
How Did I Become an Adventurer?

Follow the Story of a young woman named Hana. As she prepares to leave her home village to honor a marriage contract made by her king a sudden attack to her carriage changes everything. Deciding to fake her own death to have a chance at freedom she makes new friends and discovers a sinister curse that she and her new friends must try to break. Rewriting in third person point of view starting 4-16-23

happyhyuga1221 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Death and Life

"You're telling me that he has eleven wives already",she asks in shock. An arranged marriage was one thing but being an addition to his little harem is not something she had planned on or wanted.

"Yes Prince Reign wants to have wives from every race. He's got two human wives, two vampire wives, two werewolf wives, a witch, two elves, two faries. Let me guess, your a witch?"

Hana shakes her head no. "Technically not, my dad is a wizard though, Simon Draconia. I've never shown an inkling of magic but I guess they think that my dad's bloodline is still strong enough that there is hope that I could possibly pass the bloodline to my children, that it's just dormant in me", she tells him as she scratches Luna's belly.

"Simon the Fearless, no wonder the prince wants you as his twelfth bride. Your dad is a living legend. I've heard about the battles he has led for your king. His power is off the scales compared to most wizards." He tells Hana with admiration. She just nods used to people being in awe of her dad. "Prince Reign is a horrible man, once he gets a bride he cuts them off from their homeland and families and keeps them isolated from everyone but him." Hana looks up at him in question fixing to ask how he knows this when he answers her unasked question.

"My sister is one of the vampire's married to that filth. She was his fifth wife. Our parents urged her to take his proposal for the good of our settlement. He promised us security and an alliance if we are ever threatened by another group and also promised to bring us blood from willing civilians. She was all to willing to do it, she's always been so selfless when it comes to helping others. We've not been able to see or talk to her since. Our letters are returned without being opened and we are told to quit pestering her. One of her maids told me she is healthy and well that she is expecting a child with that monster", he says looking angrily at the ground with his fists clenched on his lap.

Hana's heart fills with sympathy for him and the loss of losing a loved one. Especially when it seems like your family sold your sister like a piece of livestock. She had left everyone she knew knowing she'd probably never see them again and it's a hard feeling to cope with. She lays her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him when she realizes she doesn't know what his name is.

"Thank you so much for saving me earlier honestly you have no idea how grateful I am to you. You saved my life, what's your name if you don't mind me asking".

"My name is Elias Thornton. You don't need to thank me for saving you, any decent person would have helped you", he replies kindly. "What's your name and what are you going to do now", he asks curiously watching as she begins to shiver. Before she can answer him he is removing his jacket and laying it on her shoulders. "That should help keep you warm", he adds.

"My name is Hana, and I'm nothing special just a normal woman that does what she is told by her parents. Though I don't know what I'm going to do now. I could still make my way to Grand Stone but knowing that I'm basically going to be imprisoned there for the rest of my life makes me hesitant to do that. As horrible as it was that my guards and driver was killed most would assume that I was as well. Either way I won't being seeing my family again so maybe I should just try to find a new place to settle down in."

"If you want you can travel with me, I can keep you safe from bandits and you can provide me some company. It does get terribly boring out here on my own. I know a witch that makes enchanted amulets, I could get one for you so you won't be recognized. She's actually in this next town we are coming to."

Hana's heart soars at hearing him offer her to travel with him. She can't return home and going to Grand Stone is the last thing she wants. At least traveling like this she will be able to see the world and figure out what she wants in life. It seems like a dream come true so she can't help the happy tears that leave her eyes.

"Thank you so much Elias you really are my hero. You've already done so much for me but could you also teach me how to fight and defend myself. I know eventually you will decide to stop traveling and when you do I want to be able to protect myself", she begs him clasping her hands together in silent prayer that he will say yes.

He grins at her display of excitement and nods his head assuring Hana that he would be delighted to teach her everything he can.

Despite this being one of the worst and scariest days of Hana's life she feels hopeful at what adventure will await them on their travels. I

She can't wait to see and experience new and different things that she never would have hoped for before. A yawn escapes her mouth and she looks around tiredly at their location.

"We should get some rest. There is a cave about 10 minutes away that we can sleep in safely. This spot here is far to open to be safe." they both stand and she follows him as he leads them up a winding hill where there is a small opening in the mountain. For a split second she worries about following him in the cave but the thought vanishes as suddenly as it appears. He a

had saved her and if he had wanted to hurt her he would have already done it by now. She'd be a fool to think shecould stop him, his speed was something else entirely.

Once in the cave he lays his stuff down and builds a small fire. He tells Hana to get some rest and with in moments she's fallen asleep snuggled close to Luna.