
Honoured One of Young Justice

I was given a chance. A chance at rebirth. A second coming. And I was sure as hell I was not going to waste it. So when asked what powers and which world, I answered with absolute certainty. Follow the stories of a man living in a universe of gods, demons, angels and the like as… The Honoured One - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Disclaimer: I own none of the characters of the hit Tv show ‘Young Justice’ and I do not own the Jujustu Kaisen character known as Gojo Satoru I’ve also started posting this on Royal road and Scribble Hub so go support ya boy One more thing if you wanna support me even further >_

Honoured_Writer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs

11 Stand Proud A.M.A.Z.O


Honestly been putting off this chapter since the last one was kinda ass and this episode sucked so it was hard to adapt to Gojos presence

But seeing how all the ither gojo fics are on hiatus I had to be on my father that stepped up timing so here I am

Also next chapter I promise you us going to be way better since I have a few things planned that I'm actually excited to write about unlike this chapter

Should I keep negative energy beam? *]

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Scrap, heaps and chunks of metal - once parts that made up the robotic monkeys - rained down from the sky unnaturally avoiding the truck, Robin and me

…but naturally descending onto the body of Superboy who didn't have to have the detective skills of Batman himself to uncover the truth behind his predicament

Unluckily for him once again, before he had a chance to angrily shout at the tall white haired teen (me) the comms planted in my ear sounded with Aqualads voice on the other end

"Aqualad to Team A, we've lost our cargo but I have mentioned to secure a tracker onto one of the monkeys getting away," He stated with disappointment and frustration woven into his voice

Robin went to unlock the truck door to check if everything's ok only for the shock of his face to present himself for both Superboy and I to see

"We've secured one of the items - an arm - but the torso has been stolen by one of those stupid flying monkeys!" He shouted back through the comms, the vexation evident in his tone

'That's half good right?' I wondered with a slight frown adorning my face before speaking, "Candy world to Aqualad, send the tracker information and we'll be back with the missing items in time for some ice cream"

Confidently boasting whilst ignoring the almost visible confusion on Aqualad's end involving my code naming choice

"Sending it now. From what it's telling us the cargo is currently on the move heading towards…Gotham?" His voice narrating on in the background

"Not to mention judging from its location it looks like those monkeys definitely converged on the top of a railway train carrying other extraneous baggage" Robin butted in, announcing the information

"Didn't take them for the type to enjoy a peaceful train journey in between stealing gigs.. they're most likely assembling the parts," reasoned Kid, a rare anxiety laced his voice as he spoke

"~What's got you so spooked Kid? Even if they manage to assemble all the parts it's nothing I can't handle," I boasted in signature fashion with a Cheshire grin creeping up my face

"Dude as much you're super strong, I doubt you can take it down. If it took the whole league half a day what make you different," he whined in the earpiece

"Cause I'm Gojo Satoru," he answered with absolute arrogance that spoke volumes of my utter assurance that I'd win, 'I mean is it really arrogance if it's really true hehe'

"Enough. We'll converge together at the coordinates. Aqualad out," he spoke sternly

"Yess mom" I jokingly spoke before turning my head towards Robin, "~Now… where did we leave our bikes?"

He shrugged with a befuddled expression painting his features, " about half a mile that way" he pointed to where we were first intercepted by the monkeys

…"Gotcha! Repeated Short distance teleportation it is~!" I shouted whilst saluting comically

"Wha-?" Robin managed to get out before I grabbed all three of us - and yes including Superboy even though I wanted to leave him behind - before warping us to the furthest possible place I could take them

Only our afterimages lay tributes to our never ending cruise to our meet up point

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"AHH!" Robin hurled out his insides, watching as everything he ate previously flew down to the mountains below, blurred and censored with a cartoon-like rainbow you see in anime, "..Ugh"

He gave me a scalding look of helpless anger that I took a slight joy in seeing (after all Schadenfraude is man's best friend) before finishing up his fiery belching of vomit and wiping his mouth, "...I think I would've rather walked back to grab the motorcycles."

"~Don't say that!" I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, "You just had the once in a lifetime chance of teleportation, not many people can tick that off their checklist."

