
Aegon The Younger

[Dragonstone, A Few Months Later]

(Aerion's POV)

"Congratulations, Princess." I heard Maester Gerardys say as loud baby crying was heard, "It's a healthy boy." 

I was holding Rhaenyra's hand as she laid in bed, panting heavily as her face was full of sweat. 

I turned to see Maester Gerardys hold the babe and walked towards Rhaenyra's side, handing it to her. 

"O-Oh..." Rhaenyra said softly, "Come here, my sweetling...." 

I watched as she held onto the babe who was crying, wrapped in a blanket. 

"Another boy...." I heard Elinda say as she sniffed, "He looks perfect...." 

I could only stare at Rhaenyra's beautiful face, her pure and sweet smile as her eyes were fixated on our son. I didn't know how to react, I just sat there, my hand on her shoulder. The entire time, her whole labors, I was by her side, holding her hand and letting her let out her pain and anger out on me. 

She slapped me in the face a few hours ago, by mistake, her words. I found it funny and could not help but laugh as I looked down, trying not to piss her off anymore. I could only do so much; a woman goes through so much pain for the sake of producing children and it is my duty as a husband to be there no matter what. I almost missed Visenya's birth, I was not missing my son's. 

I placed my hand on her head, "How are you feeling?" I asked her

She looked at me as the babe cried, "F-Fine...." she said softly

I gave her a smile, "Hm.." I said, "And you want to do this more times?" 

She nodded, "Y-Yes...." 

"You're mad." I chuckled as I leaned in and kissed her forehead, "I don't deserve you." 

I then looked at the babe, his eyes in a frown as he waved his tiny little arms around, his loud and healthy cries ringing in my years. 

"Look at him..." I said patting his head, "Such a strong little one. He'll be a Knight, for sure. The best one, a mighty warrior." 

"Like his Father." Rhaenyra said

I looked at her, "Yea...." I said, "Like his father." 

"The Princess needs rest, My Lord." Elinda said as she stood next to me

"That, she does." I said taking the babe from her, "I'll take Aegon and have him clean and ready for his cradle." 

"Aegon?" Maester Gerardys said

I nodded, "That's what we had agreed on, Maester." I said as I stood up and held Aegon in my arms and looked around the room, "I thought everyone here knew that. If it was a boy after Visenya, we'd name him Aegon." 

"Ah, like the Conquerors." He said with a smile, "Well, it'll cause some confusion, I think. With your cousin and all." 

"There's been plenty of Aegons since the Conqueror." I muttered, "My uncle was named Aegon before he died." 

"Hm, yes." Rhaenyra said softly

"Aegon the Younger, I would call him." Maester said, "To avoid the confusion." 

"Yes, that'll fit him." I said with a smile as I looked down at him

He had calmed down, for some reason, frowning only as he wiped his face with his tiny little hands. 

"Shall I show you how to bathe him, My Lord?" Elinda asked, "You've only done Joffrey and Visenya when they were much older, not a newborn...." 

"Ah, yes. Guide me through it, Elinda." I said as I walked towards the door, "I leave my wife in the care of you all, thank you, from the bottom of my heart." 

The midwives smiled and bowed slightly. 

"Aerion." Rhaenyra called

I stopped and looked at her, "Yea?" 

"Bring him to me after." She said as she leaned back, "Please." 

I nodded, "Of course." I said with a smile, "Worry not." 


"Let me see him!" Luke said as him and Jace walked into the room

I was sitting next to Rhaenyra's bed as she held Aegon in her arms. It was about half an hour after I had bathed him and Rhaenyra was taken to her bath as well. She had to rest, I told her not to be moving too much but she wanted to be clean to hold her son. 

Jace walked up to my side as Luke walked to the other side, "Is he alright?" Jace asked

I nodded, "Healthy." I said with a smile as I held Rhaenyra's hand, "He's a strong little one." 

I saw a slight smile on his face as Luke leaned in from the other side. 

"Look at him." Rhaenyra said as she moved her hand from mine and held Aegon, showing him to Luke, "Isn't he precious?" 

