

Stella, a seemingly average girl with a remarkable resemblance to a certain tomboy anime girl, dies during an attack on her school protecting her class. However, instead of seeing the pearly gates, she finds herself on trial for crimes committed against the gods in a past life. The verdict is not what she expected... Warning, the beginning isn't too good since it's just me letting my imagination run wild but two chapters in, the quality picks up.

RecluseCultivator · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

The Test Ends (Revised)

| Proctor Room |

"Principle Nezu, are you crazy? No. You're insane! Why would you release a Type 2 Zero Pointer during the entrance exam? It's for the second and third years, not kids that don't have any Heroics training!" The Pro-Hero Power Loader asked his boss exasperated. He was normally a calm man but the situation at hand was not something he could remain calm and collected about.

"I'm also curious as to why you would release one." Pro-Hero Eraser Head chimed in but was far calmer in his questioning than his colleague. "If the kids end up seriously hurt or dead this will be bad for the school."

The other teachers in the room voiced their concerns about the release of the type 2.

In response, Nezu simply took a long sip of his tea and exhaled calmly before answering. "There is an examinee that I'm interested in."

'Katsuki Bakugo,' Eraser Head immediately thought of the top point holder in the entrance exam so far. But soon dismissed the thought when he realized that Bakugo wasn't in the test area that the type 2 was released in. Then he remembered the kid with the Hard Light quirk that was flying around racking up points. "Izuku Midoriya," Eraser Head said lazily.

The Principal gave no response or reaction to the name other than another sip of his tea but that was all Aizawa needed to see to know that he guessed correctly.

"It's illogical to send out a type two just to satisfy your curiosity, it also compromises the integrity of the test, and puts the examinees at risk" Aizawa stated with seriousness that normally wasn't associated with the sleep-deprived hero. However, he was once again met with silence.

Tired of getting the silent treatment from the principal, Midnight tried to use her usual teasing to get a rise out of the quirked animal.

"Ara ara, Principle, just because the age of consent in Japan is one of the lowest in the world doesn't mean you should go after students." Midnight knew Nezu wouldn't get flustered or angry about her teasing but she was expecting her boss to make his usual witty comeback.

Nezu however, didn't respond to Midnight's teasing and focused on the monitor that showed Izuku Midoriya instead. Many of the U.A staff looked at Nezu in silence as he stared straight at the screen with a look they had never seen on the principal before. They didn't know what the look in his beady eyes meant but everyone in the room shared the belief that whatever it was wasn't good.

Figuring they wouldn't get any answers out of Nezu, the group of teachers wordlessly decided to accept Nezu's decision and continued to observe the test. At first, everything was fine. While type two rampaged more violently than the other zero pointers it didn't do anything too dangerous. At least until it picked up a building.

It was here that Vlad King decided enough was enough. "Alright, Principle Nezu it's time to shut it down. If the type two throws that building it could kill someone."

Vlad could hear and see nods and murmurs of agreement from the other teachers as he moved from his seat and went to press the button the shutdown button for the type two Zero Pointer. When he did, however, nothing happened.

'Vlad, can you hurry up and shut it down it going to throw the building" Midnight asked.

"I'm trying," Vlad responded as he kept spamming the shutdown button.

"It's winding up Vlad!" Cementos shouted.

"It's not working!" Vlad screamed back.

"Try the emergency shut down!"

Vlad went for the emergency shut down button, a giant red button the size of his palm covered in a clear plastic box.

"Vlad you need to do it now, it's about to throw it and there are still students in the area!" Midnight shouted, clearly worried that Vlad would be too late.

Vlad didn't respond to her but instead moved his hands swiftly and dexterously to the emergency button. Opening it and slapping pressing the buttons. For a few moments, he just stood there. His hand was still pressed against the button hoping that he had pressed it in time.

"Congrats Vlad you stopped the type 2 but it's too late. The building's already in the air." Eraser Head said in his usual sleep-deprived voice.

For the first time in a while, Nezu spoke up again. "Power Loader, get Hound Dog, Thirteen, and Recovery Girl down there to perform a rescue operation for the kids that were hit by the debris. With Midoriya's quirk, I'm sure they're ok and just in need of rescue. The rest of you head to the other zone to see who needs help and prepare for the written exams.

