
House of The Dragon: The Vampire Prince

In an alternate world where Prince Baelon, son of Viserys Targaryen lives, vultures gather around to devour pieces of House Targaryen. Prince Baelon is a sickly prince, since birth he has been... but what if... illness was not the only aspect of him, what if the mysteries and magic in his blood awakened? Follow the prince as he stakes his claim on the Iron Throne, warring all those prying upon it with ice, fire, and blood.

_oinkchan · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
36 Chs

Baelon VS Aemond

Silence filled the ground and shock plastered everyone's face as they gawked curiously. They seemed to be waiting for something, but it was unclear what exactly it was they were waiting for.

Baelon Targaryen.

This was a name, I am sure all had heard coupled with the titles, The Sickly Prince, The Never Healthy Prince, and The Heir without Health.

It was hard for me to open my eyes. The light burst through so well, that most of what I would see when I would open them was pitch white that pained me a lot.

It seemed as if Night had become the day for me while Day had forced me to close my eyes, into the night. Funnily enough, I am unable to sleep as well.

After dropping Talya to her room, I went for a spree across King's Landing. Sucked enough blood to not kill them before heading to the next target.

Hence I can feel a warm power still brimming inside of me. After pondering a little, I have come to call this power- Blood Energy, since it works on blood.

I still had my eyes closed but the amazing aspect was that... I did not need them. My body had a sophisticated characteristic in which it produced high-frequency sound pulses continuously that humans could not hear.

It would then pass along objects or human beings and reflect on me, giving me a precise idea of their location, shape... size... everything.

Due to that, despite my eyes closed, my mind would envision beings that would breathe as reddish-orange and beings without breath as green, blue, and purple.

So even without eyes, I still had a vision... and this one was even better since it enabled me to see through things and understand my surroundings better.

That reminds me... I wonder if, on the other side of the Red Keep, they found my little note. Vampyre, the term I coined is pretty simple.

Va- represents Valyria while Pyre does fire. Together, Vampyre or Vampire. As for Dārilos, that is Valyrian for Prince. So hopefully, my enemies have a few guesses and my threat successfully went through them all.

I looked at the knight alongside me with a smile.

"Thank you, Ser Joe Mary."

The knight nodded while I gestured for Dyana to stop holding the parasol. Since the day, she confessed to me... she felt a lot of guilt... I tried lowering it but then she believed I got sick because of her.

It scared me. The fact that she would commit suicide. Maybe I am selfish but Dyana is someone I cherish as a friend hence I hypnotized and cut off the trauma she had.

Now she is filled with vengeance towards Aegon, ready to go to any limit for revenge. Which is good, I have bagged another piece.

As for Aemond...

"What do you think you are doing...? Little brother. Bullying our cute nephews."

Shock instantly slipped off his face as the boy grimaced. Obviously not expecting me. I walked closer to him and glanced upwards to where Arrax's eyes were fixed on me.

A smirk formed on my visage, I grabbed Lucerys, forcing him onto his feet.

"Boy, is this what my elder sister has taught you? Burning kin upon threats?" That is supposed to be mine.

Lucerys looked away and muttered while pointing toward Aemond.

"He started it."

I looked towards Aemond, my eyebrow raised unimpressed. It seems the boys held grudges against each other.

From Talya's memories, I knew that Aemond has no dragon even after vying for one. His half-brothers and brothers, cruelly gifted him a pig as compensation to fly.

Cute gesture but they did not do it out of kindness it seems.

"If you wished for a dragon, you could always head to Dragonstone and try your luck instead of enacting upon your bitterness."

Aemond did not speak but I continued.

"If the dragon deems you worthy enough, you may very well be bonded. After all, in your veins is my blood."

The boy glanced down at the ground, a pinched expression forming on his face. The knight by his side however could not hold his horses.

"Your grace, I do not mean offense but it does not seem that you have a dragon."

Well done... well done. A low blow, raising a voice against someone of my standing is already a statement to diminish my authority.

Vultures forget that Dragons overshadow and the only reason they live is so that the leftover meat can be properly trashed.

I walked near him. The man was sweating a little, pants escaping his mouth... after all, he did have a heavy workout.

"Ser Crispen Cole... was it?"

He lowered his head submissive.

"No your grace, Cristan Cole."

I nodded.

"Indeed Ser Crispenned, the way I see it... your white cloak has stains of mud on it."

Many by the side did not understand but my point went through the knight. His face instantly grimaced and I practicing my kindness patted the man.

"When I have bonded with one. I will show it off to you first, Crisp Roll."

I turned to glance at my nephew ignoring his reaction, it had been a long since I saw him last. Especially after his mother fled to my Dragonstone.

"It has been a long time, nephew. I would say it is good to see you... but you do not look so...."

Turning around I clapped, gesturing to a few randoms.

"Take my dear nephew to the maesters. A prince should not seem unsightly."

My words reached the men behind. They did not take too much notice of it but it made an impact on the boy who immediately took his hands from the floor and left with a few guardsmen.

A small smile crinkled across my face. It was warm and kind.

"Little brother, let us see how much you have improved with your sword shall we?"

Aemond stood up, his expression unclear along with what he was thinking. His face broke into a grin, his eyes glinting.

I chuckled and waved, motioning him to follow.

