

"I'm a murderer."

Toby said without hesitation and any change in his expression. The smirk he had grew more eerie and hearing what he said gave me chills even though I've had an inkling that he might belong to such categories the moment we've met.

I didn't say anything, more like I couldn't. What would I even say to someone who admits to being a murderer and looks like he's also too proud of his deeds?

Toby stared at me, still with a smirk on his face, "Why Gray? Are you afraid of me?" he said. It was his normal voice but I felt shivers went down my spine.

It made me gulp a mouthful of saliva and contemplate how to respond to Toby. Like Siti, I wouldn't want to be looked down upon in this place. It won't be great to be seen as a prey. There might be a stage where we would go against each other. Most of the time, the weakest are the first ones to get eliminated by the others.

"To be honest, not really," I said.