Quite a few wanted to argue with the principal, Midnight even had a few choice words for him that would get a normal employee fired. However, they couldn't neglect their jobs as the staff and teachers to argue with Nezu right now or it would reflect badly on the school. So with much annoyance, they showed their professional side and got to work.

As soon as the other left the room, Nezu pressed the hidden button on his chair to restore the regular controls for the type two's and regular zero pointers before grabbing the tablet to his side and looking for the school's information on Izuku Midoriya. When he saw said information, Nezu broke out into hysterical laughter.

"He really is Hisashi's brat, Yagi is going to love this." With a few taps at the tablet, he began calling a man named Toshinori Yagi, better known as All Might, the world's Symbol of Peace. After a few rings, the number one hero, All Might answered the phone, but before he could greet the caller Nezu spoke up. "Yagi, you are going to want this teacher's job now because I have a lead."

| Ochako P.O.V |

Ochako Uraraka should have known that something terrible was going to happen today when she had a perfect morning on one of the most important days of her life. She had woken up to a hearty breakfast her mom had made, which tasted delicious by the way, then a bus came the moment she made it to the stop, a train also came right as she made it onto the platform station, she got to the entrance exams right on time, met a cute boy who was pretty jacked from what she felt when she used her quirk on him and had racked up around 25 points so far. So far so good, right? Wrong.

After her 25th point, her body began reaching its limit from the continued use of her quirk. This alone wasn't that big a deal. All Uraraka needed was a 30-second break and she would be right as rain. However, she never got that break because the Zero Pointer was released. The second the machine started rampaging, Uraraka considered her luck for the day gone. Who wouldn't when they're face down with a giant robot that could create gale-force winds with a simple punch and throw buildings like footballs.

Which was exactly how she ended up in this predicament. When the zero-pointers chucked a building at her, she thought she was going to die. But by either luck or some other force in the universe, everything thrown missed her and the other examinees. Nothing at this point seemed like it could stop her from getting away. At least that was what she thought.

Uraraka had just begun moving her wobbling legs to get as far from the zero pointers as possible when a random stack of debris fell over and pinned her to the ground. She didn't feel any pain because of the adrenaline in her veins so Uraraka quickly reached a hand over to lighten the debris with her quirk so she could keep moving before the Zero Pointer made it over to her or worse, throw another building. Just as she was about to reach the debris, she saw it. A rock the size of a small brick, dangling from another pillar of debris right next to her, tittering on the edge. If Uraraka didn't know any better she would have sworn it was waiting for the right time to fall.

However, It seemed like that brick wouldn't fall for a while so Uraraka returned her focus to moving the rubble on her. This turned out to be exceeding difficult since the rubble pinned her just above her waist. To ease up the crushing grip Uraraka had on her legs she began to wiggle her body from underneath the rubble.

Just as she made enough wiggle room to reach the rubble holding her down, another shower of building fragments crashed down around her shaking the ground. Uraraka had immediately looked up to check if the rock was going to fall which only gave her the perfect view of the brick impacting her face. After that, it was lights out for the aspiring hero.


When Uraraka woke up, she felt a massive surge of pain in her legs, and it was made worse when the headache from the rock came in. But even with the pain threatening to make her pass out, she didn't forget her objective before being knocked out, trying to escape the rubble and subsequently the Zero Pointer.

As she was struggling to even push herself up, Uraraka saw it. A green blur not too dissimilar to a person. She was going to ask the person for help but before she could even form words in her mouth she felt the weight of the rubble that was on her legs come off and the world got really bright and if God decided to move the sun closer to earth. The brightness was followed by a tremor and the sound of glass breaking.

| Izuku and Ochako P.O.V |

'This is bad really really bad.'


Izuku's barriers were breaking apart and there was nothing he could do about it. His light projection just couldn't handle the force of such an attack. It was already a miracle that the whole thing hadn't shattered on impact. But his miracles were running out.


There went another shield. The multilayered barrier that was once two stories high was now barely five feet after tanking the hit from the building.

'I need to focus. Think happy thoughts Izuku, you can do this.'

Since Izuku's light projections were powered by his positive emotions he began to think about things that hold the most sway over his mood to halt the destruction of his remaining barriers.

