
How do I stop being a fish.

Coming to, in a pet shop, inside of a glass fish tank, is not the ideal way to wake up on a Saturday. Of course, I’m not that unlucky, as to not know my situation, because I have this lovely thing right here, telling me what to do. [Emergency quest!: Reincarnation and fishes, You get the jest of it, you’re a fish, now get the hell out of there! Reward:??? Penalty: Death(cause of death will be neglect)] Ah, what a nice Saturday... Fuck.

Dead_Hekate · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

I am fish

Hey, my names Ren, I'm 24, graduated from college with a degree in teaching, and I'm currently working as a teacher at the school I went to in high school!

I'm not an athletic person and I spend my free time watching anime, reading, or playing games. I don't drink or smoke, and I'm still a virgin. I've never had a girlfriend before.

Anyways, I spent the whole night gaming, yesterday was Friday, and now I'm about to wake up and do my morning routine!


'Nope, I'm a fish...'






'FUCK! I can't believe I'm a fish... I spent all my time doing nothing!! I died a virgin... Never had a girlfriend... HELL, I was even a teacher!! A TEACHER FOR GODSAKE... I never wanted to be a teacher... it was just the only thing I could come up with when asked... FUCK I DON'T WANT TO BE A FISH, HOW THE FUCK DO I STOP-'


Please wait, technical difficulties have occurred.

*Smooth jazzy music*

'Ok, I calmed down, I've come to terms with it, I'm a fish...'

'Oh and apparently my names Lily...'

'That's what the sticker on my tank says...'

'That's an awfully, feminine name isn't it...? It couldn't be that... I'm a female fish, right...?'


'Ah, who cares anyway... A fish is a fish. Doesn't matter anymore, I'm gonna drown myself...'


'I can't even Dr-'


In front of little ol' me, a fucking goldfish, a giant blue panel appeared, large letters forming words on the transparent blue screen.

[WELCOME to the FISH system! This is a tool to help YOU be a FISH! Maybe if you try hard enough you'll STOP being a FISH!]

I simply stared at the blue box, a deadpan expression would surely come to my face if I weren't a fish at the moment.

I won't be surprised that a system is here but... Now that there's a possibility I won't be a fish forever...

'Sigh, I guess I'm a girl now...'


'Alright, a system, was it? What the hell does this thing do..?'

As if hearing my thoughts, the panel shifted rapidly, becoming fish-sized, before new words started appearing on the screen.

[The system can help you EVOLVE from a goldfish to a SUPER awesome FISH. The system can do this by providing a status, skills, quest, and allowing FISH evolution. After reaching your FINAL evolution MORE functions will be UNLOCKED!]

'Glu- Sigh... Show me my status, big man.'

The status in front of me changes again, becoming slightly longer than the previous text box.


Name Lily

Level 0/5

Species Gold Fish (FEMALE)]

'Ha~ Isn't that a bit sparse? Where are the exps, or the attributes?'

[Accurately and consistently being able to put real-life ability into quantifiable measures is a total pain in the ass!]

'Ahya, okay...? Whatever you say, big man, show me the evolutions...'

[Evolution tree

Requirements: None

Goldfish> None]


The screen changes, large capitalized letters scrawled onto the screen.


'Uhuh, open the quest tab...'


Reincarnation and Fishes

Yeah, you reincarnated, as a fish, and now you need to get the hell out of there, PRONTO!

Reward: Upgrade from goldfish species

Penalty: Death by neglect from new owners.]

'Hah? Owners? What does tha-'


As I was thinking that, two sudden noises ring out in my fish tank. Experts maneuvering my body to face the source of the noise, I come face to face with a demon.

'What the fuck! Shitty brat, quit tapping my tank- are those elf ears?'

Standing in front of my tank, with a curious look on her face, is a little girl, with light blonde hair, green eyes, and... Pointed elf ears?

Wondering why this girl has elf ears, I look around. Behind the girl, I can make out two more people... One of them looks similar to the girl but much older, probably her mother, who is talking to a tall, black-haired, green-skinned man, with tusks coming out from above his mouth.

'Shit... Are those elves and an orc? So cool...'

As I look at them, with slight aw, I notice that the elf woman hands the orc man some money while taking a glance at me, before nodding as the orc man turns to leave, apparently getting something.

'Wait, did she just pay to buy me... SHIT, fuck you, and fuck your shitty ears..!'


Realeasing a big, angry, glub, I start darting around the tank, trying to figure out how to escape this situation

'Anything... Nothing!! Bug man, please tell me I can do SOMETHING!'

Without saying a word, the system opens up one of the tabs, the one that I hadn't looked at yet.



Seeing this, I quickly asked big man to collect the random skill.

Not even a moment later, the panel changes, showing a box in the middle with rapidly changing abilities, I can make out a few of them, like teleportation, and levitation.

Soon the rapid changing starts to slow down, at the same time the man comes back with a clear plastic bag and a fishnet.

It stops, landing on something called 'Hydro Motion'.

Immediately everything about the ability enters my fishy brain.

Hydro motion is the ability to control water currents made by me, I can do anything from changing their direction or strength to even making them disappear completely.

As the man goes to open my tank, I look around through the tank trying to find my route for escape.

The man opens my tank, preparing to dip the net in, and I only have one path for escape and it's a bit risky but...

I aim myself diagonally up, facing towards one of the windows of the shop. I stay in place, spinning on my nose as I control the currents of water, twisting them and coiling them behind me like a spring.

The man dips the net in, and it gets dangerously close to me, but fortunately, I get enough power behind my currents and let go.


Immediately the currents all spiral forward, jetting me straight out of the tank, splashing water on my three captors.

As I fly through the air, spinning, I can't help but wonder how badass I look right now.

Before I know it I've almost reached my target, a spherical fishbowl with a latched on top that's currently open, filled with water, and right in front of an open window.

*Plunk tunk fwwwwshhh*

All in one motion, I land in the fishbowl, the force of my landing shutting and somehow latching the top shut, as the bowel rolls forward before dropping off the edge of the window.

As I fall, landing on some bushes before rolling off of them, I see that the outside is in a city.

All of the city is inclined, with a body of water at the bottom, lined with various docks and other seaside areas, the perfect fishy getaway.

As I start to roll down the inclined streets, rapidly picking up speed, I can't help but think...

'Being a fish is wild...'

--- --- ---

A/N: GAH, it's me? Basically, the dude reincarnates as girl fish (Not a fish girl(yet)) and also, modern fantasy.

Ah, when I put in that SHE (yes she, of course, MC already accepted it, cause that's the kind of girl she is.) won't be a fish forever, I mean it lol. I don't plan to drag out her being a fish for super long, like 100+ chapters, because A) I really like character interaction and I don't plan on having people talking to fish, or other fish being talkers and B) She's cute as fuck! I mean, did you see the cover image? Kyahh-.

Hmm, nothing else to say, other than don't expect too much from me, as I'm new to the whole writing thing, and I usually start to run out of steam around the 3 chapter mark. I mean, if you were to see how much I've written in Google docs and then deleted it cause I thought it was shit, or because I simply couldn't be bothered, then... Lol. Although that being said, I did put this on we novel rather than writing it first because I really liked the idea, and I don't want to give up before even starting, so let's hope I don't fuck this up, kay~?