
Rampage II

(Third Person POV)

"By the gods....." Otto Hightower said as he and his men approached the site, "What happened here?"

He and a few dozen men were approaching the sight where Cole and his men were ambushed. The whole area was devastated, reduced to ashes; a result of Vermithor cleaning up the men while Aerion killed Cole and Gwayne. 

Off into the distance, if Otto and his men would look deeper into the area, they could find Sheepstealer's corpse along with the headless body of Ulf The White. But truthfully, Otto would not care about a bastard and his dragon. 

Seeing nothing but ashes and broken trees, Otto felt deep dread. There were piles of burnt corpses, the bodies of the men that were killed by Vermithor were covered by the melted armor they wore, their skeletons surrounded by ash.

"Gods be good..." Otto muttered as his horse shook its neck with unease, "It cannot be...." 

It was almost as if he began to regret starting a war to begin with. But the thing is, this was not even the worst of sights that Vermithor and Aerion left. The first battle of Tumbleton and the Burning of Stony Sept was a much more disturbing sight. This was just a light jog for the Red Dragon and Bronze Fury. 

Nevertheless, the men who escorted the Lord Hand were shaken to their core. They were told that Aerion was capable of devastating an army by himself, but were unaware of the truth of it. This was just a glimpse of the fury that was Aerion Targaryen. 

Soon, Otto reached a small clearing, right where Aerion killed Gwayne and Cole. He and his men looked at all the trees that were destroyed and noticed several dozen bodies littered around. 

Otto then noticed something shocking; Aerion Targaryen sitting on a log, cleaning his blade with a rag. He wore his armor, save for his helm, which sat on the log next to him. The mere sight of this shocked Otto, leaving him speechless and causing his body to shake a little. 

"I..." Otto stammered as he grabbed the reigns of his horse, "A-Aerion...." 

Aerion was cleaning Lady Rhea, Lamentation was planted on the ground in front of him, already cleaned. He didn't look up at all, merely focused on his sword. 

"Otto." He said coldly

Otto looked around, "Y-You did this?" 

"What do you think?" Aerion said

"Gods....." Otto said, "A-Are you human...? Why would you lay so much.....devastation..." 

"You dare even ask?" Aerion said as he looked up, his cold eyes piercing through the Lord Hand, "You, who usurped my wife's throne, killed my boys....." 

"I did not kill those boys." Otto said

"It was your Usurpation, your declaration of War that led to this." Aerion gestured all around him, "If you and your family had bent the knee like you were supposed to like Viserys wanted, my boys would've still been alive! And.....so would yours, Otto..." 

Aerion pointed at the dead body of Gwayne Hightower, laying a couple of feet from him. 

Otto dismounted his horse and ran to Gwayne's corpse, "Gwayne!" He exclaimed as he crouched down and grabbed the cold hand of his son, "No....." 

Suddenly, behind Aerion and from the ashes and broken branches, Vermithor rose up, coming into view as he let out a vicious growl. This caused all of the men to become alarmed as their horses became nervous. 

Aerion raised his hand, gesturing at Vermithor to stay calm, which the Bronze Fury did so, but glared at the men. 

"Your son fought valiantly." Aerion said as he gestured at Criston Cole's dead corpse a few feet away, "And so did he, I guess." 

Otto looked at Cole's body, the dead eyes looking off into air, unsettling the Lord Hand. 

"Gods..." He said under his breath, "Be merciful to us..." 

Aerion grabbed Lamentation as he stood up, holding both of his swords in his hands as he stepped towards Otto. 

"Mercy?" Aerion said as he looked at the Lord Hand with a deadpan stare, "There is no mercy here." 

"Lord Hand!" one of the men said

Vermithor opened his maw and unleashed flames at them, incinerating the men on the horses like nothing, the sound of the flames resounding throughout the air as the screams followed. 

Otto didn't seem surprised, merely looked back, almost accepting this. 

Aerion pointed Lady Rhea to him, "Look at me." He said as the point of the blade was an inch from Otto's face, "Tell me something, why? Why did you do this?" 

Otto looked at him, "Why, you ask?" he said, "Because nobody in the Realm would've accepted her. Nobody would have accepted Rhaenyra as Queen." 