He brushed me off lacking his usual light-hearted amusement, "We have zeta a tubes for that pretty sure the thrill has already wor- Hughhh," His voice going flat as expertly timed leftovers threatened to escape his mouth

"Man you look terrible Rob," A blur of energy, appeared from wisps of air he created from his speed

"No thanks to someone," The Boy Wonder directing his searing scowl in my direction, which of whom was currently whistling into the air and staring at the setting sun, "Now... what's the plan?" His question obviously aimed at Aqualad who had parked beside us

"Now we position ourselves accordingly, Satoru Miss Martian and Superboy will be stationed here in wait for the train - they will be our main hitters of this operation - whilst the rest of us will be positioned accordingly so we can intercept at any given moment if the plan fails but hopefully it is not too late. Any questions?," He asked however there were none as we all nodded in understanding of his words, "Good. Now let's begin."


There was a soothing silence and enthral to night that could not be described, whether it was the ethereal backdrop of the moon, the subtle caressing of the breeze it all served to raise my adrenaline and pump it through my veins

My hair spiked and elevated as my usual glasses were replaced with a sleek, never-ending black blindfold that seemed to reject all light, the all too familar jujustu uniform tracing the contours of my body 

"Ain't it good for a train heist," I remarked to Superboy and Miss Martian to which one grunted uncaringly while the latter simply expressed a confused face

Watching the cargo train churn along the tracks through the mountain scape bare to all, the voice of Robin rang in my comms once more, "It's here, make sure you all have your boarding pass cause whoever stole Amazos pieces, I'll bet is not going down without a fight."

With a simple stride off the cliff, I jumpedoff, shooting down onto the incoming train at impressivem speeds with MM and Superboy descending closely behind

Using the tracker searche rgiven to me by Robin I knew the exact one, "Bingo! The penultimate carriage!"

Through our shared telepathic link she heard and grabbed hold of our trajectory and smoothly moved the three of us to our end goal

I flipped onto the roof and skated across the skirts of its carriage and a delirious smile crept onto my face, "Let's see who's home."

With what was a basic flick of my wrist everything came to a halt as the the entire train that held out 'cargo' were ripped from the

tracks seemlessly whilst the wheels were still in motion

A divine feat to any sane person, and at the epicentre of such an event was me controlling the cerulean engulfed train with natural ease whilst M'gann floated the three mid air

Tearing the carriage roof like a tin can,we gazed upon two individuals one man and another monster of pure cybernetic muscle with abnormal metallic sheen glossing Im his body

'Wait no scratch that - two robots…' i hummed

Pointed, jaded ears with raven like sharpened hair and dressed in green garments up to his torso and robotic physique lay bare with an outlying green mechanical attached to its right, 'Probably to act as a replacement to the one it's couldn't steal.'

The epitome and perfect example of cybernetics and biological enhancements entwined together

It was A.M.A.Z.O

'What it stands for? Who gives a shit all that be matters is that I beat the crap out of it' I internally screamed thirsting for battle

My eyes lingered over the stubby little robot that had taken up human clothing in a leprechaun like suit before directing my attention to the robot uninterested in what he had to offer

"Yo!" I waved whilst my feet graced the flooring that lay above them putting me at a higher vantage point, "Wanna introduce yourself or do we skip straight to the ass whooping?"

"Bad news Aqualad it's been assembled what do we do now?" Miss Martian questioned, her voice tattletaling to our leader across our shared telepathic link

"Disengage! Find a way retreat and if no other chance hold off A.M.A.Z.O whilst we travel to your position and signal the league!" Urgency lacing his voice

I reforcused my attention

He seemed almost disgruntled at my words b ut he quickly regained his composure effortlessly like he was trained to do so, "Oh! You're absolutely right my dear homo sapien where are my manners?! I'm glad there's someone so civilised in your rag bag misfit team of heroes! Professor Ivo at your service creator of the Worlds finest biological and technological mar-!"

I waved my hands in front of face with a bored frown drawing itself across my half covered face, "Sorry I forgot how much you shitty third rate villains love to monologue if it happens a third time it'll be shame on me!"

I put my hand to my chin with a contemplative expression before comically slamming my fist against the palm of hand with a doe eyed look, "how about this, let's play a game I use a little fraction of my power and see how big of a technological whatnow your A.M.A.Z.O truly is. Sound cool?

