
Hot Secretary Mistakenly Falls In Love With CEO

Hannah Snow: the poor secretary They met for the first time when she accidentally caught him having passionate sex with a hot woman. Since then, their fates have been sealed! After graduating from college, her soft heart led her to be deceived into working like a slave in his company. She had never seen someone so shamelessly promiscuous, changing girlfriends more frequently than clothes—he was basically a playboy! As his indispensable secretary, she not only handled daily tasks but also endured being slapped by his occasional flings. On top of that, she had to memorize all the birthdays and preferences of the ladies in his dating roster! She even had to prepare hotels for him and clean up all the messes he left behind. Late at night, she would receive his calls and rush to hotels without a single complaint, handling his rendezvous affairs. Look around the entire secretary world, and you won't find anyone as versatile as her! Enough was enough!!!! This time, she was determined to say goodbye to him. Charles Smith- the CEO He was the CEO of Universal Pictures, a playboy who never rejected any beautiful woman. No matter what type of woman, they all fell for him easily, surrendering to his charm. However, there are exceptions to his charm, and this cold-faced secretary was simply born to be his undoing. A bet gave him a reason to pursue her! This woman he had been eyeing for so long, he had finally taken her for himself!

Bellalovesnovel · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

Chapter 018: Negotiating with Me

The frightened woman continued to focus on her work, obviously uninterested in their conversation.

Olivia Smith refused to give up. She approached Hannah and said, "It's about my brother, you know? Aren't you curious?"

Hannah glanced at her with disdain. "Miss Beauty, I'm already tired of hearing about your brother. Is there anything about him that I don't already know? From which brand of condoms he uses to his preferred type of woman, what size underwear he wears, or what flavor of coffee he likes—I know it all."

"Fine!" Olivia Smith retrieved her delicate fingernails and pretended to sigh. "I wanted to tell you about my brother's blind date tonight."

Blind date?

The files Hannah had just tidied up fell to the ground again. The almond-shaped eyes behind her glasses sparkled with anticipation. So, did he also end up like this? Hahaha...

Olivia Smith intentionally teased and walked away. "Well, I thought you were tired of my brother's affairs. Forget it, forget it."

"Hannah Snow..." she heard the ingratiating voice gradually disappearing down the corridor, leaving behind a mess of files once again abandoned.

Half an hour later, two tall women with sunglasses entered an upscale club.

Their furtive appearance made the waiter want to inquire, but when one of the women showed her platinum VIP card, he froze and graciously prepared a seat near the window for them.

Hannah pushed her sunglasses up and buried her head in a random gossip magazine, keeping an eye on a certain dazzling golden hair at the other end.

"Beauty, are you sure your brother won't find out?" Olivia Smith elegantly stirred her coffee and glanced at Hannah. This woman was such an idiot. At work, she always seemed shrewd and capable, but deep down, she was truly, exceptionally foolish.

Did she think she hid her feelings for the boss so well?

Thinking about it, she had hidden it quite well. Apart from her, probably no one else had noticed. Even the person in question himself believed he no longer liked that flirtatious man.

Her name was Susan Han, having just returned from studying in England. She was a newly recruited actress in his company. She deliberately hid her prestigious background from England, and her genuine and unpretentious nature, so different from other women, piqued Charles Smith's unprecedented interest.

He wondered if he should listen to his old man and find a woman to settle down with.

This woman seemed to be a perfect candidate to become Charles Smith's wife. Maybe he could start by dating with the condition of marriage to see if she was truly suitable for him, if she had enough substance to make him give up those passing flings.

His charming peach blossom eyes caught sight of two women not far away, enjoying the show.

"Susan, wait here for me. I see some friends." Susan Han obediently nodded and looked at him with fascination. Was the perfect man in her heart really interested in her? He said they should date with marriage in mind. Was it true? Was she really that lucky?

Pink bubbles floated in her mind as she fantasized about being with him. Would she be cherished as the novels described?

Taking a seat, Charles Smith reached out to move the magazine that the woman in sunglasses used to cover her face. "Hannah Snow, what a coincidence? Hi, Courtesan!"

Looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her, Hannah Snow kicked the woman's foot next to her under the table, wanting to ask her how to explain. Charles Smith furrowed his brows. "My secretary, you kicked my foot."

She quickly steadied herself from nearly falling and said seriously, "Hi, my senior. I heard that you seem to be on a blind date?"

She glanced towards Susan Han.

Charles Smith smiled and turned to look. His eyes held a trace of doting, leaving Hannah Snow stunned. "Yes, if nothing unexpected happens, she will be my wife-to-be."

The astonished expression shifted to Olivia Smith. "Really? Are you really going to give up a vast forest for her?"

"So what?" As they say, if nothing unexpected happens! Come on!

Sneakily looking at the woman beside him, why did she seem so calm? Could it be that she had guessed wrong? Were they destined to be nothing more than quarreling enemies, not lovers? No way!