
HOTD: Aerion Targaryen

- I do not own the story or any characters, except for the main character. - This story is primarily developed during my weekend holidays. - I am writing this to enhance my writing skills, aiming to improve my overall storytelling. Feel free to provide comments if you notice any mistakes or issues. -I haven't read the books, and have only a vague understanding of the book adaption and Canon version of Game of thrones, House of dragon and the whole history of the world.

MrGood23 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
38 Chs

Chapter 19

Within the Red Keep, shadowy figures moved with purpose. Cloaked in secrecy, they penetrated the castle's defenses, guided by a singular objective. Traversing the corridors, they arrived at a nondescript chamber—a room already disturbed by a previous visitor.

"It seems our suspect isn't working alone," one whispered to the other.

Their leader approached a concealed section of the wall, revealing a cache of secrets within. A coarse book, scrolls, and a jar containing flesh and blood lay hidden, waiting to be uncovered.

"He may not have deceived us entirely," the leader remarked. "Search meticulously. We must uncover any evidence related to the conspiracy and identify any accomplices."

With silent determination, the figures set to work, their search a testament to their unwavering resolve. In the darkness of the chamber, shadows danced around them, concealing their movements as they delved deeper into the web of intrigue that threatened the stability of the realm.

Early dawn, a black raven rose to the sky from a corner of King'slanding as it flew towards the Redkeep, specifically to Aerion's chamber.



The dawn chorus had not yet begun when Aerion was roused from his slumber by the insistent cawing of a raven. With a yawn that stretched his limbs and banished the last vestiges of sleep, he sat up and cast a bleary eye toward the window.

The raven perching there was no ordinary bird; it was a messenger Raven whose presence heralded news, likely from his men detailing their latest findings regarding Maester James questioning and related investigation.

Rising, Aerion approached the window, the cool morning air brushing against his skin. He took the letter delicately from the raven's grasp, rewarding the messenger raven with a treat. With a satisfied caw, the raven took flight, disappearing into the awakening city.

Unfolding the parchment, Aerion's lips curled into a half-smile. The words within confirmed his suspicions: Measter James had admitted his own misdeeds, his crimes laid bare for all to see.

The evidence that proves his crimes were also now in his men's possession, but the frustration thing was that the other party refused to disclose his partners in crime and those behind the scene even after a night of torture.

Even after his men's torture and questioning, the other party presisted all night. Even now he still denying any involvement of a second party or support from the Order of Maesters, he insisted on claiming that his actions of studying the dragon was nothing but his personal actions in search of the mysteries of Dragon.

Aerion's mind raced. The Order of Maesters was currently untouchable, a fortress of knowledge and power with a wide spread network and influence and these small actions had little effect on them.

Yet, he had not sought to dismantle them with this trivial crime but as a warning to them and also wield it as a weapon to create flicker of suspicion within his father, the king, which could be the key to unlocking the door to his follow up plans and if it comes to worst force his way to end them.

Aerion knew he had to be patient and should take things one step at a time when moving his pieces.

His father's return was imminent, and with it, the approval he sought would surely follow. The Grand Maester, would have already set the wheels in motion, alerting his father and the Order of Maesters of Oldtown of the scandal that had unfolded.

Seeing that it was still early he sat down and started to draw something on a parchment, if someone with some knowledge in medicine saw this they would immediately know these were some basic medical devices and acupuncture needles.

He was planning to let the Maesters of the Redkeep make these tools for some of his future needs.

As the first light of day painted the sky in hues of gold and crimson. Aerion was well aware that his father's return would take some time. Having risen early, he dressed in attire that struck a balance between comfort and formality before departing his chamber. Along the corridors, maids and servants greeted him with due respect.

"Gale, take this to the Maester's and tell them I want this ready as soon as possible." Aerion instructed "Preferably within a day" ha added as he gave the drafts to the servant.

The servant nodded and bowed as he took the draft away.

Walking towards the pit whispers fluttered behind him as he passed; the servants were abuzz with discussions of the previous day's events. Aerion paid them no mind, his thoughts fixed on the Dragonpit where Dreamfyre awaited.

Though he had not claimed the dragon Dreamfyre nor forged a psychic bond, Aerion knew that to do so would be as effortless as drawing breath for him.

Yet, he refrained for more than one reason. Firstly he had decided many years ago that any dragon he claimed must be able to withstand or at least resist the formidable aura from his Ability Dragon Might.

Secondly it was his great Grandfather's edict that prevented him from claiming any Targaryen dragon's which make his choice of dragons numbered.

More importantly, he would not usurp Dreamfyre, who was destined to be his younger sister Helena Targaryen's future companion.

Helena, with her innocence, charm and precognitive gifts, was often misunderstood as peculiar in his inheritant memories. Even though she wasn't born yet but from the memories itself Aerion found himself very fond of this unborn future sister.

Leaving the Redkeep he went towards the Dragon pit on a Carriage.

The Dragon Pit loomed before him, a colossal structure of stone and iron, its massive doors wide open as if in invitation.

As he entered, the scent of brimstone and ash filled his nostrils, a familiar and oddly comforting aroma. The dragonkeepers greeted in respect as he passed, their faces etched with the weariness of a night spent tending to the majestic creatures within.

The morning was still young, but the Dragonkeepers and Maester Aemond were already tending to their duties. Maester Aemond was there, his robes a stark contrast to the dark interior of the pit. He was bent over Dreamfyre, the dragon's scales shimmering with an ethereal glow under the touch of the first light.

Greenish stains marred the otherwise pristine hide, evidence of some herbal treatment on the wounds already underway. Aerion's gaze softened at the sight.

Dreamfyre herself seemed to sense his presence, her eyes snapping open to fix upon him with an intelligence that belied her bestial nature. The dragonkeepers and Maester Aemond startled at the sudden movement, their hearts racing with a mix of fear and awe. But Aerion remained calm, his eyes locked with the dragons as he took a step closer.

"You need not be Afraid Maester Aemond" Aerion spoke softly, his voice reaching the defensive Dragonkeepers and fearful Maester Aemond.

They reacted as they turned to see Aerion, reacting immediately and they bowed as they greeted "Prince Aerion"

"Lay down Dreamfyre" Aerion spoke in High Valyrian.

The dragon's gaze held his for a moment longer before she lowered her head back to the ground, a silent acknowledgment of his words. Aerion turned to Measter Aemond, his expression inquiring.

"Prince Aerion the injuries are superficial," Maester assured him, following his gaze to the dragon. "The medicines have already been applied and she will recover fully, given time and care."

"But.. there seems to be symptoms of poison, but the dragon's natural resistance to poison has neutralised it." Measter Aemond explained.