'I remember the first time I met kacchan, at the time he was my bully and I was-'

"Holy crap, I'm alive!" The voice of Ochako shouted in jubilation, interrupting Izuku's trip down memory lane.

Izuku was glad to hear she was ok but her talking had broken him out of his focus. The focus that was supposed to be keeping the remaining barriers from breaking.


Another barrier was cracking. This wasn't good.

"We are, I saw you were in trouble and made a barrier around you before the rubble hit," Izuku spoke calmly even though he didn't feel calm at all. "Don't worry, we're, safe now. All we need to do is wait for one of the U.A. staff to come and help us.

"Really?" Ochako asked hopefully



"What was that?" Ochako asked wearily. She was frightened at the idea that the shield was breaking.

"Don't worry, I'm just replacing the damaged shields with new ones." Izuku skillfully lied while maintaining the calmness of his voice.

"Oh, that was it? Hahaha, don't scare me like that please." Ochako breathed a sigh, glad that they weren't at risk of being buried alive.

Izuku was glad Ochako was still in a prone position or she would see that the cool and calm person that was talking to her was nervously sweating bullets.

'Crap that was the second to last shield'

"By the way, your voice is kinda familiar. Have we met somewhere before?" Ochako questioned. Completely ignorant of Izuku's internal struggle to concentrate on keeping the barrier up.

As much as Izuku wanted to keep Ochako calm by continuing to talk back and forth he needed to put give his full attention to keeping the last barrier from cracking and subsequently being destroyed.


Too late.

"Are you sure that's not a problem?" Ochako asked, very concerned about the cracking sound coming from their protective shield.

Izuku didn't respond to the question. He was focusing on keeping the barrier protecting them from cracking further.

When Ochako didn't hear her savior respond she tried to turn around to see if he was ok. However, she found that such a task was more painful and difficult than it should have been.

"Gah! My legs." The pain Ochako felt just trying to move her legs just now was 9 on the pain scale of ten.

The pain in Ochako's voice drew Izuku out of his concentration which caused the barrier to crack even more but at this point, Izuku gave up on maintaining the current barrier. It was too damaged to fully repair and he had an idea for new a barrier. The new barrier would take up more of the already limited space but it should be easier to maintain than the already fractured one.

Izuku looked down at the girl with worry, she was still trying to move her body despite the pain which Izuku knew wasn't good. "Don't worry, once we get out of here we can get you to the school's infirmary. I'm sure they have a hero or staff that can heal you. Right now, you need to stop moving or it could make your injury worse. Also, please keep your head down. It's about to get a whole lot more cramped in here."

Ochako stopped struggling after hearing Izuku's reassurance and advice but was curious about what he meant by the area getting cramped. "Hey um, what do you mean b-?"


The barrier protecting them from the stone avalanche finally gave way but instead of letting the barrier fade away like the rest Izuku quickly grasped the remaining energy of the barrier and reformed it into a thinner, denser, and more energy-packed barrier around him and Ochako. The space in the barrier decreased quite a bit, to the point where the two teens were nearly squished together but the barrier was holding better than the previous one by a long shot.

From what Izuku could feel, the barrier should last around ten minutes even without him actively trying to maintain it. More than enough time for the staff to come and help.

"H-hey, was that supposed to happen?" Ochako asked with slight panic in her voice. Normally she would be calm even in a tense situation but after seeing the debris come so close to crushing her she was more than a bit spooked.

"It was, no need to worry," Izuku said calmly to keep the facade of everything under control." The barrier was getting a bit weak so I had to replace it. This new one should hold for quite a while."

"If you need help, you can turn me around so I can lighten the debris. My quirk lets me remove the weight of objects I touch." Ochako offered her help via her quirk.

If it was that easy Izuku would have had her do that much earlier. However, there was a problem with that plan. "That's no good. I can't change my constructs after they have been made solid. Only dismiss them or reform them when they're broken so I can't make a hole for you to touch the debris outside the barrier. Besides, I don't think you can lighten an entire building, and that's what fell on top of us."