"You know I have not touched a blade for a long time?"

He did not speak simply raising his blade. It had indeed been a long time since I touched a blade.

When I was a child I would insist on swordplay despite being sick but to naught, since my body could not handle much.

I took the blade fallen on the ground, the same Jacaerys had used. The weight was lighter, I had heard swords to be heavy, then again I ask not normal am I?

We circled each other, my body in a casual position. I had never learned swordplay after all... not that I needed it.

I am a vampire after all.

I extended my hand and struck at Aemond, he blocked and followed with a slash that almost hit me.

Aemond was smiling as he stepped forward.

"And how does that make you feel, brother? Are you proud of your pathetic skills?"

I grinned back, his bloodlust had grown since he last fought, maybe the previous fight was just a small skirmish for him.

With that said, I ignored the taunt and stabbed my finger toward his neck. Pressing his veins, which flowed with the ambrosia known as blood.

I wonder what my kin's blood tastes like... it should be better... we are after all superior.

A soft smirk made its way onto my face as I whispered into his ears like a serpent swallowing a mongoose.

"You are weak... Aemond."

I kicked off the ground, flinging him backward with a kick too fast for the human eye.

His body flew a few meters but he managed to land on his feet, only to trip and fall down again. His ankle twisted slightly.

My eyes flickered toward the crowd, seeing many gasping.

I shook my head as I shouted at the top of my lungs.


My voice echoed throughout the ground as Aemond rushed towards me with his sword in hand.

I parried the attack and struck downward. This caused more sparks, my skin glittering blue as I moved to stab him.

-But he kept moving, dodging the attack and running straight at me.

I would not lie. Aemond is an excellent swordsman. However, swords mean naught in a real battlefield where enemies rush from every corner.

I dodged his attacks easily, feeling confident that I would win. I could see all of his movements in slow motion.

From the twitch in his torso to the flick of his palms. It would be an understatement to call his swordplay a dance, it was an art.

...hence I began to do the same small movements in a rhythmic manner. Copying the way he used his sword.

Before long, I did not have to rely on my supernatural sense as I countered his attacks without much thought.

Aemond realized quickly that his moves are not effective anymore. Instead, he decided to use brute force, making the move as quickly as possible.

This made me frown in annoyance. If it was brute force we were fighting with, this would not even be a duel.

I thought I made it clear when I struck his neck with my finger.

Noticing that his posture was becoming sloppy, I used my speed to strike him. He fell back to the ground, crying out in pain.

I watched on amused, rolling my eyes as I watched the man crawl back to his feet. He stood up, holding the blade in his hand, his gaze straight as he stared vigilantly.

"Dance for me Aemond..."

I laughed loudly, following the tone with a swinging punch. I could tell that he was trying to block the attack but his body was too slow. The force of my fist sent him flying a few meters away.

I straightened myself and walked towards him, stepping on his face to keep him grounded. He grunted while looking up at me.

"You play well with those toys. I could never imagine having time for those... because I am unlike you, Aemond. I am the heir, having to fend off all those preying upon me... while you are nothing... yet brimming with resentment unlike my own."

My foot over him strengthened. The boy did not whimper once I would give him that. I glanced at Lucerys and then Aemond, my eyes still closed as I offered him my palm.

"Let go of your grievances. Pledge your allegiance to me and see how you rise from the ashes, reborn a dragon."

I let go of my foot from his face and empowered my voice with Blood Energy, not much... only a little for more influence.

The boy accepted it with a moment of hesitation as many supporters of the Green, looked at him with horror.

My smile deepened. Grabbing Lucerys's palm by force, I joined the two and spoke in a stoic tone.

"Do not bring shame to our house."

They nodded, there was still much animosity but at least the tension was not as before.

"Good." I nodded, before looking at all the others in the area. My echolocation field had deducted the Small Council coming nearer.

This was even better. I had a few more cards to play, the first one being this...

"Kneel for your future king."

Not a single one of them would dare to resist.

I was right. Their lips trembled as one by one, all of them began to bend their knee. It was a sight to behold.

Ser Joe raised his head lightly and yelled at his loudest.

"Long Live Prince Baelon!! Heir to the Iron Throne!!"

Soon cheers from the crowd resounded throughout the area.

"Long Live the Prince!! Long live the Targaryens!!"

By this time, my guests had arrived. Ignoring them I hushed my audience.


Slowly they stood up on their feet, adrenaline still bursting through their bodies. From the corner of my eyes, I glanced at Ser Criston Cole.

He was obviously unhappy, a thorn in my side and one of Queen Alicent's most cherished dogs. Now that she was especially here... in person.

It was time to head on to the final act. I circled around the knight as my voice trailed off, exaggerating the tone at its greatest.

"Ser Crisp Roll, if I remember correctly... did you not call my nephew... A Bastard?"


A/N: Why should you send me power stones? You should because, more readers motivate me and the easiest way to get more is by attracting attention and that can be attracted if you send power stones.

So let's milk them out good yeah?

Thanks everyone for your support and reading this chapter. Write reviews if you enjoy reading. Shoutout to those who do haha.

Thank you LichKing and DaoistYmy3w1 for the reviews. *SMOOOOOCHHHHHMAHHHH!!!*

_oinkchancreators' thoughts