
Horror Fiction

ever wanted for your favourite Idols, or characters from video, and anime to be a horror story? well, now you can! I am Daoist. I will make your request on which your favourite game, and anime characters should I turn into a horror story, just leave a comment on one of the short but horror stories. I will only pick one, so, goodluck.

DaoistJ4hF57 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

Short Story 1: Missing Vocals

Miku Hatsune, Rin Kagamine, Len Kagamine, and Luka Megurine were four of the most popular Vocaloids in the world. They were known for their beautiful voices and their catchy songs.

One day, the four Vocaloids were invited to perform at a secret concert in a remote forest. They were excited to perform for their fans, but they didn't know that they were about to enter a nightmare.

When the Vocaloids arrived at the forest, they were greeted by a strange man in a black cloak. The man told them that he was a big fan of their music, and he wanted them to perform a special song for him.

The Vocaloids agreed, and they followed the man into the forest. They soon came to a clearing, where there was a large stage in the center. The man led the Vocaloids onto the stage, and then he disappeared.

The Vocaloids looked around and saw that the clearing was surrounded by trees. The trees were so close together that they blocked out the sunlight. The only light in the clearing came from a few torches that were scattered around the stage.

The Vocaloids began to perform their song, but they soon realized that something was wrong. The audience was silent, and the trees were moving in a strange way.

Suddenly, the trees came to life and attacked the Vocaloids. The trees wrapped their branches around the Vocaloids and pulled them into the darkness.

Miku, Rin, Len, and Luka screamed for help, but no one could hear them. They were trapped in the dark forest, and they were being attacked by the trees.

The trees tore the Vocaloids to pieces. Their blood and flesh were splattered all over the stage. The forest was filled with the sound of their screams.

Finally, the screams stopped. The Vocaloids were dead. The trees released their bodies and let them fall to the ground.

The man in the black cloak reappeared on the stage. He looked at the Vocaloids' dead bodies and smiled.

"Thank you for the performance," he said. "It was excellent."

The man snapped his fingers, and the Vocaloids' bodies disappeared. The trees returned to normal, and the clearing was filled with sunlight again.

The man in the black cloak disappeared, and the forest was silent once more.

The Vocaloids were dead, and the secret concert had turned into a nightmare.