"Your right, I cant." Uraraka grimaced. She wanted to help her savior out as much as possible but she knew her limits. She had never been able to float more than a couple of steel beams at her family construction business. There was no way she could float an entire building. However, one thing still bothered her. "But do you have to be so close? It's kinda embarrassing."

Izuku couldn't see Ochako's face because of his position on top of her but if he could he would see her tomato-red face.

"Eh um, sorry about this. I can't do anything about the space since I cant expand the barrier so we're kinda stuck like this until we're rescued. I'm sorry." Izuku spoke frantically. Also embarrassed about the situation.

"W-well if it can't be helped then I'll just bear with it." The situation was extremely embarrassing for Ochako but she didn't want to be ungrateful to her savior by complaining about it.

Now that Izuku didn't have to worry about the barrier-breaking for a while, he became more conscious of the situation. Right now, If he didn't count his sister, Izuku was the closest he's ever been to a girl. And like all teenage boys in close proximity to a girl, his body started having a certain "reaction".

"Hey, um, do you think you can shift your belt a little, it's kinda poking me in the butt?" Ochako asked with a bit of awkwardness in her voice.

Izuku wasn't wearing a belt.

"Sorry," Izuku apologized with a nervous and shaky voice. He had no idea about what to do in this kind of situation but apologize so he froze.

While Izuku struggling to figure out whether or not he should speak the truth about the situation he was having, Ochako was getting restless since Izuku didn't actually make an attempt to move after apologizing so she started moving on her own. This however was a mistake since it ended up putting the hot dog in the bun.

Realizing that what was currently on her butt wasn't a belt Ochako froze which caused Izuku to break into a cold sweat.

For a few seconds, the barrier became deathly silent. No movement or noise of any kind could be heard.

But the silence was soon broken by a screaming Ochako "W-W-W-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING PERVERT!?"

"I'M SORRY!" Izuku quickly defaulted to apologizing. He didn't know what else he could do besides that to placate Ochako.

However, Izuku's apologies fell on deaf ears as Ochako started to throw out accusations of foul play. "You shrunk the barrier just to do this, didn't you? I can't believe I thought that you were a good guy!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Please believe me."

And so Izuku and Ochako continued, back and forth in a cycle of blaming and apologizing.

It got to the point where Izuku realized that unless he got Ochako to calm down she wasn't going to listen to him at all. He needed a do something that would prove that to her he wasn't trying to do anything fishy and that this was a misunderstanding. Then as if a lightbulb went off in his head he got an idea.

A golden glow encompassed Occhako's form and Izuku began using one of the many abilities of his light projections on her, healing. The results were almost immediate, Ochako was shocked into silence as the pain that was in her legs subsided significantly and the headache she got from the rock hitting her vanished.

However, very soon after the healing finished Ochako broke out of her shock and finally started saying things that weren't false accusations. "Did you just heal me? I thought your quirk made things out of light?"

Not wanting to waste his opportunity to have a civil conversation with her Izuku answered her questions."I did and my quirk is more energy manipulation than just making things out of light.

Ochako was going to say something else, possibly give out thanks for her healing but Izuku started talking before her to steer the conversation in the direction he wanted it to go. "I think there been a bit of a misunderstanding,"

When those words left Izuku's mouth Ochako felt her anger from earlier come back but not to the level it was at before. "What's there to misunderstand? You're a pervert who's pushing your... THING! On my butt!"

If Ochako could right now, she would have already used her quirk on the pervert behind her and hurled him into the sun. This however wasn't possible since she A. Was buried under rubble and B. Was pinned down by the boy behind her body.

Izuku nearly sighed at the accusation she had once again thrown out but held it in and just tried to explain himself now that Ochako was more willing to listen. "I didn't do it on purpose, I'm a teenage boy, and what's happening is a natural biological reaction that would happen to any boy my age when practically smushed against a cute girl!"

Ochako started blushing furiously, she normally didn't receive compliments from members of the opposite sex so when Izuku threw his out there all of a sudden it caught her off guard. "C-cute! D-don't think throwing out compliments will get you anywhere pervert!"

Izuku ignored her comment in favor of continuing to explain himself. "Besides, why would I risk my life just to perv on a girl. Even though you're really cute and your body is super sexy I'm not the type of person to throw their life away for such a superficial reason... did I say that last part out loud?"

