
Chapter One


By the time my alarm went of I was awake already. The nerves of having to start all over at a new school was just to much for me. 

It is was kind of like going on an aeroplane and going through turbulence and not knowing what the outcome will be. I know it is a bit of an extreme comparison, but when you have already moved twice and went to two new schools in six months you would understand especially in a place it is cold all year long. Fine, that might be a bit of an exaggerartion. The small town of Featherington Wales isn't that cold through the summer months, only during the winter months.

Although today the small town just seemed even more dreary than I could have ever thought any place could look.

"Amanda? Is that you moving around?"

My mother never really comes to make sure I am up and awake but she does her best with what she can. She can't really do much other stay on the ground floor of the house my father moved is in.

"Yes mother. I am on my way down now, just making sure I am properly dressed for school."

The school uniform looks bad against my skin, it almost makes me look ill. Sick. From what? Nerves? Stress? I have no idea. Everything feels like it is constantly falling to the ground and it's like I am trying to catch it. What I am trying to hold onto I do not know ,but whatever it is it is just to much for me.

As I walk down stairs I see my mother has already put some breakfast down for me on the table and has been waiting for me to come down to eat with her. As I sit down, I look at what she has made for breakfast.

"This looks delicious mum. Thank you very much."

As I am thanking my mother for my breakfast I can see her face light up with joy because of the simple bit of acknowledging I have thrown her way.

I don't want that to come through as me being a brat. It is more that my father had thrown her away and got himself a younger side piece once my mother's ballerina beauty had faded and he needed to start taking care. He didn't want to do it so now I am responsible for her health and making sure she is eating, taking her meds when she is supposed to and making sure she sleeps when she is supposed, while my father comes home at eleven most nights or he doesn't come home at all.

She truly looks beautiful smiling so I don't mind doing these things for her. 

" I need to leave soon to get to school on time." I said before before taking a sip of my orange juice that was set out next to my food, trying to act relaxed is that mum won't freak out about me being nervous for my first day at a new school