
HOTD: Echoes of Extinction

The dead began to rise and Japan was thrown into total chaos. As these monsters begin terrorizing a high school, the once-familiar halls of William's high school transform into a harrowing battleground for survival. The contagion spreads rapidly, turning students and teachers alike into relentless, flesh-hungry zombies. In the chaos that ensues, William must navigate the now perilous corridors, relying on his quick wit and survival instincts. Haunted by the memories of his former classmates turned into monstrous threats, William must confront the harsh realities of the new world. With each passing day, he learns that the true test of survival goes beyond evading the undead – it demands adaptation, trust, and sometimes the sacrifice of one's humanity. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: Well I'll do the classic author stick which is saying English isn't my first language lol. (Well it's true) This is also of mashup of a bunch of anime but HOTD is the focus at the moment. Also the first arc is pretty slow since it's slice of life.

Ste1nzzz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

Chapter 25

A defeated sigh escaped Komuro's lips as he leaned his forehead against the cool metal railing of the emergency exit stairs. 

His shoulders slumped, mirroring the weight of whatever was dragging him down. The door at the top of the landing creaked open, and Saya stepped through, her signature twintails swaying with each step.

Her sharp eyes landed on Komuro, and her brows furrowed in a familiar scowl. "Are you stupid?" she fired, her voice laced with exasperation. Her finger shot out, accusingly pointing at him.

Komuro flinched slightly at her harsh tone, his name catching in his throat. "Takagi..." he mumbled, barely audible.

Saya crossed her arms, the movement emphasizing her pointed comment. 

"You always run off to the same spot whenever you have a problem," she stated, her voice dripping with a mix of irritation and something that could be interpreted as concern. "It's like you're a little kid." She gave her twintails a playful but dismissive swish.

Her gaze returned to Komuro, sharp and unwavering. "Keep cutting class, and you'll be stuck taking after-school classes or even worse, repeating the whole year," she warned, her voice hardening with each word.

A spark of defiance flickered in Komuro's eyes. He straightened slightly, a hint of a challenge creeping into his voice. 

"Hey, look who's talking," he countered, gesturing towards Saya with an open palm. "Fifth period isn't even over yet, but here you are."

Saya scoffed, a self-assured smirk playing on her lips. 

"It's different for me," she declared, poking a finger into her chest with an air of mock-importance. 

"I'm a genius, remember?" Komuro's defiance faltered under her smug expression. 

He opened his mouth to speak, a question forming on his lips, but Saya cut him off before he could utter a word.

"I hate stupid people," she stated flatly, her voice devoid of any warmth. 

"I especially hate the ones who aren't aware of their own stupidity. Fortunately, you're not one of those people," Saya remarked sharply.

"So, if I keep telling you that you're stupid, then maybe you'll become less stupid," Saya sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Stupid," Saya scoffed, shaking her head.

"What?" Komuro asked, his brow furrowing.

"All this because your childhood crush dumped you? So stupid," Saya continued, her tone dripping with disdain.

A pang of pain flashed across Komuro's face, his expression tightening.

"How about you and that Will guy? Didn't he leave you?" Komuro shot back, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

Saya, tongue-tied for a moment, fuming with anger, slammed the door shut behind her.

Her steps faltered as she reached the deserted hallway, and she took a sharp turn, seeking refuge in the dim, quiet space beneath the emergency stairs.

Crouching down, she pulled her knees to her chest, burying her face in her arms. 

Sobs wracked her body, each one a silent scream of pain and rejection.

 In the privacy of the stairwell, she allowed herself to crumble, the carefully constructed facade she presented to the world finally cracking.

For Saya, Will was more than just a friend. He was her anchor, her confidant, the one person who seemed to see past her prickly exterior and glimpse the vulnerability beneath. 

He'd been her light in the darkness, a beacon of hope for a future they'd once envisioned together. He'd stood by her through her darkest moments, offering unwavering support and a shoulder to cry on. He was the missing piece she didn't know she needed, the warmth that chased away the loneliness that had always lingered in the corners of her heart.

But somewhere along the line, the dream had shattered. Her bluntness, the very trait she often used as a shield, had become a wall that pushed everyone away.

She wasn't blind to her flaws. She knew she could be sharp-tongued and difficult to approach. Her honesty, while intended to be genuine, could often come across as harsh and judgmental.

Yet, beneath the layers of sarcasm and tough exterior, there was a yearning for connection, a deep-seated desire to be loved and accepted.

