
House Of The Dragon: "The Strongest King"

▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ Warning: I am not an experienced Author, just a normal guy taking a shot at an hobby. ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ Asoiaf: A Fire And Blood Fanfic What if Aegon Targaryen was not just a prince of the realm, but a transmigrator from another world and time? What if Sunfyre, his golden dragon, was far mightier and larger than the legends suggest? How would these changes alter the course of the Dance of the Dragons? In this reimagined tale, Aegon struggles with his new identity and the heavy crown he never sought. Or did he? With knowledge beyond his years and a dragon more fearsome than ever, will he still be drawn to the Iron Throne, or will he carve a different path? Join me, as we explore a new twist on the Targaryen civil war, where the fate of the realm is more uncertain than ever. ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ Disclaimer: All rights to House of the Dragon (HotD) and Game of Thrones (GoT) belong to their respective creators. This fanfic is written purely out of love for the universe and the world of Westeros.

The_Illuminated · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
14 Chs

| Chapter 02: Sparring And Remembering |

| Author's Note: Have a good read! |

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| With Prince Aegon, Ser Criston and Ser Hugh, During The Morning On The Red Keep's Yard - 126 AC ( A Few Moments After Chapter 01 Ended ) |

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"Are you ready, my Prince?" Ser Criston Cole's voice cut through the clamor of the Red Keep's courtyard. He stood a few paces away, his demeanor calm and poised. We had been preparing for our daily sparring match, a ritual as ingrained as any tradition in the castle.

I took a moment to survey him. In his left hand, he held a Morningstar, its black surface gleaming brilliantly in the sunlight, reminiscent of the watches I once wore. The thought briefly distracted me, but I pushed it aside. This was not the time for nostalgia.

"Born ready, Ser Criston," I replied with a smirk, hoping to keep the mood light. I noticed a flicker of amusement in his eyes as he returned my grin.

"Very well then, my Prince." Ser Criston readied himself, his eyes narrowing with the promise of an engaging duel.

My other sworn shield, Ser Hugh, who had been observing silently, spoke for the first time. His voice was calm but carried an undertone of discontent. "Whenever you both are ready."

I could sense Hugh's frustration at not being the first to spar. Their competitive nature meant that not being first was often seen as a slight.

I chuckled, finding humor in their relentless rivalry. "Feeling left out, Hugh?" I teased.

Hugh rolled his eyes, his voice sharp. "As if I would."

I suppressed a smirk at his candor. "Fortunately for you, I'm a benevolent prince."

As the duel was about to commence, a sizable crowd had gathered, drawn by the spectacle of the royal sparring match. Twenty or thirty onlookers, a mix of nobles, soldiers, and servants, watched us intently, their eyes fixed on the unfolding drama.

I glanced at Ser Criston, a grin spreading across my face. "We've attracted quite the audience, haven't we?"

Hugh chuckled, but Ser Criston's gaze remained steely, focused. "It's merely a distraction. Concentrate on the fight, my Prince."

"Aye-aye, Ser Criston," I replied with a playful jab. His eyes twitched slightly at my jest, but before he could respond, Hugh bellowed, "Begin!"

We circled each other, weapons at the ready. I had opted for a standard steel sword instead of Blackfyre, preferring fairness over advantage.

Ser Criston seized the initiative, his Morningstar arcing toward my head with precision. The attack was well-executed, but years of sparring had honed my reflexes. I ducked smoothly, evading the blow.

As we continued to clash, I maneuvered to create some distance between us, allowing my competitive spirit to shine. A smirk played on my lips as I panted heavily. "Trying to kill me, Cole?"

My voice came out raspy, and my breath was labored. I fought to maintain my composure, knowing that the display was as much about showmanship as skill. The crowd expected a performance, not a ruthless battle.

Ser Criston's response was swift and taunting. "Perhaps I am," he said with a grin, clearly relishing the chance to challenge me both physically and mentally.

I couldn't help but admire his skillful banter, even as I plotted to extend the duel for the crowd's benefit. The dance of politics demanded a performance, and I was more than willing to oblige.


