
Chapter Four


When Thomas came back he was carrying somebody with him, both of them looked like they just got out of a fight, a fight one of them might have lost. "I need you to clear everything off the dining room table so that I can put him down there," Thomas says. I get up and start cleaning the table off. Once I am finished Thomas places the man down and starts chanting something. If it weren't for Vanity coming in and dragging me to safety I would be up in the sky orbiting around them as if I weighed nothing. And just as quickly as it began it ended. Up until now, I thought everything was a lie, even with Vanity and her super speed. How did I get mixed into all of this? And Princess, what does that even mean? Thomas sat slouched over the other man as if trying to figure out if he was breathing. "Vanity, I need you to get a glass of water ready for when Caleb wakes up and I want you to stay by his side until he wakes up from whatever it was that happened to him." Vanity only nodded sped away got the water and helped Thomas to the couch I was sitting on before going to sit next to Caleb. You could really see that Vanity cared for Caleb and that she really loved him, but, I couldn't focus on that, I couldn't focus on anything except what I heard and the word Princess. "What's going on and why is everybody calling me Princess?" I said this fully knowing I was exaggerating and over reacting but when someone talks through someone else and tells you, you will never be Queen, I think you have every right to exaggerate the truth a bit, but all I got was a sour look before a "I know you want to know, but at this moment I can't tell you, even if I really wanted to. I first need to consult someone before I tell you the whole truth." Thomas said as if I really should understand even though I don't. Protocol, I guess. "Will Caleb be ok?" I asked and Thomas just blew a sigh of relief with me dropping the subject. "I believe so yes. I think with all The healing magic I just poured into him and Vanity sitting next to him and holding his hand, he will be fine in bout an hour or so." I was itching to ask him what happened, but figured it would be a bit hard for him to tell me now since he looks almost asleep. I figured it would be best to just go to sleep as well since there is nothing I can do right now.