
My real Dad is .......(part two)


I spent some more time with mom and it pissed up Kelvin,it was two days of having my old life with mom, but today I was feeling down for some reason and my mind has been in the past,are you okay,I heard mom asked,I'm fine I just want to know of I way nothing but a mistake for my father, I want to know if he is alive, mom sighed and said, do you want to tell me about him,yes I replied, mom loved him dearly, even after everything she still told me good things about him,she sometimes tell me that I have his behaviour, that I always mean well even if what I do seems bad,she told me stories about how they where and their relationship, and his behaviour and mom call him jellyfish because he's afraid of it but his name is simon,I don't remember his surname, I said,I looked up to look at mom face and she looked shocked,mom are you okay I asked,but she ran out of my room leaving me stunned, I stood up wanting to go after her but she ran back into my room,she gave me a picture and said,is this your mother she asked and I was shocked to see a picture of my mother, how did you get it,I asked,she is the woman that my husband simon Anderson loved before being forced to marry me,he loved her so much but their relationship was not accepted by his family and my family forced me to marry the son of my father right hand man because of the good deed his father did,then I wanted to call of the wedding so badly that I began to drink drugs that will enable lack of child labour, so that I'll call of the wedding cause I can't conceive a child,and your father brought the news of your mother's pregnancy but they didn't accept her because of her family statues,and few month after that we got married, we became good friends and we shared every thing with each other but when my family asked for a grand child we went and adopt a child, Kelvin, and when he was older we adopted you,what we heard a scream and we say dad and Kelvin at the door, Kelvin stood there with teary eyes and he ran away.