"Wow...." He said, "W-White hair.....he looks like you, Aerion..." 

I nodded, "Yea...." 

"We don't have...." Luke said before trailing off

Jace cleared his throat as Rhaenyra looked at me, "Well, you know..." He said, "How nature works, haha....we have Baratheon blood, after all...being Rhaenys's grandsons...." 

"Yea, that's true..." Luke said

I looked at the young one, he had a certain look on his face, I did not want this subject to rise all of the sudden. 

"Well....wait, have we picked out an egg yet?" Luke asked, "Visenya's egg hasn't hatched." 

"No. You can pick an egg later." Rhaenyra said

I heard the doors open and I heard Visenya's laughter. 

I stood up and smiled as Elinda held my little girl in her arms, "Come here." I said with a chuckle as she handed her to me, "Look, Visenya, it's your little brother." 

She looked at Aegon's sleeping face as she held a toy, her eyes filled with curiosity. 

I kissed her on the cheek, "You'll take care of him, right?" I whispered, "Like your big brothers take care of you. Where's Joffrey? Don't tell me he's hiding again." 

"I think he fell asleep. He ate too many lemon pies." Jace said

I rolled my eyes, "Not again." I muttered

"I have a question." Luke asked, "How many more siblings am I going to have?" 

"As many as I can give you." Rhaenyra chuckled

"So.....a lot?" Jace asked

I was kissing Visenya's forehead, "Yea, Jace, a lot." I said, "Your Mother has what they call Baby Fever. She wants a lot of babies." 

"Well damn." He whistled, "Can you handle it?" 

Rhaenyra scowled, "What makes you think I can't, young man?" She said

Jace chuckled, "I-I don't know." He crossed his arms, "I'm just saying. Aegon is the fifth one." 

"And there will be a sixth and a seventh." Rhaenyra said, "And an eight and a ninth. And a tenth." 

"Okay, calm down." I told her with a chuckle, "I don't think our coffers can afford ten kids, the way we spoil them." 

"Spoil?" Luke said with a frown, "What do you mean spoil?" 

"You know Aerion had to get the best leather for Arrax's saddle, right?" Jace said with a chuckle, "And your clothes are made from the finest silk. Also the wood for the dragonglass ornamental spears and swords he made for us, they're not cheap. Made from the goldenheart wood." 

"Yea, well..." He said, "If wants to spoil me, he can get me a Valyrian Steel sword or armor." 

"Whoa....take it easy." I whistled, "You gotta earn that." 

"And how did you?" Luke asked

"Well, by being Lord of Runestone and claiming Vermithor." I said, "At least I think it was claiming Vermithor....was it that? Did Daemon send me my sword cause of that?" 

Rhaenyra nodded, "Yes." 

"Wish Daemon sends me a valyrian sword..." Luke muttered

"Tell you what, kiddo, if by some chance, I find a Valyrian steel sword that magically appears on a Tyroshi pirate ship." I said with a chuckle, "I'll adorn it with Arrax's head as the pommel and gift it to you." 

"You promise?" Luke asked

"Yes." I said

"Nice!" He said pumping his fist

"And he says he doesn't get spoiled...." Jace muttered

"You lot..." Rhaenyra laughed, "You are the lights of my life.....someone bring me Joffrey, that boy missing out on this special moment." 

Elinda nodded, "At once, Princess." She said as she walked away

"Say..." Jace said, "Is there going to be another Tourney? I know the King is going to be overjoyed.....knowing Grandsire, he'll throw another one....." 

I shook my head, "No." I said, "We're going to Runestone when Rhaenyra is in condition to sail." 

"Runestone?" Luke said, "Nice! Are we hunting???" 

"Yes sir." I said with a smile, "You, Jace, and I. On horseback with Willam and Yohn. While Visenya and Aegon are coddled by Genna. And Joffrey will be handled by Andrea since he's a sucker for lemon cakes." 

"A vacation..." Rhaenyra said with a smile

 I smiled at her back as Visenya leaned her head on my chest, "Yes.." I said, "A vacation..." 

