
Chapter Three


Sorry for all the ranting. Now for how I ended up sitting in this man's house. On my way home this afternoon I was attacked by something. A very big, BIG, wolf being chased by something almost human but definitely not human. It was too fast for me to see, but I saw it coming toward me when it suddenly just vanished into thin air. And then... Nothing. Maybe I vanished. I can't really be certain anymore. I just know that I am now standing in the living room of someone's house. " Hello, anyone home?" my voice echoes through the house. It almost sounds hollow. Empty I guess. Suddely I feel like something is pulling me towards I don't know where. "Ahhhh!!! You have finally arrived. I have waited for a very long time to officially meet you. Hi Amanda, I don't know if you'll remember me, my name is Thomas. I have been keeping you save since I found you at ten. I know you are wondering what you are doing here, and I am itching to tell you but I can't tell you everything just yet, I still need to find a vampire and werewolf that's running around rampant." This Thomas guy says. As he turns around I realize that he is shirtless. I am only mention this because of his tattoo's running down his back, and maybe his back muscles, which I can't help admiring. I am snapped back to reality suddenly when I hear him say something, what I am not sure of. " Sorry. What?" I asked. "Just wondering if you are ging to come closer to where I am standing and if you would rather go wait in the living room for me?" He asked. " Oh. Sorry. Let me come closer. What are you doing?" His simple answer is just "Tracking." as if I am supposed to know exactly what he is doing and why he is doing it. "Ok, but why? And who are tracking?" I asked knowing the answer would be vague, not thinking it would be impractical. "The werewolf the werewolf running round like a maniac on this earth of yours, Princess, and a vampire that's trying to get it to calm down, but the full moon is almost in effect so the she-vamp can't get to close to the wolf or she will get killed. The why I can't really disclose asof now fully, only that the wolf will kill his mate if I don't track him down." Thomas said as if all this should make sense, but my mind was stuck on the one thing he called me. "Princess?" I asked. His reply shocking me even further "Sorry. Habit." not explaining how it is habit. Suddenly I feel a gush of wind coming straight past me, almost knocking me over in the process. "Thomas, you have got to help me, he is going crazy, manic even. It's like my Benji is gone. Whatever is happening is not normal, I don't know what to do. I came to you because I lost him in the woods somewhere. Please help me, I can't lose him." The woman rushes out all at once and looks like she is about to pass out from all the sobbing she has been doing. "Hey,Vanity, I need you to calm down ok? Why don't you greet our guest and take her to get some water while I start tracking him. Benji will be fine. If you can still feel him he will be fine." He said as if what she just rambled was normal, which I am geussing is not by her reaction. What she says next makes even Thomas almost go as white as she is "That's the thing Thomas, I am barely feeling him. He feels almost no-existant. Almost not real." When I reach my arms around her shoulders pulling her into a hug I realised that I have this sense of wantin to protect her and help this Benji guy, so what I say next shocks me more than anything "Why don't we go to the kitchen and get something to drink, Vanity. Let's trust Thomas to do what he can and from the kitchen we can try to get the connection with Benji stabilized. How does that sound? Do you think you will be up for it?" Nodding her head was the only thing I got out of her whbile looking at Thomas I got a shaky 'Thank you' mouthed my way. When we got into the kitchen I know she wants to start freaking out again so instead of letting her freak out I get her to help me while also thinking of ways she can try to get the bond between her and Benji to strenghten. "Tell me a bit about Benji while we wait on the water to stop boiling. How did you meet? How did you become lovers? I thought vampires and werewolves hated each other." Vanity laughs at my questioning, but obliges in answering by questios with a sad smile on her face. " It was about eight years ago, right after Thomas found you and asked us to help protect you. It was rough at the the beginning," smiling at the memories she goes on," but we soon realized it would be useless fighting the attraction we felt towards eachother. We also realised that just because our kin didn't like each other did not mean we needed to fight out mate bond. We decided to take it slow, we got to know each other and after 5 years he asked me to officially be his mate. Or in human terms his wife. Since then we have been stuck with loving each other through mistakes and every..." She started to gasp, tears in her eyes, trying to get air in her lungs. I didn't know what to do so I called Thomas to come and check on her. As Thoams came to check on her, her eyes went white and she started muttering things under her breath and then she said in a very ceepy voice "You will not be Queen, Princess, your throne belongs to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" and then her whole body went limp. Thomas came in and carried her to a room and told me I do not need to worry about what was said and that he was going out to save Benji since he knew where he was, just asking me to keep an eye on Vanity and to make sure she has a glass of blood next her to drink when she wakes up, and shows me where to get it. And then he just 'poofs' out of there. He just leaves.