evening, in the staircase classroom. 

The director of the student affairs office made a few formal remarks, cleared his throat into the microphone, and said, "Students, so, our "DSOTRC" for this semester is now beginning. According to the proposals submitted by each class, after filtering out similar proposals, there are 18 reform proposals to be discussed and answered this semester. The order of proposal discussions will go from higher grades to lower grades, following the order of classes. The first proposal comes from Class 1 of Grade 12, with three reform suggestions, among which the second suggestion requires clarification from the school - why is the cafeteria on the second floor worse than the one on the first floor, causing the Grade 12 students who are dismissed in batches to never get food from the first-floor cafeteria? This suggestion…"

"The breakfast on the second floor is worse than the first." Yin stuck out her tongue below and whispered to Zhiyi. 

"You had breakfast at school?" Usually, boarders long for breakfast outside the school gate, and rarely do day students arrive early for breakfast. 

"I was curious about the taste of the cafeteria breakfast a few times, so Xipei brought me some. The cake from the second-floor cafeteria... tastes like Northern steamed bread, while the sweet cake from the first-floor cafeteria is quite delicious." 

If there were a mirror, one could see Yin looking like a little greedy cat now, while Zhiyi listened carefully beside her, and in the unseen gaze, a soft light was cast. 

"Hey, Xu Zhiyi," as if afraid of being caught daydreaming during class, Yin lowered her voice, "Do you like the cafeteria breakfast...?" 

Before Yin could finish her question, a voice came from the microphone, "The second proposal is from Class 2 of Grade 12," the affairs director turned the page, took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and looked towards Yin, "Xu Zhiyi, describe your proposal."

"Last year, the proposal from Class 2 of Grade 12 was "Queer Eye." Based on this proposal, the school and student council formulated the 'First High School Campus Bullying Management and Governance Rules,' and further promoted the role that the School Psychology Committee can play among students. Building upon this foundation, we have put forward a strategy of 'Differential Treatment + Comprehensive Treatment' accompanying reform measures to enhance mechanisms at various levels including school governance, family governance, social governance, department governance, and national governance…"

Xu Zhiyi stood in front of the stage, holding a microphone in one hand and the proposal booklet in the other, explaining the four major modules and 12 specific measures proposed, comparing the differences between existing rules and the new measures with clarity and logic.

Although each class could propose multiple ideas every month, it was understood that in the end, each class would only submit one proposal or case.

Xu Zhiyi first fully disclosed his proposal within Class 2, when someone asked him, "Why are you devoted to the issue of campus violence?".

Upon hearing this question, Mr Wang's eyes narrowed. The incident involving Yu Tang was not widely known, but he, as one of the informed, could discern some of Xu Zhiyi's profound intentions.

He stood on the stage, his gaze briefly resting on Yin, and candidly explained, "Looking at the whole country, the educational system at First High School is unique. While many believe that incidents of campus violence at our school are isolated, we cannot predict if one day FHS will compromise with reality and society, undergoing educational reforms, the 'free and fair' don't exist at all. Will the problem still be considered an isolated incident at that time? Even if they are, shouldn't FHS have a comprehensive and effective mechanism in place to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals? From a societal perspective, campus bullying is a common issue. None of us has a foolproof way to make school violence completely disappear, but here," Xu Zhiyi tapped his index finger on the table, "what we can do is to let future students at FHS see this regulation, this protective system, so that when faced with a violation in times of necessity, they can confidently speak out and resist."

His words resonated strongly, and the classroom fell silent for a while before erupting into thunderous applause.

This is Xu Zhiyi - passionate, composed, thorough, and warm. He always possesses an empathetic understanding beyond the reach of others. Standing on the illustrious path, he is willing to help clear some thorns for those later in life who bear heavy burdens.

After lengthy discussions on Xu Zhiyi's proposal, a unanimous decision was made by the school authorities and all representatives to convene a separate meeting for in-depth discussions.