

"Shit" I panted as I ran and ran as fast as I could feeling genuinely scared of what he might do to me.

"Not fast enough." I heard him say from behind me as I finally approached the doors of his office and I gasped out loud and held my chest.

"No no wait Emilio I-I'm just so tired. Please don't hurt me."

"Hurt you?" he asked then chuckled, and I took this time to open the door of his office and went in trying to create as much distance between us as I could.

"We can talk about this."

"Talk?" he said then chuckled once more, and I gulped as he began to remove his jacket and loosened his tie after closing the door behind him, and then he proceeded to walk towards me as opened the buttons of his cuss of his shirt and I began to take more and more steps back until I collided with the glass window where there was no escape.

Oh fuck.

"Have I ever told you of how pretty you are?" he asked me as he slowly came closer and closer.