
Home Again


The bus doors opened letting me off outside my house. It was a pretty chill ride home.

When I entered the house, I could smell yet another amazing meal. "My mom is the best" I thought.

"Good afternoon, sweetie!", mom greeted me, "Did you do well on your test today?"

I smiled. Mom had no idea how 'well' I did. She couldn't see Aiden as much as the rest of the world. Besides, he had already teleported to my room when school ended. I didn't argue. I didn't want him bumping into people in the halls, or accidentally sat on in the bus. So, it was for the best, even though I secretly wanted him with me always. What could I say, he was handsome, and I was in love.

"Yeah, I think I did okay." I responded.

Mom gave me a look. Usually when I respond that way, it means I don't think i passed. I let her think that though. Just wait until she sees my report card nest semester! She'll be so shocked!

"So, what'd you cook this time, mom?" I questioned as I sat down at the table to eat. The plates were covered a shiny top, leaving me guessing.

"Today's dish is Shrimp Scampi with extra sauce." She answered as she lifted the lid off the dishes to reveal the contents.

All at once, the smell in the room instantly intensified. It smelled divine. I wanted nothing more but to dig in and eat.

"Dig in!", mom cued. So I did. And we began to eat. Aiden will be okay, right?


End of Chapter

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_Kaitlin_creators' thoughts