

AUTHOR: ROXYIE, Caution,the game about to be selected is deadly. TaKe CaRe. (The happenings and areas in the novel are fake and all made up! ) Do you ever think of acquiring too much? What's the cause? What's the results? Do you ever get caught up in a dilemma? How do you go about it? What's the solution? Choosing between twin like objects, which one will you pick? The assignment? The mission? Jealousy and envy. Convey one's character. When one's character is doomed,so is the person. An exposé on a perfect family that everyone in the city is talking about. An illigetimate child. Abandoned. The goal. The goal is to uncover something unseemly about their background and ruin their reputation. Feeling bad about it? Already? But if this is the price for success in your business. Decided? Deciding that you are willing to pay it. Besides, the public deserves the truth, right? Okay.

Roxyie · สมัยใหม่
51 Chs


Rylee Athena stepped out of the sea and onto the sand of the bay, one of the top surfing spots in the beach, she was in her orange halter dress, an orange bucket hat and orange flip flops which she carried in her hands while walking bare footed.

They had been provided by the receptionists.

Her hair had been let down cascading freely on her back as she walked.

The sand was warm and with each step absorbed her sea wrinkled toes while the breeze made it's way through her long straight hair.

She was immediately taken by the scent of freshly sliced fruits and freshly picked flowers.

As she move along, brightly colored fruit stalls filled the sidewalks from which fresh fruit was cut.

From a fruit stand, the scent travelled all across the beach with the help of the cool breeze which allowed the scent to fill the air.

With her eyes closed, she breathed in the ocean bliss that paraded the beach.

As she turned towards the sea,she was amazed.

It was a deep blue in some areas but in others a glistening turquoise green.

As she made her way towards the water as it lapped over each time it reaches to the shore, overhead she heard the frantic screech of seagulls like a sharp knife dragged along a glass.

She continued to look around and came upon some sailboats drifting in the middle of the ocean, kids playing beach volleyball, the calming soft waves splashing against the shore.

Walking around the beach made her feel more comfortable than ever.

As she strolled along, she could feel the soft smooth sand beneath her bare feet.

The sand looked clean like sugar spread out for miles, as it squished between her toes and made her calves ache with every step.

The sound of the ocean comforted me, the rhythmic pounding of the waves represses all her worries.

She kicked the water and it responded with a swoosh of it's waves making her legs wet.

That brought back memories, when she used to come here with her adoptive father and used to play around in the water.

They used to collet wet sand by the seashore in a bucket, turn the bucket upside down then put on a flag.

Sometimes they even went swimming and sometimes they just stayed at the seashore admiring the sky and the moving waters.

She could not help but put on a faint a smile.

She found it some what amusing to see the sand castles that still remained, the ones they built them long ago, the lucky few that made it through reckless little boys play.

As she sat on the yellow and white striped beach chair, she could see all the sights of summer.

Children building sandcastles along the ocean's edge, to her right she observed an elderly couple indulged in a good book.

While sitting at the shoreline she reminded why the beach was her peaceful spot, with the screeching sounds of seagulls scurrying about for food along the shore line, the smell of barbeque cooking, loud music coming from the jeeps passing by, and families coming together.

Across from her was a handsome, reddish-brown haired man, broad-shouldered holding a Les Paul classic custom guitar playing melodious songs.

He was about five foot seven, however with his broad shoulders and huskiness, he looked shorter than average.

His reddish-brown hair was newly cut and freshly brushed it looked like an ocean of waves in his head.

On his plump face, normally scratchy and prickly, was also a newly cut reddish-brown mustache and goatee.

His unusual light skin makes it hard for him to get or keep a tan.

He just got a shade of red in the sun then right back to normal out of it, but if he did get a tan, no one would be able to see the brown freckles around his nose.

It's no wondered how Rylee Athena nicknamed him the 'Red Man.'

He was wearing his pair of gold diamond earrings that shined so brilliant when the sun hit them a rainbow would appear.

He also wore his favorite gold necklace with a diamond shaped medallion that has diamonds on it shaped into a cross.

The necklace hung so low it touched his stomach.

The necklace he had tucked under his shirt so no one could see it, but Rylee Athena new it was there.

He wore a white collared button-up shirt with silver rectangular cuff links that had a small diamond in one corner.

On top of the white shirt was an indigo and black suit vest.