"Nice." Jace said, "Can I fly there?" 

"Yea, but we're stopping by King's Landing, let the King meet Aegon and then they'll sail to Runestone, escorted by your other Grandsire's ships." I said

"Lord Corlys?" Luke asked, "He's back from the Stepstones?" 

I nodded, "Yes, he wishes to do something in the Vale." I said, "Something to discuss with Lady Arryn, marriages and such." 

"Baela, perhaps?" Jace asked, "Rhaena has been in Driftmark for weeks, you think we'll see them in King's Landing?" 

"I hope so." I said, "Can't wait for them to meet their nephew." 

"Corlys wishes to marry Baela to the Arryns?" Rhaenyra asked me, "Why?"

"No, I don't think so." I said, "Vaemond's son, I think. Daemion. I don't know, it's not something that I am concerned with. It's been a long time since I've gone hunting on the Vale....man, I'm excited.....have you boys learned how to properly shoot a bow at a moving target from fifty meters?" 

"What? No." Jace said, "I can barely hit the stationary target at 20." 

"You need some more work...." I said

"Yea, You'd think...." He muttered


[King's Landing, Small Council Room]

"And the King, Lord Hand?" Lord Jasper said as they sat down

"In the privy." Otto said, "He had indulged himself in too many quails last night and his stomach could not agree with it. It is fine, we should start with this minor meeting. I doubt any of this should be worthy of his attention." 

"You'd think that..." Alicent muttered

"We received a raven from Dragonstone." Orwyle said with a slight smile, "Princess Rhaenyra has given birth to a healthy boy, white-haired and with a strong body like his Father's." 

Tyland Lannister nodded in approval, "That is good." He said, "I am glad to hear that, another crown prince. What is the name of this boy?" 

"Aegon." Orwyle said

Alicent raised her eyebrow, "Aegon?" She said, "Hm, that's interesting." 

"It is." Lord Beesbury said, "Visenya, Aegon.....Lord Aerion...Ha! It's like they're paying respect to the conquerors." 

"That makes Five." Lord Jasper said, "The Princess has been having so many children without issues. At this rate, we could very well have another situation like the Good-Queen, which is not a bad thing, I mean this as a compliment. It is always good to have many children." 

"Yea, you'd say that...." Tyland muttered as he looked away [a/n: Lord Jasper is called Ironrod cause homeboy goes to work, like legit work. He has a bunch of kids, illegitimate I think.]

Otto nodded, "I shall inform the King." He said, "Lord Aerion had already sent word that they'll visit the Capital after the Princess's labors. They'll then visit Runestone for a few weeks as vacation." 

"That's good." Alicent said softly, "A little family retreat." 

"The Vale is good in this time of year." Lord Beesbury, "I bet you that Lord Aerion wishes to indulge in hunting as he used to do so in his youth." 

"He is still quite young, Lord Beesbury." Lord Jasper said with a smile, "Has he reached his twentieth name day? I don't think so." 

"Well, he's a mature young man, I'll tell you that." Lord Beesbury replied, "Many of our young lords and knights can learn a thing or two from them." 

"Not many of those, Lord Beesbury, have the luxury of being married to the Heir of The Iron Throne." Alicent said, "But nevertheless, I shall send a letter to Rhaenyra, to congratulate her. I do wonder how this boy looks, I bet he's a spitting image of his father." 

"Hm..." Otto said

"I do wonder." Lord Tyland said, "Does that mean that he'll show his face again?" 

"Daemon?" Otto looked at him, "It is possible." 

"The last time he was here because of his granddaughter, he was more than willing to cause some trouble." Lord Jasper said, "It was quite the wise move to show Visenya to him." 

"Indeed." Lord Tyland said, "I expect the same is to be done again?" 

"We don't know." Otto said, "Aerion is not a man to cross. Especially when it comes to Daemon. Those two have serious issues to resolve." 

"Tell me about it..." Lord Jasper muttered

"Now that we have that out of the way..." Alicent cleared her throat, 

"Let's move on to the other matters."