The memory of his words cut through her like a knife. The forced smile she'd plastered on her face felt like a cruel joke now, a mask hiding the storm of emotions raging within.

The hurt, though masked by congratulations, was raw and undeniable. Saya remained huddled under the stairs, the silence amplifying the throbbing in her chest. 

The weight of loneliness settled upon her, a heavy mantle she struggled to bear. As the last rays of sunlight faded, she knew she couldn't stay hidden forever. The world, with all its complexities and challenges, awaited her, and she had to find a way to pick up the pieces and move forward, even if the path ahead seemed shrouded in uncertainty.

She couldn't understand why he had chosen someone else over her. Had she not been there for him when he needed her? Had she not supported him through thick and thin? Had she not been the one to wipe away his tears and lift his spirits when he was down?

As she huddled in the darkness, memories of their time together flooded her mind. The laughter they had shared, the late-night conversations they had held, the moments of pure joy and camaraderie—they all seemed like distant echoes now, fading into the void.

But despite the pain and betrayal, a small part of Saya still clung to hope. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance for her and Will. Maybe he would realize his mistake and come running back to her, seeking solace in her arms once more.

But deep down, she knew the truth. She knew that some wounds never fully healed, that some betrayals cut too deep to be forgiven. And as she sat there, alone in the darkness, she couldn't help but wonder if she would ever be able to find the strength to move on from the shattered pieces of her broken heart.

The final bell echoed through the halls, jolting Saya out of her solitary reverie under the stairs. Tears had left a faint sheen on her cheeks, but she quickly reached into her bag, pulling out a crumpled tissue. 

With practiced motions, she dabbed away the evidence of her vulnerability, replacing it with a determined glint in her eyes.

Standing tall, Saya squared her shoulders, a familiar facade of strength returning. Each step towards the classroom felt heavy, not just from the lingering emotions but also from the weight of the carefully constructed image she carried. 

As she entered the doorway, Saya plastered on her usual mask of indifference, a casual nod offered to her classmates.

Behind the carefully constructed facade, however, a storm raged. Her heart ached with the sting of rejection and a yearning for what could have been. 

Yet, she knew this was not the time to wallow. Lessons awaited, deadlines loomed, and the world wouldn't stop just because her world had shifted on its axis.

Taking a deep breath, Saya steeled her resolve. There would be time, later, to confront the whirlwind of emotions swirling within. 

For now, she would compartmentalize her pain, focusing on the tasks at hand. With her chin held high and a resolute heart, she took her seat, ready to tackle the challenges the day presented.

As Saya sat in her seat, her gaze flickered momentarily to the empty chair beside her, where Komuro usually sat. A tinge of irritation flared within her as she muttered under her breath, calling him an "idiot" for his antics earlier. Despite her frustration, a small part of her couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern for him.

Attempting to push aside her thoughts of Komuro, Saya focused her attention on the teacher's lecture. However, her concentration was interrupted by the sudden activation of the loudspeakers. It was an unusual occurrence, especially during class time, and Saya couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over her.

With a furrowed brow, she exchanged puzzled glances with her classmates, wondering what could possibly warrant an announcement at this moment. As the voice over the loudspeakers began to speak, Saya listened intently, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected interruption.

A distorted voice crackled through the loudspeaker, barely audible over the growing chaos outside. "Attention, all students!" it blared, static interrupting the message every few seconds. 

"Violence has broken out on campus!" the announcement continued. "Students should evacuate the campus according to their teacher's instructions. I repeat. Violence has broken out on campus!"

"Students should evacuate campus—" the loudspeaker crackled again, the message abruptly cut short.

A bloodcurdling scream pierced the tense silence. "Help! Save me!" the voice shrieked, raw panic and pain lacing each word. It was the voice of the school announcer, the same cheery voice that had become a familiar part of their daily routine, now twisted with fear. It died down just as abruptly, replaced by a sickening crunch and a wet, guttural sound echoes through the hall.

As panic erupted and chaos ensued, students shoved and pushed each other in a frenzied attempt to flee. The stairs became a battleground as bodies collided, causing some unfortunate students to tumble and fall amidst the mayhem.

"No! Help!" A desperate cry echoed through the chaos as a student stumbled and fell, only to be trampled by those rushing past.

"Move!" Another student shouted, urging others to clear the way as they pressed onward, heedless of the fallen.