His bottoms were somewhat baggy black polyester dress pants with shiny black lines on the sides of both legs held up by a black belt with a silver buckle that spelled out Redd.

His black shoes were so shiny; he looked like he just stepped off a shoe shine stand.

The biggest thing that made him so unique was his creamy white double breasted suit jacket.

It had black buttons and one indigo colored flower in the pocket.

In her hand was a big glass of iced tea shimmering in the bright sun as she took a sip it cooled the inside of her throat causing her to keep her cool temperature in the hot summer.

It was the perfect day to be out, with the sun casting just the right amount of shine to give me that perfect sun-kissed tan.

She was lying on a beautiful yellow and white striped chair with her legs sprung up.

In the middle of the ocean were many surfers in yellow shorts riding in the various color surfboards. They were going so fast doing so many tricks.

Being relaxed and at peace she allowed herself to drift off for a peaceful nap.

She was soon awoken by the tide coming in, she opened her eyes, and to her surprise, she saw the setting sun hanging in the sky like a red-orange balloon off in the distance.

She found herself alone on the beach.

The surf has ceased to crash on the shores, the placid waves gently roll onto the sand.

The sky is transformed into a colorful horizon; filled with endless streams of purple and blue.

It was dark outside and stars floated in the distance, but the moon seemed so close,she could grab it and take it in her pocket to keep for herself, so close that she could see it's bright shadow shimmering on the rolling water.

Ghost crabs darted past her feet like thieves in the night, going in one hole and out another.

Rylee Athena heaved a sigh before she walked back to the hotel.

She found Ali Maddox still where she had left him.

He was busy conversing with his best friends, Rylee Athena walked to where he was and sat down next to him.

"Let's go out for dinner." Christopher Connor said as he took out his phone and looked at the time.

"Okay, let's go, sleeping will be provided by the hotel." Darien Boone replied as the four of them walked out.

The crowds gradually disappeared as evening approached and darkness began to creep in but they grew steadily again as the night market started operating.

Crowds swarmed around for night snacks at the various food stalls and restaurants near the theatre or to pick up some good bargains.

The city in which they were in was a sea of lights.


The waiter led them to an empty table and welcomed them with a smile on his face.

They all sat down on the white plastic chairs and ordered for food.

The overhead fairy lights of the restaurant flickered in the moonlight.

Soon, the table was filled with kebabs and meat of different sorts accompanied by beer in bottles.

Rylee Athena smiled at the sight of the food that was on the table, she took out her phone and took a picture of the food and sent it to her friend and then placed her phone swiftly on the table.

Then afterwards, picked up a kebab and started munching on the food.

The meat was delicious and the flavour burst into her mouth, she had been longing of eating such delicious foods.

She opened the beer bottle using the bottle cap opener and drank up a bit before continuing to eat.

The others also joined her in eating.

"Have you found out more information concerning the case?" Ali Maddox broke the silence.

"I'm still continuing but it is not easy, she has hidden all the details of the case." Christopher Connor answered as he ate the food.

"But generally speaking, I will find out more soon." Christopher Connor concluded.

"Do not talk business while on breaks, enjoy yourselves." Darien Boone told the both of them as he drank up his beer.

"Do not drink too much. We want no casualties." Darien Boone told Rylee Athena as he saw her finish half of the bottle.

Rylee Athena nodded in response as her mouth was full of food.

And soon, Rylee Athena picked up one of the kebabs and started eating the meat on it silently before she stole a glance at Ali Maddox who was busy typing into his phone.

Rylee Athena continued eating before the phone which was on the table buzzed.

She took her phone into her hands, tapped her fingers on the screen and saw that it was a text message from Natalia Quinn who admired the food she was eating.

She replied to her text and swiftly placed her phone on the table again before she resumed eating.

After eating, Christopher Connor paid for the meal and the four of them left the restaurant.

The wet, desolate streets of the city rested in silence as the starry black sky wept over it.

The water on the parts of the road shimmered by the glow of the bright, yellow street lamps.

The small, green trees on the roadside swayed as the strong breeze hit them from time to time while some ruffled women's hair and light clothing.

Above a faded zebra crossing, a traffic light frantically changed colors seeming rather like a disco light.

Some windows gave out white and yellow lights, but the others were pitch black.

It seemed like the clouds had gotten a sudden fascination to the moon and wrapped themselves around it.

The moon's faint glow passed through them, coloring them white from grey.

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