
Horizon OF Dreams Where I will become best.

An ordinary high schooler Aryan always dreamt of being in a fantasy world but who knew his dream would come true. He gets thrown into a fantasy world by an unknown being referring to himself as God. But there is a twist he has the power to convert dreams into reality.

DaoistxERXjj · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

1. The SO SO Average Guy

My name is Aryan Rajput. As you all probably can tell I live in India. To be more specific in Kanpur City of Uttar Pradesh. Well, what can I say my life has always been a drag and monotonous. I have finally reached high school. This is the moment fellas where I will start making friends and probably make a girlfriend as I didn't have the luxury to do so before because I am an introverted personality.

Today is my first day in high school But for god's sake, I think everybody is already in their group. I can't muster up the courage to start a conversation. Ahh... What a pain, I have always been good at studies so I thought maybe people consider me a nerd but I seriously doubt my physical appearance now. Honestly, I don't look too bad(personal opinion). Maybe I am just born with a destiny to never be in any type of relationship.

Another day with another failure. I think these are all meaningless things. What's the point of even befriending someone not like anybody damn cares about you in this world. Ahh.. my head hurts thinking about these cringy lines. I probably should focus on JEE entrance exams because my parents want me to achieve something good.

At 12:45 am,

Fuck today's lessons were hard. I have no mental energy left. Maybe it's time to go to bed.

Hmm.. what should I dream today a)about a millionaire life or b) life in a fantasy world. "CHOOSE B"-What's this sound I heard just now? hmm... Maybe I should visit the doctor soon. How can somebody hear a voice in plain air when no one is around? So where was I ..ha .. yes I was thinking about what to dream.. hmm.. maybe millionaire life will be my go-to mood today. "CHOOSE B". Ahh for fuck sake... my goddamn mind...I think it will blast before the entrance exams. Fuck okay, I choose B now happy.. leave me alone fuck what a horrible day.

That was a good sleep. What an amazing dream. Wish I could also isekai into the Fantasy world. But this is goddamn reality nothing amazing of this caliber exists yet. Wait... why am I in a completely different room from which I slept... What about this completely white room.. wait where are my belongings...Fucckk am I hallucinating right now? Oh my god...Am I dead.. or am I in a coma. What happened to me.. why I am unable to move an inch.

"Hello Test Participant 20234, I am Marx and I will be your assistant for time being. Let me explain all this to you. Recently our authorities have noticed that you don't like your normal life and instead want to be in a different world, so we are deleting your saved data on Earth or '21fcxq dimension' and copying it into 'x9c dimension'. "

WHAT?? What the heck, who the fuck are you, and what's with all these terms x9c and all that...

"Ahh, I see so you come into the dumb category. My bad.. let me rephrase, you will be reborn into a different world completely different from your previous world. Your previous host is dead so there is no possibility of returning to Earth. Safe travels and have a 'WONDERFUL TIME' in 21fcxq.

Suddenly a portal opens and the soul of Aryan is thrown into that portal.

Meanwhile Marx,

"This job is ridiculous. Why these peoples cant accepts reality quietly and makes it easier for me? Though I genuinely feel bad about this subject. In 19 years a calamity will hit that dimension."

This chapter was just an introduction for what's about to come. Hope who read it till the end found it interesting and if you have any issues contact me-

My ig- @krustylys

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