Oh! But if it doesn't live up to all this hype I'll make sure to beat the living crap out of your true form, robot."

He didn't answer his formal bravado replaced with a hint of anger, shock, confusion and best of all anticipation

"Guess the cats out of the bag.. A.M.A.Z.O annihilate all of them… oh! But keep the specimen alive id like to take a crack at replicating his powers!"

The signal of war had commenced all the chaos as at unprecedented speeds, A.M.A.Z.O shot himself at my body only for the Man of Steels clone to intervene

"How about I crack this tin can open!" He shouted throwing a poweful punch at the robot

"Accessing [Superman]" it spoke mechanically and as if the tides had shifted the air turned lethal

Swatting Superboy away into the mountainside like he was a mere bug, scorching beams of scarlet burned from his eyes towards Miss Martian without warning

'Not good shes too slow to be able to dodge,' I internally screamed, teleporting in between the lasers and the Martian using infinity as an effective reinforcement and shield for the attack

Lifting my index and middle, I launched the humanised android into the body of a nearby mountain and in the same breath o clenched my fists hard until the veins and muscles tensed and bulged from within my skin

And akin to a conductor controlling the choir of destruction, a vast chunk of the mountain in which it was absorbed itno was crushed and compressed into a ball the size of the mundane car

"Miss Martian deal with the toddler controlling this thing!" I exclaimed to her understanding only for it all to be for nought as swarms of monkeys and flying gorillas burst into the scene, tearing their way from the train compartments

"Now now don't be too hasty! What happened to our friendly bet there's no need to ruin such an agreement with frivolous cheating!" The irksome voice of suited ginger man was heard in between the obnoxious snickers of artificial apes

I swivelled my arm to crush his head until my actions were disrupted by grim voice of , "Accessing [Martian Manhunter]"

It took on a phantomsmal form phasing its molecules to pass ghostly through the carved sphere of rock

Like eldritch worms it's arms writhed and contorted into bladed mantis scythes slicing their way through air to slash my arms only for their motion to be put on halt just a few centimetres away from my skin

A point of attarction was instantly formed upon the body of metal as train carriages were ripped from their hinges and violently thrown into collision

I felt the weight of battle sink it's claws into my body so I lowered my blindfold to operate more efficiently - the numbing feeling of the six eyes bore into my skull but to succumb to its pain right now lf all times was a hassle I didn't want to deal with so pushed on

Anticipating its intangible form to appear, i grappled onto his face as soon it reverted to normalcy - my fingers tracing its cold metallic features - before plunging it once again into the soft body of Gaia

"Come try harder," I spoke mimicking a known character that I loved but just not as much as Gojo, "The moonlight makes it easy to see how pathetic yo-"

I attempted to get out but was cut when burst of flames surged from the robots palms and napalm showered teh sky

"Accessing [Firestorm]"

My skin bubbled with the heat it emanated and blistered began to paint the underside of my right hand, seeing the damage it could fuse I instantly warped out of reaching distance

'So I can be harmed…slightly at the very least'

Dodging gracefully the constant barrage of hellfire incinerating the land, i warped once again and slamming my blue infused fist into the side of its head

I smiled wistfully after delivering a barrage of fist before the Gods' very eyes a orb of sapphire appeared at my fingertips, 'I'm just gleeful to know that when it comes down my limitless still stands at the pinnacle'

"[Maximum Technique: Blue]!" I cried with fervour, dragging the ball of pure cerulean chaos accompanied by A.M.A.Z.O along with it scarring the Earth even further than I had intended however if I had to guess he didn't seem to be down from the count from the way his robot body regenerated almost instantly - the only good thing being the emerald cybernetic prosthetic was damaged beyond repair

"Man~ You super regeneration types are really such a drag," I ran my fingers through my hair with a sigh

I dodged another round of fire that threatened to singe my body, skating across the mountains - a blue hue imbuing itself around me - teleporting behind I swivelled my body to deliver a swift kick to the jaw

Prior to it charging up another wave of heat from its left palm, a speedster like no other blitzed past and struck A.MA.Z.O with an onslaught of attacks

"Finally here!" I giggled a bit delightedly at Kid's appearance using the Robot's distraction to my advantage, gripping it's left arm with my armpit before smashing it's head and twisting like a sick child with a doll

"Sorry! I had to help deal with Ivo's freakazoid circus of robotic monkeys!" He spoke in between punches before quickly moving away as from out of nowhere it span it's head around once again with the words mechanical being the only way to describe it's performance

It's eyes. Dull Darkened and Artficial. Peered into my own exposing it's ripped bare Robo 'flesh' that once hid it's defined mouth, 'So not creepy.'

