

One of my healers had saved my life. I was in too much danger to worry about the deep gash on my right chin.

National Police were after us, and even though PAIN and I made a formidable team, we were no match against hundreds of law enforcement agents.

I knew it would be a stupid idea to use the elevator as power cut intentionally or not would leave us in a highly vulnerable position. PAIN was struggling with something on his right hand. A few seconds later, he removed a very impressive fake hand and pulled out a wooden knife.

I also knew we had no time if we were going to leave here alive. Far away I could already hear the chuff of helicopters in the distance as we descended down the stairs. For the first two stair-flights it seemed that we were going to escaped if he hurried. We raced down the stairs.

I think it was the hurry. As we raced down the stairs I stumbled into the huge physique of PANDA. Panda was the most hated policeman I've ever met.

'Well, well' He squeaked. His voice was a terrible shame for a guy his size.

He seemed to be enjoying the helplessness of the leader of the most feared assassin cult in the country.

One shot, Zero hits

This time, my healers were pretty useless to me.

'Did you think you were coming to a regular building?' He mocked.

We all saw the large bullet soaring towards PANDA but the bullet didn't even leave a mark on the glass panel.

It was PAIN and I against PANDA and 60 armed officers.

'Drop your weapons' He instructed. I wanted nothing more than to wipe the smug look off his obese face.

I smiled.

'Drop your weapons. This fight is one sided' He snarled but it escaped the holes of his mouth as a squeak yet again.

'Your right,' Pain growled. 'Invite 60 more and perhaps we'll agree to your challenge 'He seemed to find pleasure in pointing out to PANDA that he had a pathetically girlish voice.

PANDA growled. This time it was indeed a growl.

'Seize them' he yelled with fury. His voice returning to his pre-growl sound. He never liked PAIN anyways. PAIN was everything he wasn't.

PAIN sliced, I fired. Officers fell left and right.


He turned. It was too late.

Distracted I rushed to his side. Big mistake. All guns turned to my direction.

'You won't shoot me' I bluffed. I'm wanted alive.

'Your right.

I felt a searing pain in my left arm and that's all I remember.


I worked for the most powerful assassin organization in the world. My boss was an asshole.

His impulsiveness landed us in this mess.

I don't know what went on between my boss and the President but nothing good could possibly come out of that conversation. We heard no raised voices.

I pulled out my knife discretely while checking out my companion. He seemed so jovial (he probably didn't know the tune he was whistling was going to be his last.)

'You work for the man with Mr. President' it sounded more like a question than a statement.

I smiled.

He nodded and went back to patrolling the corridor. The floor was as isolated as it could be. I had already spotted a few hidden cameras but no other armed officials.

As soon as I heard a muffled cry of pain from the office I knew I had to act or we were both dead.

I timed my run to when the officer had his back to me. A few more seconds






He gasped as I sunk my ruthlessly sharp wooden blade into his back.

I had no time to congratulate myself on such a neat kill.

I barged into the office and what I saw made my stomach lurch. The President was in a pool of his own blood.

'He was killed'

'The president?'

He nodded.

I had no time to ask who aimed the snipers. It was definitely not one of our men. The boss had countered my orders to maintain a strong surveillance over the building.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the office.

Boss opted to use the lifts but it wasn't safe. We made our way down the stairs. I lagged behind, I was trying to remove my fake arm.

'Come off' I swore under my breath

It finally did come off. I removed my wooden knife hidden expertly in the fake arm and handed my gun over to Boss.

For the first few floors we descended unchallenged Boss ahead of me.

I don't remember how many floors we passed before Boss stumbled into Panda.

Someone fired a shot at Panda but it didn't even dent the bullet proof panel. Now I was fairly certain we were being monitored. I just didn't know by who.

'Did you think you were coming to a regular building?' I turned my attention back to Panda

'Drop your weapons' Boss smiled. I knew he was bluffing, we had lost contact with our healers the moment we entered this building.

'Drop your weapons. This fight is one sided'

'Your right' I snarled 'Get sixty more of you and it'll be fair.'

'Seize them' Panda screamed.

The police officers surrounded us from all angles. We did quite a lot of damage to their numbers- I must have brought down at least a dozen men and Boss twice that number but a bullet to my chest ended it.

'Pain!!!!!' Boss warned but it was too late. The bullet had found its target. I fell to the floor. Boss rushed to help me and instantly at least fifty firearms pointed at him.

'You won't shoot me' he bluffed. 'You want me alive'

'Your right'

I have never seen Panda so confused in his entire life. A light so bright it could have been the sun come down blinded everyone except me. I was the least affected as I had my back to the source of the light.

I turned to an angle I could see the light and not get blinded by it. It came from a vehicle of some sort.

A hooded figure nothing like our men emerged from the light.

'Who are you?' I asked. My voice betrayed my wonder at this confident man. He somehow managed to create a distraction for what? To kidnap us? Kill us?

'Follow me'

The voice sounded girlish. Nothing like Panda's own.

Panda and his men were howling on the floor.

'I can't leave without my boss'

'We have no time' 'Hell be taken care of'