Aerion slightly pushed Lady Rhea on his cheek, cutting it and drawing blood as Otto looked at him, "Well...." He said, "Now that you see what happened, do you think you made a mistake? The Realm had to learn that they made the mistake of not supporting her. What did they care more about? Who sat on the Iron Throne? Or that they lived to watch their children and their children grow up."

Otto closed his eyes, "Aerion..." He said, "The gods will condemn you...." 

"They already have!" Aerion shouted as he glared at him, "They did nothing wrong, Jaecaerys and Lucerys! They were boys! And you killed them! You and your stupid ambition, your desire to see your blood on that stupid fucking chair!" 

"They were Bastards!!!" Otto shouted as he looked at him, "Sure, let's say that Rhaenyra were to sit on the throne and the Realm would've bent the knee, even with Aegon and the rest of his brothers alive! Her heirs are bastards!! The only way the Realm would've been satisfied is if Jaecaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey would've died! That was the only way, Aerion! If it was your daughter as heir, everyone would've reluctantly agreed! But no, I did what I thought was best for the Realm, I tried to avoid as much bloodshed as possible!!" 

"Yet, you failed." Aerion said coldly, "You betrayed him, Otto. You betrayed Viserys. Now that he's dead, there's nobody to save any of you from me. And you know that." 

Otto panted as Vermithor took a step, growling fiercely as he glared at the Lord Hand. 

"You served this one's previous rider." Aerion said, "Tell me, would Jaehaerys agreed with you?" 

"Jaehaerys named Viserys heir for the same reason." Otto said, "And you know that." 

"Well guess what." Aerion said, "For better or for worse, that one is dead too. Now, what are your last words, Otto Hightower? And how would you like your final moments to be?" 

"Go on and be done with it, boy." Otto spat, "You were naught but a boy, clinging to his mother-" 

In a swift motion, Aerion cleaved through Otto's neck with Lamentation. 

"All of you..." Aerion said as he turned around, "Always mentioning her....." 

Otto's body collapsed and his head rolled on the ground, all while Aerion walked to the log and picked his helm up. 

"I am glad she is not here." Aerion said softly, "She would not have to see what her son has become of...." 

"It is for the best." 


[The Greens Camp, In The Riverlands]

"Brother!" Daeron exclaimed as he walked over to Aemond, "Someone has to go and make sure Tumbleton is safe!" 

At the edge of the camp, Vhagar's gargantuan body was seen laying on the ground, sleeping. 

Aemond was walking towards a tent, "There is no point." he said, "The bastard is there." 

"Yes, but I don't think it is enough." Daeron said, "If anything, we could-" 

Aemond stopped and turned to him, "If you're so worried about the Hightower army, by all means go and fly all the way over there, brother." He spat, "But we have a mission here! We take the fight to Daemon's army once and for all." 

Aemond had devastated the advance of the Tully forces over the course of the day, stopping any and all attempts of marching down to the capital. Cole's army was supposed to march through while Vhagar and Tessarion devastated the Tullys and finish them up but they were destroyed by Aerion. 

Now, Aerion is headed for Tumbleton once again. 

And because of Aemond and Daeron, Daemon will make his move. 

This was it, the final stretch. Right after these moments, the climax of the War will occur and it will shock the entirety of the realm.

The Events that follow will shake Westeros to its core. 

Daeron sighed and looked down, "Fine." 

"You did well, killing Lucerys." Aemond said, "He deserved a worst death than what he got." 

"I....I didn't kill him." Daeron scowled

"Sure, whatever keeps you awake at night." Aemond said, "And Jace....I wish I was the one who killed him, not some bastard. Although, it is quite poetic....that a bastard is the one that killed him." 

"He was our Nephew....they were both our Nephews." Daeron said, "Can you not show a little bit of respect, Aemond? They were our blood!" 

"I care not for bastards." Aemond said as he leaned towards Daeron, "And you shall do well to not care either, brother." 

"Aerion will come." Daeron said, "We must be prepared." 

"I will handle him." Aemond said

"Like you handled him before?" Daeron asked, "He beat you." 

"Shut up." Aemond turned around and walked away, "Aerion will fall by my bl-" 

He was cut off by the loud and instantly recognizable sound of a nasally roar in the distance. This caused both Princes to freeze with shock. 

"Oh no..." Daeron looked up at the skies, "That's..." 

"That's Caraxes..."