
Chapter 2 - Trapped

The big wide world, was a lot bigger than I thought. Buildings were everywhere and lamposts were dotted around from time to time. The occasional person popped up from time to time, but the streets were mostly empty. I had to find someone to help me, like a police officer, or a responsible adult as Mummy called them. I didn't exactly knew what they meant, but when I saw a big building with flashy lights streaming out the top, I though it looked like a place where responsible adults would spend time.

As I got closer, the definite sound of music flooded into my eardrums, how loud could this music be?! When I finally got to what looked like the entrance, there were big men all in black standing by the entrance, they looked especially responsible. "Hello Sir, I was wondering if you could help me find my Mummy, she went missing and I've been trying to find her." I craned my neck at him, realising he had a weird thing in his ear.

He started laughing at me, laughing! Why in the name of cheesy crackers would he do that! I'm serious, I just want to find my Mummy. "Please!" I said loudly, I was close to tears at this point, I'd never been so frustrated in my life! "If you just want tickets to see the show kid, you're gonna have to pay like the rest of 'em" What? What show? "Excuse me sir, I think you have the wrong idea, I just want to find my Mummy!" He looked so annoyed now, "If you don't leave kid, we're going to have to escort you off the premisis"

I was so angry! "But you can't just do that! I haven't done anything wrong, just let me through so I can find help!" I ran through his legs and into the building, wow. It was HUGE, there were great big lights, so many people, an easy way to lose the guy I'm currently running from. I saw an opening in front of me, I ran straight for it and crawled in. There's no way he can get in here, he's way too chubby for that. When he managed to stick his ugly bald head through the gap, I stuck my tongue out at him.

"This could give you a criminal record kid!" What's that? He obviously saw my obvious confusion. "Such a dumb kid you are!" I sniffled, I hated being insulted, like any other four and a bit year old, I wanted to just burst into tears, but now wasn't the time. The blaring music had stopped a few seconds ago and I could hear shuffling behind the man as his head was blocking the view. "Come on Ray! Hurry up, its not that hard, get the kid, and chuck her out already!" An annoyed voice came from the other side.

"I can't, the little b*tch climbed into the stage opening!" Now was definitely time for hysterics, I burst loudly into tears, the whole ginormous room going silent at my tears. "Don't worry folkes, just a minor technical difficulty here" Thats such a load of rubbish! The large crowd went back to chatting while security was trying to lure me out. "Look kid, we don't want to hurt you, just come out and we can sort this whole thing out, with or withought violence, your choice" A new voice sneered.

Oh pickles