Wally's tornados that he shot from his arms saved me from the trouble of having to witness it's visage as it carelessly flung A.M.A.Z.O into the air without a desired direction

We chased after it, not allowing it a chance to access another hero's powers, the wind at our helm and my cursed reinforcement being pushed slightly to the max but it was too late as we witnessed the vermillion path of Superman's lasers made an arc around the battlefield

Wally was forced to slide under whilst I tanked like the beast I am thanks to infinity.

I created miniature Blues just around the size of melons and discharged them at speeds that made the air crack with fragility - towards the downed android

Their power devouring the ground beneath them and more as they spiralled into convergence to where it was firing off laserbeams that didn't fail to produce absolute power and control over the war

Meeting at the endpoint, the spheres dispursed knowing that they hadn't succeeded in their role because of the lack of obliterated robot in the middle

'Where is he?!' I swivelled my head and arm around searching for the android and my search soon came to end with a less than welcoming alproach

We found ourselves swallowed whole by a tornado that battered the two of us across harsh gales and some

The oxygen slowly being deprived with every second that passed for us and the air to my brain lessening which caused me to make another split second decision of teleportation

"This is getting pretty tedious right now… I need to end this soon," I yawned with a bored expression however inside my mind was running a hundred different ways of how to deal with this thing

Kid fell silent clearly too wrapped up in the life or death battle (for him) to mess around

We disappeared from our spots coordinating our moves though while clumsy got the job done - I slammed my knee into its also broken head followed by a rapid uppercut by Wally which knocked it slightly off the ground

"Accessing [Black Cana-" before it could speak I elbowed square in the face which resulted in a satisfying metallic crunch

"Put a sock in it," I remarked however my taunts fell on deaf robotic ears as it widened its disfigured mouth to let out an ear piercing scream

My ears bled and I could barely maintain my technique but I moved my bleeding body forward even more and struck the side of its torso - grinning sadisticalky from ear to ear

In a frail attempt to counteract the android threw a predictable right hook head

Disorientated? Yes but slow enough to not be to dodge such a telegraphed punch…

"HELL NO!" Ducking under with a performers feint backwards, i span around and struck his body with a force uncomparable to any other. And off it went skidding across the ground with pitiful grace

But still it recovered.

It's mouth containing hordes of flames that warned of its incoming wrath

"Kid time to go!"

"One minute! still recover-!" He tried to get but I had already grabbed him by his back and folded the space around us

. It's mouth had erupted hellish flames that burned the very soul in hopes of eradicating the speedster and critically wounding the white haired one.

Too bad for A.M.A.Z.O we had already vanished into the backdrop behind him

A cliff overlooking the battlefield that looked like twisted display of pure destruction and delirium

I caught my breath for sec taking in the scenery before I began

"Phase. Twilight. Eyes of Wisdom"

Seeing a swam of inky streaks of lightning snaking their way towards us all I could do was laugh joyously with a somehwat crazed look I would have to admit

The all too familiar ball formed from purified azure materialised once more at the tip of my fingers before it grew in size and power respectively

Glowing and pulsing I rose the huge mass of energy above my head until I struck my hand down smiting the Earth below

"[Maximum Output]"



"HOW?! How were you able to defeat A.M.A.Z.O he is teh pinnacke of scientific and biological evolution he was the hope of humanity to lead them to greater heights! And you destroyed him! HO-W?!" The incessant shrieks of 'hows' and babbling that I didn't care to listen to from the port robot

"Fuck you! That's how!" I shouted vulgarly. I blew raspberries at the robot to piss him off even if just for a little bit

And it worked spectacularly as he grew a shade of purple and exploded with fury well that lasted as long as my own patience lasted which was only a few seconds

