
Chapter Two


You know that song from Aladdin that goes: "A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view." That specific part. I think we need to re-evaluate the 'fantastic point of view part' maybe put in 'what a scary place to see'. I got into my car this morning went to get some coffee at Starbucks at the drive through and straight to school without any worries, I got to school almost crashed my car and spilled my coffee. How fun. 

"Hey what is wrong with you, you almost got me killed!" and then the boy muttered softly to himself "You idiot."

I don't know how I heard the last part or if I heard it correctly at all, since he is a good two miles away, but my reply to him was "What did you say?" acting as if I didn't just hear him insult me.

Today is going to be a long day.

On my way to the office I saw the normal cliques just a bit more muddled than I am used to. Normally you wouldn't have the jocks and the nerds mixing, or the druggies and the over achievers, but apparently at featherington high, they mix and match as they go it seems. Cool. Or weird? I don't know what to think anymore.

As I walk into the office it almost feels big and small at the same time, like there's to many people, but at the same time not enough. I get my school schedule/roster from admin and start searching for my locker to put my books in.

Along the way I bumped into a girl with crazy coloured hair. She had a bubbly personality and stunning blue eyes. "Hi my name is Candace, but you can call Candy for short." She said in a way to excited voice, which made my morning a lot better than it started. She took my schedule into her hands and got even more excited about what she saw. "Your locker is right next mine and we have most of the same classes anything you don't have with me you will have with some other friends of mine. Come on let's go find them so I can introduce you to them."

As she is dragging me through the halls of the school I can feel my bag falling from my shoulder and onto the ground. "Candace wait!" I called to her "My bag is falling." And she comes to an immediate halt with me almost running into her back because of the momentum she was pulling me at only moments ago. "Thank you." I muttered bending down to grab my bag only for it to be swept from my finger tips and held high in the air where I couldn't get to it.

"Ahhh poor little baby going to cry." Was the last thing I heard before I almost fell over from how hard I was laughing at what he said. "Why would I care about my school bag. You can have it if you want it, it might be just a bit to pink for you." I replied wiping non-existent tears from my face. His reply shocked me sort of, not really, but it was the same reply most people had when they saw me "So daddy is just going to buy you another one?" As if that should be an insult or something. "Maybe if he ever finds out or he'll just buy the shop for me so that I can get anything for free. Maybe he'll even make you pay double the normal price of anything in the store." Did I forget to mention my dad is very/extremely rich/wealthy? Oh I did sorry. Daddy will buy anything for me not to hate him so much. How nice of him.