"Yes," Ochako confirmed which turned both her and Izuku's skin into the same color as a tomato.

While Ochako at the moment was a blushing mess because a boy called her body sexy, she actually listened to and thought about what Izuku had just said, and it made sense. If all he wanted was to perv on a girl then a crowded train was way better than the life or death gamble he had taken to save her.

When she remembered he had been doing nothing but apologizing to her since she felt his thing touch her it became pretty obvious this whole situation was exactly what he said it was. A big but perverted misunderstanding. With this revelation, Ochako felt real shame for assuming that someone who had risked their life to help her was a pervert who only wanted to take advantage of a dire situation to molest her. So she did the only thing she could do right now. Apologize.

"Hey uh listen, I'm sorry for calling you a pervert, and thank you for saving my life and healing me."

Midoriya internally breathed a sigh of relief. Thankful Ochako didn't see him as some sort of pervert anymore. "Thank you for understanding."

"You really shouldn't be thanking me. All you've done is help and save me but I've been nothing but terrible."

Izuku blinked once then twice. He was confused? Did she not remember earlier today when she save him from face-planting with her quirk. "Do you not remember me from the entrance? I was the guy you saved when I tripped and almost fell face first."

Izuku couldn't see Ochako's face but he guessed she had on a contemplative look as if searching her memories for anything that happened like that and after a short while realization dawned on her. "Oooh, are you that cute boy with a really ripped body from earlier. Izuku right?" Uraraka immediately put her hands on her mouth while internally cursing herself for saying something so embarrassing out loud.

Izuku was quite surprised after hearing what Ochako said. Did a girl just admit she was checking him out? Somehow even Izuku's superpowered mind was thrown for a loop. He could not compute.

"L-look Izuku, just forget I said eep~" She felt it again. The very reason why they argued once again made its presence known by poking her. Ochako wondered how she had forgotten that this thing was pressed against her the entire time but disregarded the question in favor of asking Izuku to move a bit so he doesn't accidentally keep rubbing her butt with it. "Hey Izuku, is it possible for you to move down a bit? Your thing is still touching me."

Ochako voice snapped Izuku out of Lala Land and he responds to her after mentally checking the dimensions of the barrier. "Yeah I can but only a few inches so it may not solve the problem completely."

"That's fine, try it anyway."

Izuku gave an affirming hm and slowly inched his way down until he hit the end of the barrier. With him being this far back, his manhood barely touched Ochako's butt. "That's about as far down I can go."

"That's fine," Uraraka replied cheerfully. "I can finally move my hips a bit more freely. They were getting pretty sore with so much of your weight on it."

"Um Ochako, that may not be a good-" Izuku tried to warn her but it was too late.

"Mmm~" Uraraka let out a quiet but cute moan caused by Izuku's manhood pressing against her entrance through her clothes.

For what felt like an hour but was actually seconds neither one moved or said another word. Until Izuku felt too embarrassed to keep the silence and position going. "Ochako you should probably move since I can't actually move anywhere but forward from here."

"F-forward?!" Ochako muttered quietly. Her voice was heavy with desire.

Normally it would be hard to hear someone muttering as quietly as Ochako did but in this bubble where the sound was nearly completely trapped, it was as if the words were whispered into Izuku's ear.

For the first time since, whatever this rescue mission turned into, Izuku's blood was pumping. The way Uraraka said forward was almost like she was asking him to show her what would happen next. Which in a word was HOT. Temptation beckoned Izuku to move forward but his heroic side pulled him back to his senses. That and the light breaking through from the rubble above.

Seeing the light became a reminder to both Izuku and Ochako that they weren't trapped in some faraway cave in the middle of nowhere but in the middle of the U.A entrance exam so they quickly separated as far from each other as possible in the small barrier. Which wasn't anything more than a few inches.

"Looks like rescue is here Ochako. It's almost time for us to get out of here. Hahaha"

"Eh, really? Wow, it's a good thing too. Things were starting to get pretty hot in here. Ehehe"

After they both got their awkward laughter out, silence descended that none but Izuku dared to break.

