
How Did I Become an Adventurer?

Follow the Story of a young woman named Hana. As she prepares to leave her home village to honor a marriage contract made by her king a sudden attack to her carriage changes everything. Deciding to fake her own death to have a chance at freedom she makes new friends and discovers a sinister curse that she and her new friends must try to break. Rewriting in third person point of view starting 4-16-23

happyhyuga1221 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Knock Knock Anyone Home?

The days pass by and we create a steady routine. we eat breakfast then load onto the carriage and travel for five to six hours before resting. The werewolf whose name is Dante only stays with the group while we are traveling in the carriage, he always keeps to himself when eating and sleeping which Elias is pleased about.

I feels a little sad for the guy but when we try to talk to him he shows nothing but disdain for us. Luna and Sky have become the best of pals which is so adorable, watching them play usually leaves me laughing. Elias and I haven't had another moment alone but the tension lingers. He helps me with Sky who has grown fond of the both of us. She especially likes it when Elias sits her on his shoulders so she is the tallest one in the group.

"We should get there with in the next three hours", Elias tells me as we pack up camp and ready the carriage. "It's important that we all keep our tempers in check. The elves take disrespect and manners very seriously. If we upset them there is an even higher probability that they will refuse to give us the answers we need to figure out whose done this", he warns me while setting Sky in the carriage. I nod at him in understanding and prepare to be on my best behavior when our other traveling companion makes his way to the carriage. I give Elias a nervous look and he shrugs not knowing how we could get Dante to act civil either.

Excitement and worry both fill my stomach and the mixture of it has me on edge. I shake my leg and bite my nails in nervousness, wondering if the elves will help me with this small favor. Elias doesn't seem to optimistic but I do my best to be hopeful that everything will work out. I mean it's not like I'm asking them to give me anything material wise or put their lives in danger. Just information that is sitting there in their brain.

I take off the ring which thankfully we have gotten Sky accustomed to. Appearing as myself felt freeing. Elias and I had both agreed it would be best to take it off while meeting the elves not wanting to give them any reason to not trust us. Sky reaches her hands up and tangles her little fingers in my red curly hair. I've gotten used to her doing this, she seems to love my natural hair more than the black hair I had while using the concealment ring.

"Bites bites", she demands pointing to her mouth and I grab the bag I filled with plums yesterday. I give her the fruit and she digs into it hungrily. She had gained some weight no longer looking to skinny like she had when we first found her. Once she's finished with the fruit she reaches me the pit which I discard out the window .

Soon enough I can see the elf kingdom in the distance and my fingernails dig into my palm because of my anxiousness. The carriage stops abruptly before we can even make it to the gates. Surrounding us the elves aim their arrows and point their swords at us.

"Lay down your weapons and step away from the carriage", a loud voice orders us. I hear metal clatter to the ground and Elias and Dante drop to the dirt. I untie the daggers from my thigh and pick up Sky walking out of the carriage holding the girl to me keeping her vision from the weapons aimed at us.

"What business have you in elf territory", the same voice from before asks. The voice belongs to a tall, slim man with brown hair who currently points a sword toward Elias.

"We came for help", I answer bowing at my hips and Sky clings closer to me. I straighten back up to see the elf staring at me curiously.

"Such a very unusual group. Two humans, a vampire and a werewolf. Sounds a bit like a bad bar joke", the elf laughs. It surprises me because I had always been told that they didn't have much of a sense of humor. "What is it you need from us yound lady", he asks all signs of humor gone.

"I come from the Sun Kingdom, I had been sent on a trip and upon returning home I find my loved ones immobile like they are in a trance. I had went for help at the palace and everyone around the castle except for this little girl who had been left in a house had been slaughtered. It being a time of peace I have no idea who would want to do this. The only clue I found was a symbol with some sort of language underneath it. I copied it down in hopes that you could tell me where this languages originates from. The werewolf Dante, we met him on the path here. His people has also been put in this trance", I explain clearly.

The elf looks thoughtful and turns around to deliberate with someone who then walks back into the gates. My heart speeds up with fear that they are going to ignore our plea for help.

"We are relaying your story to the king. He will decide on our course of action so please be patient", the elf informs us. Elias walks to my side giving my shoulder a squeeze to calm me. I try my best to give him a smile but the worry I feel prevents it.

After five minutes the elf returns motioning us to walk into gates of the Elf kingdom. Luna wants to follow but the elves insist no animals are allowed in the palace so I let her back into the carriage where she pouts. The elf kingdom is beautiful and so clean. The children we pass are so quiet and well mannered it honestly seems like a utopia though a bit bizzare.

We are led into what I assume is the throne room were we see the elven King sitting at his throne looking bored. His blond hair is shoulder length and his grey piercing eyes watch us closely. I bow in respect and see Elias do the same and reluctantly Dante as well.

"So you came for our help", the king states and I feel my stomach twist in worry.