I found myself back in the center of the sparring circle, facing Ser Criston Cole's Morningstar head-on with my steel sword. He swung the weapon with wild, ferocious energy, and I ducked, sidestepped, and countered with a slash. We danced around each other, neither of us able to find a decisive opening. We kept our movements deliberate, avoiding any unnecessary risks. The goal was to maintain the spectacle without escalating the danger.

To the onlookers, it appeared as though we were locked in a fierce battle. For Cole and me, however, it was a controlled exhibition. I continued to taunt him as we fought. "You know, Ser Hugh 'The Brave' wouldn't let you kill me, right?" I jested, though my words were met with a near miss from Cole's mace and a gruff "Hmph…"

The distraction was enough for me to seize an opportunity. I twisted out of harm's way and executed an ascending slash. The speed and trajectory of the attack caught Cole off guard, causing his Morningstar to clatter to the ground behind him.

A murmur of amazement rippled through the crowd. "Wow…" some said in unison, while others shook their companions in excitement. "Look at how the Prince moves!" they exclaimed, their eyes wide with admiration. I could see Hugh shaking his head a few steps away, clearly exasperated.

"Huh, already being applauded for a risky move," Cole remarked, his tone grudgingly admiring. I smiled with pride at the compliment. "What can I say? I am indeed the best there is."

His expression soon darkened as he looked at me with a hint of disapproval, as if I were a reckless child eager to run before learning to walk. "Cockiness will serve you poorly, my Prince," he advised.

"I am aware of it, Ser Criston," I replied, my enthusiasm dampened. The crowd's excitement began to wane, and Criston's voice cut through the murmurs. "Ser Hugh, will you take my place now?"

To everyone's surprise, Hugh shook his head. "No. It seems we have visitors." I turned my head, already knowing who the 'visitors' were. Criston, puzzled, asked, "Who?"

My voice came out smooth and controlled, no longer rasping from the exertion of the fight. "Nephews," I said, directing everyone's attention to the brown-haired brothers standing a few steps away.

The brothers greeted me in turn. "Uncle Aegon," Luke said with youthful enthusiasm, while Jace's tone was more restrained, though still cordial. "Aegon."

I hoped their mother had kept up with their training, but that thought was quickly interrupted. Luke's eyes fell on the sword at my hip. "Is that Blackfyre?" he asked in awe.

I prepared to explain, but Jace's voice cut in with an accusatory edge. "Why are you carrying Grandfather's sword?" he demanded. My smirk widened as I responded, "That's for me to know, young Jace."

Jace's frustration was palpable. "You—"

Before he could continue, shouts from the guards interrupted us. "Open the gates!" The massive gates of the outer wall swung open, and I saw my chance to escape the awkward explanation. I decided to make a hasty exit from the conversation.

"Well, would you look at that, nephew?" I said with a touch of amusement, watching him flounder. "I—"

Without waiting for a response, I turned and walked toward the keep. "Cole, Hugh, time's up," I called to my sworn shields. "Walk by my side!"

They fell into step with me immediately. "Yes, my Prince." / "Of course," they replied in unison, their demeanor shifting to focused attentiveness. I allowed a brief smile to cross my face before we moved on.




... Change to 3rd Person Pov ...




"Is it wise?" Hugh's voice echoed through the corridor of the Red Keep as he, Ser Criston Cole, and Prince Aegon made their way to the kitchen. They were arranging for lunch to be sent to Aegon's chambers, where he planned to dine alone.

Aegon turned his head, intrigued by Hugh's question. "What is?"

Hugh continued, his tone thoughtful. "Lord Vaemond contesting the claim of the chosen heir to Driftmark?"

Both Cole and Aegon seemed engaged by the question. Aegon responded first, "I wouldn't say it's wise…"

Cole added his perspective, "But it is right."

Hugh frowned at his brother-in-arms. "Cole, be careful how loudly you speak on such matters."

Cole chuckled, his voice laced with amusement. "What's the matter, Hammer? Scared of whispers?"

Hugh's irritation was palpable. "You know what I meant."