Amidst the pandemonium, some students veered towards the administration office, guided by the authoritative voice of what appeared to be the student council president.

Observing the carnage with a mixture of exasperation and disdain, Saya muttered under her breath, "What idiots."

Meanwhile, Kohta peeked cautiously into a nearby classroom, scanning for any signs of danger. Saya, noticing him, approached quietly from behind and beckoned for him to follow.

"We aren't running outside?" Kohta questioned, bewildered by the commotion.

"Everyone is running out of the classrooms," Saya explained tersely, her voice tinged with urgency as she gestured towards the chaotic scene unfolding around them.

The hallway echoed with the rhythmic thud of Kohta's footsteps as he trailed behind Saya, his voice barely a whisper. "Where are we going, Takagi-san?"

Saya didn't even turn her head. Her eyes, hard and focused, scanned the path ahead. 

"What, did you have something else in mind?" she retorted, her tone flat and devoid of warmth.

Kohta flinched, momentarily forgetting the chaos around them. "Well, I was thinking of going to the staff room..." he mumbled, his voice barely audible.

Saya stopped abruptly, her sudden stillness causing Kohta to stumble nearly a step behind. 

He braced himself for another one of her icy glares, but to his surprise, she simply let out a humorless scoff.

"That's stupid," she stated, her voice devoid of emotion. "What the hell do you expect our teachers to do? Fight them off with rulers and textbooks?"

Kohta hesitated, speechless under her harsh logic. He understood her point, but still... "But Takagi-san..." he began, his voice barely above a whisper.

Saya stopped abruptly, her entire body rigid. She slowly turned around, and her icy gaze pinned Kohta in place. "W-What is it?" he stammered, his voice barely more than a squeak.

Saya's eyes held a cold intensity that sent a shiver down Kohta's spine. "Do you want to die?" she asked, her voice devoid of emotion.

The question hung in the air, heavy and direct. Kohta's mind raced, searching for an answer. "Uhm, well..." he started, stumbling over his words.

Saya cut him off, pointing toward the looming silhouette of the administrative building in the distance. "See that," she said, her voice low and dangerous, "there are some people outside who had the same idea as you."

As they neared the building, Kohta's eyes widened in horror. He saw a group of students, their faces etched with terror, desperately hammering on the locked doors of the principal's office.

Their frantic pleas were abruptly cut short by the unmistakable groans and moans coming from within.

The door creaked open, revealing a gruesome sight. The once familiar figure of their principal, now transformed into a flesh-hungry monster, was mauling one of the students with a sickening ferocity.

The realization hit Kohta like a physical blow. He had been one step away from that fate. He saw in Saya's steely gaze a reflection of his own fear, but also a steely determination to survive.

He took a shaky breath and blurted out, "I wanna live!"

A flicker of respect momentarily replaced the coldness in Saya's eyes. "Now you understand?" she inquired, her tone softer, yet still firm.

"Now, move it!" she commanded, gesturing forward.

Kohta, shaken but alive, saluted her clumsily. "Yes ma'am," he replied, his voice filled with newfound resolve. He had underestimated Saya, perhaps even feared her. But now, he understood. In this new world, survival was more than just a desire; it was a choice, and Saya was determined to make it, not just for herself, but for anyone willing to follow. 

Saya's eyes darted through the growing crowd, frustration evident on her face. They had managed to avoid the initial chaos near the administrative building, but the news was spreading like wildfire, turning the school into a scene of pandemonium.

Frustration boiled over as Kohta, still clinging to hope, voiced the question gnawing at him. "T-Takagi-san, do you happen to have your cell phone on you? It's against the rules, but—"

Saya cut him off, a snort escaping her lips. "An honors student like me? Who would I even call if I had one?" she scoffed.

Undeterred, Kohta persisted. "Uh, well, there's always the police…"

Saya's gaze turned icy. "You really are stupid, Kohta. Just look at how bad this uproar has gotten." She gestured towards the throngs of panicked students pushing and shoving, their once familiar faces now contorted with fear and desperation. 

"Do you think someone hasn't tried to call the cops already? We haven't heard a siren yet, have we?"

She pointed a finger at Hirano, his face pale and sweating. "Listen closely for any sirens," she commanded. Silence, save for the growing cries and panicked shouts, filled the air.

"Do you get it now?" Saya asked, her voice low and dangerous. "Is the whole city in an uproar? Probably. The police have likely been dispatched already."

