

During the Qing Dynasty, I was an assassin. But in this era, I was just a cheap mother's daughter who had to suffer with a bastard family. Escaped from the hell that we call home Doug encountered another headache. Pi Lan wanted to go crazy.

jukkaland23 · วัยรุ่น
280 Chs

University selection day

The next day, Gong Shan Cailong told them that he had to go back to work. Huang Bailan handed him a bag full of medicine bottles with a list of names and methods for using the medicine. At first, he wanted to transfer money for her care and medicine. But Huang Bailan didn't bother to tell him the account number. So he told her how to contact her and left his personal phone number. Huang Bailan folded the paper and put it in his pocket. His expression did not change. This made Gong Shan Cailong act inappropriately. If she didn't contact him, how would he know about her from now on? In the end, he only told Jin Qin Yu instead.

Jin Qin Yu saw that Gong Shan Cailong was leaving and felt a little lonely. Having a man at home makes her feel safe. After hearing Gong Shan Cailong tell him how to contact him, So she promised to call and talk to him often during the past month. She herself talked to him more. She felt that this kid was really not bad at all. It would be good if he were a son-in-law. Her daughter was a strange person and had never looked at any boys before. Even Uncle Long who has been here for a long time is the same. But if Ah Long really liked her daughters and was sincere with them, Jin Qin Yu wouldn't mind helping this young man.

Gong Shan Cailong carried a bag of clothes that Huang Bai Lan had bought and a small bag of medicine. As soon as he walked out the door of the house, he looked back for a while. before getting into the car that his man drove to pick him up

On the car, he gave orders to secretly send someone to protect them. Who would make Huang Bai Lan ignore him? If he wanted to know how she was doing, it would be better to let his people report.

In the last two days before choosing a university Jin Qin Yu kept talking about Uncle Long for most of the day, to the point where Huang Bai Lan was getting annoyed. How is your mother? When she brought him home, she didn't want him to stay. When he stayed for a long time, he never said anything and took better care of him than she did. And when he's gone, he still doesn't stop talking about it. Oh my gosh, your head hurts.

Luckily today is university selection day. She and Ai Xiaoqing hurried out after eating breakfast. Otherwise, they would all have to sit and listen to Jin Qin Yue talk about missing Uncle Long and being worried about Uncle Long. They arrived at the school and went straight to the classroom. Almost all the friends in the room had arrived. Not long after the teacher came with the documents. The class leader handed out documents to everyone who had arrived. Teachers also recommend choosing a university based on your scores. If a student chooses a university that does not match their scores, they may be selected by the central government and may not be to their liking.

Huang Bai Lan and Ai Xiaoqing chose the capital university as discussed earlier. Huang Bailan chose the Faculty of Economics as number one. Second place is the Faculty of Chinese Medicine and the same university. As for Ai Xiaoqing, she chose the number one school for computer engineering. and the Faculty of Computer Technology is second in the same university. When they finished writing, they took the paper and handed it to the teacher for inspection. He also advised them to choose another inferior university in the capital to prevent mistakes. But they were confident that with the scores they received they could definitely enter the school so they didn't plan to change it. The teacher could only do what she wanted. and told them to wait for a response in a week after the school has submitted all student information to the central office. They nodded their thanks to their teacher and headed home.

Now there is no long uncle at home. Jin Qin Yu, who was used to having him help take care of the herb garden, felt lonely. Moreover, Uncle Long liked to compliment her mother's snacks often. When there was no one to praise her, it made her feel like she was missing something. Huang Bailan could only spend more time reading and concocting medicine to be with Jin Qin Yu. Ai Xiaoqing also did the same. Although she often stayed with Jin Qin Yu, she was not like her daughter, Huang Bai Lan.