The image of Miss Martian and Robin dragging me away wass forever etched into my brain, '…My bad'

The questioning/interrogation of it didn't go as well as my other teammates hoped. He spoke on riddles and went on tangents for over 10minutes however ultimately refused to disclose any information

So in the end I booted him into the sky before crushing him into dust when he was high enough

"Robot?" Robin asked cautiously though probably alreayd knew the answer from Miss Martians nodding

"Robot." A simple response for such a simple question

"You have A.MA.ZO's pieces?" He questioned and once again he probably already knew the answer with the presentable shit eating grin slithering out to his face

Showing him the collected ashes of the androids pieces I didn't need to be the Worlds Greatest Detective to know his next words

"Great just great guess most of the blames going on you," he laughed at my misfortune to which I responded in kind by ruffling ghis hair beyond repair to his dismay

As we hitchhiked upon the other half of the teams motorbikes (relunctantly of course but I'm too lazy to teleport all the way back to ours) I caught a glimpse of the ever gloomy Superboy gazing along the previous battlefield with frustration present in his demeanour, gritting his teeth like something bothered him


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Man, Batman scoldings really take the fun out of the word mission

One minute you're riding as high as a kite the next… all you hear are the distant but ever present nags and words of the Synbol of Gotham and DC

'Property damage this.Recklessness that. If he keeps thsi up those two will be the least of his worries,' I sinisterly snicker to myself forging ideas to break the bat with every hit of the iron that sparked creativity, '…I'm blowing up Wayne Manor hehehehehe.'

The grip of someone's hand upon my shoulder spooked me out of my scheming, 'To think I was so wrapped up in my Operation Batman Downfall plan taht I failed to realise he was behind… I must really be tired.'

I cocked an eyebrow at his action, preparing myself to blast him off to Madagascar with [Blue] if it was something stupid

"Teach me. Teach me how to grow stronger," our eyes locked gaze and I could sense the solemness of his tone

We stayed like that for a couple of seconds, gauging the skills of one another before I couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing, "~Pfft! Haha What do you mean teach you how to become strong with that whole serious act! You should've seen yourself!"

My face morphed into a stone cold Buddhist monk, "Teach me! Teach me how to become stronger!"

His face remained apathetic to the symphony of laughter taht had erupted from me causing me to stop for a minute a see his resolve

"~So how do want me to teach you then? Spiritually passing my skills?"

"Spar with me, everyday. Canary is giving me combat lessons so soon I'll be able to show him my strength and then he'll recognise me." He spoke sincerely

'Wow he sounds like shounen protagonist are these even his goals in the show or is author just getting lazy?

But still even if the goal is assist respectable at the very least right? It could be more selfish though but i guess that comes with time,' i contemplated before finally deciding

"..Sure sounds like a good pass time and I like it~ You can grow strong by idly standing by and hoping it lands in your grasp," I lowered my glasses downwards, the six eyes analysing every detail of his being including the soul, "Being weak is not a sin but staying weak is and there's nothing I hate more than than those who grovel in the dirt and continue to fail of their own accord so grow strong Superboy - strong enough to beside me at the pinnacle."

"6:00am good for you right?" I trudged away with a smile not waiting to hear an answer but internally writhed in confusion

Those words.. they're not my own… they're Gojos so how?


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[A/N* Heyyy I'm back to writing this fic though it's probably evey 3 weeks now since I can't be bothered

Sorry if this chapter seems a little or majorly rushed it's because it is I wanted to get this chapter out the way fast since I have some exams coming up you know how it is

If you see any spelling or grammar mistakes please tell me I haven't had time to check and I was writing the end part of phone so it'll probably have a lot of them (im writng this late at night as well so that's probably why the writng quality glowed down at the end)

Anyway check out my Marvel Sukuna fic it has an interesting plot, mc and story development? I think… and I think some of you will like it? Maybe???

Please give me your stones as well and support your favourite author I wanna try and make it into the ranking since I'm not sure if I've ever made it there 🙏

One more thing if you wanna support me even further 🥺 [A/N* https://ko-fi.com/honouredwriter*] don't tell anyone I gave you this 🤭

That's pretty much it see ya next chapter. Bye*]