"But just look at this place," Kohta interjected, his voice trembling. "Should we call like… the SDF?"

Saya shook her head, her expression grim. "I wouldn't count on them either."

Kohta's hope flickered. "I know that without orders from the government, they can't be dispatched for defense or public security, but—"

"I'm not talking about that!" Saya snapped, silencing him once more.

"Then what are you—?" Kohta began, confused.

"They're in the same situation as the police," Saya explained, a hint of despair creeping into her voice. "Let's say that people all over Japan are eating each other. What do you think is going on? Listen, Kohta, there are 130 million people in Japan."

She paused, letting the magnitude of the number sink in. "Of that 130 million, how many do you think are with the SDF? Furthermore, who's to say that this hasn't affected the SDF?"

A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she spoke the words Kohta dreads to hear. "Let's get out of here."

Kohta nodded numbly, the weight of the situation settling upon him.

"Okay," he mumbled, his voice devoid of its usual spark.

Saya shot him a sideways glance. "Sigh, I'm stuck with you since Komuro ran off. What a drag," she muttered, a hint of frustration and a flicker of something resembling worry lingering in her eyes.

As they navigated the chaos, the once carefree and bickering classmates were replaced by two survivors, bound by circumstance and facing an uncertain future together. 

As they made their way to find a safe place. The dead spotted them and lunged forward, prompting Saya and Kohta to hastily close the door behind them.

"What do we do now that we're here, Takagi-san?" Kohta's eyes scanned the room, landing on a collection of tools and materials. "Some of it does look useful, but--"

"Shut up, you nerd. Lock the door so they don't come in here!" Saya's voice trembled with panic as she urged Kohta into action.

"I-It's locked!" Kohta confirmed, ensuring the door was securely fastened. But outside, the dead relentlessly pounded against the barrier, their ominous presence palpable.

"Are we going to use these as weapons?" Kohta's gaze shifted towards the array of tools, his mind racing with possibilities.

"You're one of those so-called military nerds or gun freaks, aren't you? Haven't you seen an action movie with one of these?" Saya's tone was biting, laced with frustration and impatience.

"A nail gun?" Kohta's hand hovered over the gas-powered tool, inspecting it with keen interest. "It's gas-powered?" He quickly checked the fuel levels, assessing its potential for use.

"Well duh! You wouldn't be able to carry it if it had a compressor like in the movies, would you? Jeez, so stupid." Saya's exasperation was evident as she berated Kohta, her nerves fraying under the pressure of the situation.

"Do you like movies?" Kohta asked, his focus divided between the nail gun and Saya's reaction.

"Don't be so stupid! I'm an all-knowing genius!" Saya snapped, her nerves on edge as the sound of the undead grew louder.

"We have an extra gas canister and extra nails here. Nothing to worry about," Kohta reassured, his hands steady as he checked the condition of the equipment.

"How could you not be worried?! They're coming!" Saya's voice quivered with anxiety, her eyes darting to the door where the relentless banging continued.

"They're coming from the hallway!" Saya pointed out, her sense of urgency escalating with each passing moment.

"I'd say it weighs 9 lbs. On par with an older assault rifle. But my stance will be messed up. It needs a sight." Kohta's mind raced as he analyzed the nail gun's weight and balance, quickly improvising a makeshift sight from the available materials.

"Hey, are you ignoring me?!" Saya's frustration mounted as Kohta remained focused on his task, oblivious to her tirade.

"Hirano?" Saya's tone softened slightly as she addressed Kohta by his last name, but before she could react further, the zombies burst through the door.

"No!" Saya braced herself for the onslaught, but to her surprise, a nail shot out from Kohta's makeshift weapon, striking one of the zombies squarely in the head.

"Gotcha!" Kohta exclaimed triumphantly as he aimed the nail gun at the approaching zombies, firing off rounds to keep them at bay.

"Aw crap. Could you put the drill and nails over there in a bag?" Kohta requested, trying to maintain his focus on the task at hand.

"Excuse me?! Who gave you of all people the right to order me around?!" Saya retorted, her irritation evident in her tone.

"Please~?" Kohta's plea softened his approach, hoping to appeal to Saya's cooperative side.

"Okay," Saya relented, her exhaustion apparent as she begrudgingly complied with Kohta's request, realizing that cooperation was their best chance for survival.