Aegon, clearly tired of their bickering, intervened. "Enough." His voice was firm but carried an undertone of exasperation. "We needn't concern ourselves with this right now. I agree with both of you."

Cole looked surprised by Aegon's acknowledgment. "Then—"

But Aegon cut him off. "Nevertheless, I will support my nephew's claim if necessary."

Hugh, confused by this declaration, asked, "Why, my prince?"

Aegon's expression grew pensive. "If I end up opposing them, we will all suffer. I am not yet certain I want to defy my father's wishes to see his daughter on the throne." His eyes reflected doubt and anxiety, but he remained silent on the matter of his sister.

Cole did not stay silent for long. "Any choice you make will put you in a dangerous position, won't it, my prince?"

Aegon sighed wearily, shaking his head at the absurdity of the situation. "Indeed, Cole…" After a moment of silence, he added, "And yet, I am still uncertain what to do."

Hugh tried to offer reassurance. "There's time. The king still breathes."

Cole snorted. "But for how long?"

Hugh didn't respond, but Aegon did with quiet resolve. "It will have to be enough, however long it takes for me to figure out my course of action."




... Still In 3rd Person Pov:




Prince Aegon leaned against an open window, overlooking King's Landing. His face, however, was a stark contrast to the peaceful view. He frowned, his posture tense, his expression a mix of pain and regret. The room was silent before he spoke softly to himself. "This may be the last peaceful moment I have for years to come…" His voice was low and cold, filled with regret for not savoring his second life more.

He understood the harsh reality: his sister stood between him and his deepest desires. But was he prepared to oppose her, after everything they had been through together?




. ( Flashback - Some Months Before ).




On a high sand dune, two silver-haired Targaryen siblings stood together: Rhaenyra, "The Realms Delight," and Aegon, "The Dragon Prince." They were seated closely, Aegon resting his head on his sister's shoulder.

As they gazed at the ocean waves crashing onto the shore, Aegon spoke. "They want to push my claim, you know?"

Rhaenyra turned to him, her face filled with concern. She could see the sorrow in Aegon's eyes. "Aegon…"

Her voice was soft and worried as she turned his face towards her. Aegon tried to avoid her gaze, feeling the weight of the sensitive topic. "Don't tell me everything will be alright. I know it won't," he said, his voice filled with dejection. He knew that no matter how much his sister reassured him, the High Tower's greed wouldn't be quelled by mere words.

Rhaenyra tried to comfort him with a hopeful tone. "Why do you say that?"

Aegon's frown deepened as he replied, "Because I won't have a choice."

He felt trapped between plots and manipulations, struggling to accept his new role. His sister, however, remained hopeful. "Nonsense. You will always have a choice."

Aegon shook his head. "Their greed won't stop. If it's not me, it will be someone else."

Rhaenyra's face tightened as she blurted out, "You mean Aemond?"

Aegon nodded slowly. "He is far more bitter and hateful than I am. He won't be easy to deal with."

A brief silence followed. Rhaenyra tried to uplift the mood. "Forget about it for now. Let's focus on the present and enjoy it while we can." She wrapped her arm around him, her hand brushing through his hair. Aegon's eyes glistened with a tear that slowly traced his cheek.

"I'm scared of what I might become, sister," he admitted, his voice choked with emotion.

Rhaenyra's heart ached for him. "Don't be. I will be there to face my younger brother if needed." Her reassurances elicited a small chuckle from Aegon. "You talk as if you could ever best me in a fight."

Rhaenyra smiled. "Well, last time I checked, I beat you at Cyvasse."

Aegon laughed, catching his breath. "That's because you cheated." He playfully tapped her arm, and Rhaenyra feigned indignation. "You would dare hit a Princess of the Seven Kingdoms?"

Aegon rolled his eyes. "Perhaps I did."




.( End Of The Flashback).




Back in Aegon's chambers, he remained at the window, a single tear betraying his vulnerability. His heart ached knowing that no brother should have to oppose his family, even if it might be for the greater good.

He raised his hands to his head in exasperation. "Ah, what a mess…"

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