

(Third Person POV)


Inside a room, Daemon Targaryen was sitting on a chair, reading a book. It was a few weeks after the Tourney at King's Landing; he had returned to Pentos where he currently resided. He had asked his daughters to come live with him but they politely refused, stating they were warding in Driftmark and Dragonstone respectively. 

Daemon respected that decision and promised he would write to them as often as he could. If he were to keep that promise, it is up in the air. 

The door to the room opened and a woman walking in, she looked foreign, more eastern than Daemon was used to. She had jet black hair, her eyes were a jade-green, her lips were ample and pink, and she was wearing a long black dress. 

"Hm." Daemon said, "Knocking would be nice." 

"You took your time to return." The Woman said in High Valyrian, "My Prince, how was he?" 

Daemon raised an eyebrow and looked at her, "You are awfully interested in my son." He responded in kind, "What are you plotting?" 

"Were you not going to tell him of the truth?" She said as she placed her hand on her belly with a slight smile, "Our Truth?" 

"How am I certain that child is mine?" Daemon said as he looked back at the book, "You could've bedded other men while I was gone." 

"When he is born with your hair and eyes, you will know he is yours. You are the only other Targaryen here in this Manse, where I do not step away from." She said, "Aerion Targaryen....." 

Daemon looked back up as the woman walked up to the table and sat down in a seat in front of him. 

"With time..." She said with a thick accent, "I will give you what you want. An army of your own, Daemon Targaryen. To take your Brother's throne...to free him of the Hightowers' clutches. That is what you want, right?"

"Hm..." Daemon said as he looked down, "And you can do that with that bastard child?" 

"He does not need to be bastard." She responded, "Let us marry here, in Pentos. Before he is born. Together, we shall start a powerful force that the world will fear....." 

"You'll give me what I want..." He said as he flipped a page, "What do you want in return?" 

"Aerion Targaryen." She said

Daemon looked at her, "What?" 

"You saw it, didn't you? The magnificence of his body." The Woman said, "His dragon's blood is thick, your blood is superior to that of the Bronze King's...I figured that since he has a bit of First Men blood, he would not be perfect." [a/n: I think....I think the Royces descend from the First Men, I could be wrong.]

"Sure, he's big and strong." Daemon said, "What does that have to do with anything?" 

"If we can continue his line, your line, directly from him...." The woman said with a smile, "The glory of your House will be returned. Powerful warriors with the will of Daemon Targaryen to fuel them....." 

 "You want him to fuck you?" Daemon asked, "You want to bear his child, is that it?" 

"No, you foolish man." She said, "As tempting as that sounds, no....." 

"Then what?" Daemon closed the book in an annoyed manner, "You come here and speak in scheming riddles. Tell me what your true plan is, woman." 

She leaned in, "If Aerion Targaryen is not possible to obtain..." She said, "The next best thing is his child....." 

Daemon raised an eyebrow, "Visenya?" 

"She was named after the Conqueror." the woman said, "Think about it, she is perfect. You wield Dark Sister....you can raise her to be your perfect warrior, and as Aerion's daughter, she'll inherit his strength and skill, although I doubt she'll inherit his perfect body...but our son with his daughter, you'll have more little Aerion's in no time." 

Daemon scoffed, "You're mad." He said as he looked around and leaned back, "She's my granddaughter....you want our 'son' to marry her niece?" 

"Maegor the Cruel married his niece." She responded as she smiled, "You wanted yours." 

"No, I did not." He said, "That was a long time ago. I was angry at Viserys. I did not lust for Rhaenyra, I merely wanted to get back at her father. She understood that which is why she told me to fuck off. She was just a girl, controlled by her naive emotions. She's a woman now, my son's woman." 

"With Aerion's blood....the glory of Old Valyria will soon be restored." She said in high valyrian

"You're not Valyrian." Daemon responded, "You're YiTish." 

"I was raised by Valyrians....who were sheltered in my YiTish Village." She said, "There is so much more to the world than the white-haired dragonlords. But...it is your Dragonlords that make everything so....beautiful....splendid. You want it, don't you? That old power...I saw it, Daemon Targaryen, more than 100 years than now, a Black Egg hatches, and the most powerful Dragon is born." 

"Hm..." Daemon said, "And who does it belong to?" 

She reached over and patted his cheek, "You blood." She said with a smile, 

"Your descendant." 


[Dragonstone, A Week After The Greyfiend Incident]

(Aerion's POV)

"Hm...." I said as I twirled Rhaenyra's hair in my finger, "You certainly are the most beautiful woman...." 

She laid next to me as she smiled, "Oh you...." She said while running her hand on my bare chest, "Hm...." 

We laid in bed, just finished our hours of intimacy. She was rather energetic tonight. 

"What did I do to deserve you?" I asked softly

"You're just yourself, Aerion..." She said as she patted my cheek, "You don't have to do anything else....." 

"Hm." I said as I smiled at her, "Well, I am sure I have done a lot, considering how badly you want me almost every night now." 

She chuckled, "A good ache is a good ache." She said as he leaned in, "My resolve is strong, I want to give you an army, my love. Nobody will challenge you nor our children. In turn, they will learn to accept me. I would love to say that I do it for the duty of the realm, to have everyone respect my claim...but that is a lie....." 

She kissed me on the lips as I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her bare body against me as she passionately kissed me. I couldn't help but run my hand down to her behind, feeling her up as our bodies felt hot. 

It could very well escalate to sex once again. 

She pulled away as she let out a soft moan, "I just love you, Aerion...." She said as she blushed, "My heart beats for you, my entire body yearns for you, I don't care about anything else.....duty.....the throne.....the seven kingdoms. When we're in between these walls, all I care about is you....our children....just us....."

"Hm.." I said as I leaned in and kissed her on the nose, "Is that so?" 

She nodded, "Yes." She said softly, "I want to stay like this forever...I don't want us to ever be driven apart.....And I don't want you being an imbecile, fighting dragons by yourself." 

I chuckled as I pulled away, knowing it was sooner or later that I would receive a scolding from her. 

"I have been in the castle since then, my love." I said as I patted her cheek, "I am in no danger. It is the smallfolk that worry me. With time, I will have to deal with that grey annoyance. The Cannibal is one thing, but this one.....he's killing my people, no....Your people. That won't stand." 

"I know..." she said, "But take your dragon. Don't be stupid." 

"I will, I promise." I said

She then crawled on top of me as she patted both my cheeks, "Okay." She said, "You best keep that promise, my foolish love....For now...." 

"Let's enjoy the moment."