'Um Ochako," Izuku started. His voice was shaky and nervous. "Do you wanna keep in contact after this? I know a lot of weird stuff happened between us but-"

"Of Course!" Uraraka excitedly replied before Izuku could finish his sentence. "Even though some weird stuff did happen, you still saved me and did the best you could to keep me safe even when I was pretty mean to you. And ya know, despite the fact that we're not even close to being real heroes I feel like today you were mine. So I would love if we kept up with each other after this."

Izuku was completely stunned by her words. He expected a lot of different replies from her but this was one that was not expected. Ochako saying he was her hero left him completely stunned and unable to pick a way to react. He was just so happy he didn't know whether to cheer, jump for joy, or sing so his body reverted to its default setting. Crying.

Ochako was the first person ever since his sister died to acknowledge his dream. Let the record show that Izuku never wanted to be a hero for fame, money, or even the people's thanks. He wanted to be a hero to save people and prove to the world that his sister was right about him. That the twin brother she was so proud of was everything she said he was and more. But year after year, many people, even his own mother, wrote of his dream of being a hero as fantasy. So hearing Uraraka calling him her hero was something that he never thought he wanted to hear but always needed to.

"Izuku are you ok?" Uraraka asked, her voice showing worried for her savior.

"Im fine. Just... Thank you Uraraka."

"Huh? I should be the one thanking you silly. You saved my life."

"I guess your right. Hahaha"

From there on, the teens talked about themself to each other until they were rescued by the U.A staff.

On that day a powerful bond was forged between Uraraka and Izuku and it would only grow stronger from there on out.

| Stella P.O.V Inside System Control Room |

"Dam kids are gonna make me cry." I had been watching the interaction between my brother and Ochako from start to finish and was now starting to cry tears of happiness at the scene in front of me. "It's at times like this that I remember that I live in an anime world."

Personally, I didn't think those two would end up so friendly before the school year even started. Especially after Izuku started boner poking Ochako. I thought I would have to rewrite some memories to stop any drastic action from being taken or make it so their current situation never happened. However, everything worked out in the end and Izuku finally got his dream acknowledgment from someone other than her or Izuki. Who I kicked out of the room right when the situation was going from rated E to M. Izuki's body may resemble Izuku in age but she was mentally around the same age I died here. So like eight.

But yeah, that's an alternate universe for yeah. The Zero Pointer is stronger, Izuku ace's the test, boner pokes a girl he barely knows and gets away with it and they all live happily ever after.

And the best part is that I didn't have to do anything. The whole thing with Izuku and Uraraka being trapped, them letting hormones drive them wild and them bonding was not me doing anything. I simply watched two creatures do their thing in their natural habitat. Wait, does that make me a pervert for watching them? Questions for later.

The worst part tho is that Izuku couldn't complete the quest I gave him. For good reason but still a shame. I wanted to see how people in this world would react to the King Engine.

| Izuku P.O.V |

A week after the entrance exams, Izuku had gotten the results of both the test in the form of a hologram disk. The principal, a mouse bear thing, announced he passed, explained rescue points, and showed him the leader board. Kaachan was first, which didn't surprise him, with a whopping 83 villain points and 20 rescue points giving him a total of 103 points. Izuku saw himself in second place with 56 villain points and 40 rescue points giving him a total of 96 points.

The others on the list did pretty well, but Izuku only cared about one other name on the list. Ochako Uraraka. She placed fourth on the list with 28 villain points and 45 rescue points with a total of 73 points. He was glad she got in. If she wasn't, then U.A wouldn't feel nearly as worth going to anymore. All he could do now was hope they were in the same class.

Izuku picked up his phone and for a few seconds contemplated calling Uraraka to talk to about the news but remembered that she said she would be celebrating with her parents if she got in. So Izuku left her a congratulations message in text and went to tell his own parent the news.

After showing the results to his mom they had a little celebration and Izuku went to bed that night feeling extra chipper.


(A/N): I wrote the original chapter when i was barely awake and posed it. Needless to say, that chapter came out reading, looking, and feeling like hot steamy ass. I couldn't even get past my own third paragraph without cringing at how shit it was. So immediately rewrote it and this is the result.I like this version a lot better.

Well, that's about it from me. You'll either have a week before the next chapter or a month. Anyways, thanks for reading, and please point out any mistakes you see if want higher quality writing. Author out. ✌️

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