With the room now clear of zombies, Kohta and Saya quickly gathered all the nails they could find, hastily stuffing them into Saya's bag. Working efficiently together, they made sure not to leave any potential weapons behind.

"Another one, Hirano, on your left!" Saya warned as she spotted a zombie emerging from around a corner.

Hirano swiftly turned, aiming the nail gun with precision. "Got it!" he exclaimed, firing off a shot that struck the zombie squarely in the head, neutralizing the threat.

"Nice shot!" Saya praised Kohta, keeping a vigilant eye on their surroundings. "Let's keep moving. We need to find a safer place to regroup."

"What are we doing here, Takagi-san?" Hirano asked, his gaze sweeping the cluttered teachers' lounge. Papers were strewn across desks, coffee mugs lay overturned, and a half-eaten sandwich sat abandoned on a plate. The air hung heavy with the smell of stale coffee and decay.

"We can take their car keys here," Saya explained, her voice calm despite the chaos outside. "We need to find a way out of this school, and a car seems like our best bet."

She knelt beside a filing cabinet, her eyes scanning the drawers one by one. "And," she added, turning to Hirano, "I need to see their traits, try and understand them better. Maybe find a weakness."

Hirano grunted in acknowledgement, his own eyes scanning the room for any potential threats. He tensed as the shuffling of feet and guttural moans echoed from the hallway.

Suddenly, two shambling figures rounded the corner, their vacant eyes falling upon Saya and Hirano. Before Hirano could react, Saya hissed, "Don't!"

But it was too late. Hirano's reflexes kicked in, and he raised his nail gun, the familiar weight reassuring in his hand. Two quick shots rang out, the undead figures collapsing to the floor with sickening thuds.

Saya, however, seemed more frustrated than relieved. She glared at Hirano, her voice laced with annoyance. "I won't be able to figure out more about their traits if you keep killing them!"

Hirano lowered his weapon, a sheepish grin on his face. "Sorry, Takagi-san. Force of habit."

Saya let out a huff, the tension momentarily broken. "Alright, let's see what we can find," she said, returning to her search of the filing cabinet.

Hirano nodded, keeping a vigilant eye on the hallway. As Saya continued her search, a sense of purpose settled over him. After a few minutes of observing them, Hirano is starting to get nervous as their ammo isn't gonna last long. He looked at Saya.

"Help me fight them, Takagi-san!" Hirano yelled, his voice strained as he unloaded the nail gun into the approaching horde. Each shot sent a zombie crashing to the floor, but more seemed to take their place.

"Why the hell do I have to fight?!" Saya retorted, her voice laced with annoyance as she desperately searched for a way out. 

Hirano's heart hammered in his chest. "I'm almost out of ammo!" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the moans and gunshots.

"So?! Just reload it!" Saya snapped, her frustration evident.

Hirano fumbled with the nail gun, sweat stinging his eyes. But his hands trembled, his movements clumsy under pressure. Just as he slammed a fresh clip into the chamber, a guttural moan pierced the air. He spun around, his blood turning to ice.

"But... behind you..." he stammered, pointing a shaky finger.

Saya followed his gaze, her eyes widening in horror. A single zombie, its body mangled and covered in dried blood, shuffled towards her with an insatiable hunger in its vacant eyes.

"H-Hirano!" she shrieked, scrambling back until she hit the floor with a thud.

Hirano raised the nail gun, his finger twitching on the trigger. But it was too late. The gun clicked empty, a hollow sound that echoed in the room.

"I'm out!" he screamed, his voice filled with despair.

The zombie lunged, its decaying arm reaching for Saya's throat. She squeezed her eyes shut, tears streaming down her face.

"Don't you dare come near me!" she screamed, her voice raw with terror.

Just as the zombie's hand was about to make contact, a deafening whirring filled the air. Saya opened her eyes to see a horrifying sight. The electrical drill she had been holding, intended for scavenging, was now lodged deep in the zombie's head. Blue sparks crackled and the stench of burnt flesh filled the room. The zombie's body twitched for a moment before going still.

Saya, still shaking from the near-death experience, slumped against the wall, the drill clattering to the floor beside her. Tears streamed down h

er face, a mixture of fear and exhaustion visible in her eyes.

"I'm sick of these things!" she sobbed, her voice cracking with emotion. "I want my mom!" Tears streamed down Saya's cheeks, mixing with the blood splatters on her face, as she let out a frustrated sob.